Friday, January 12, 2007

i'm so damn tired lahrs!
cca awareness day!
damn tired but fun lahrs.
dragged other cca memebers away from e5.
LOLS. damn funny lohrs.
esp. e cross country. haaaas.
suan them till nth to say liao.
had fun lohrs. keep seeing alotalot seniors lohrs.
rowena, wanxin, nicholas, binglong, jeremy....
i can't rmb. it's alot.
everyone participated lahrs. (:
alot e5 gers join volleyball. damn good!
i'm so damn kind okays,
i help st. john, npcc, band, m. dance, media resource...
& alot other cca to advertise lohrs.
so don't complain! xD
everything ended around 3plus,
had meeting & all; disband.
raining like so damn heavy okays.
& i walked under e rain like kisiao lohrs.
damndamndamn wet lahrs.
wanted to cab home, no taxi.
bus-ed home. drench like crazy.
sick plus sick! my voice changed!
fuck lohrs. due to my flu! x(
i neeeeeeeeed more sleeeeeeep!!!!!! (:


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