Still went to school today no matter how tired I am (: Good gracious :DDDDD But attended school like camp still. It seems like everybody's still in the camp spirit. Laugh Out Loud! Got out English paper back today and it's like finally. But first time in my life getting such low marks, seriously. Failed like so badly cans. Seriously, cannot imagine at all. But I guess there'll be somemore marks to amend for the paper [: & something happened during recess that caused my uniform to be so dirty. Asshole Sebastian! Damn fret up only until Chemistry where everybody's so united to disturb M.F. Lols!
After school headed to 204 with Eunice to meet Olivia there. Waited there for some people and meanwhile staying there talking to Eunice sister. A while and saw Yan Shan with Kai Ting, so stopped them. & we all stayed at 204 talking and talking until the people comes. Walked over to station together with them and Olivia. Then they left for elsewhere while me and Olivia went to buy our movie tickets and ate at Sakae. Watched ' 2 Faces Of My Girlfriend '. Quite a nice movie, sad & happy (: After the movie then we head home already.
Fuck! I'm still so irritated after so long because of some stuffs especially and also because I still haven't found my another phone. Like shit! It's been 3 days already and I still cannot find it! Wtf! I feel like murdering somebody right now at this moment, seriously! Searched everywhere in the house and I still cannot find it! Really can die. Somebody help my figure one good way to find my phone please! I'm so tired of finding it D;
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