Monday, January 29, 2007

Went school uber late lahrs.
Just cannot manage to wake up early,
& besides; dad's snatching time from me!
Suppose to report to mr kong,
but don't need actually also want lahrs.
Just a waste of my time only lohrs.
& mom told me just go class don't bother =.=
I miss class sososo much!
It's like the class change so much or something.
Had assembly, Ms S. Low is so kind!
She saw my studs & just ask me to take out.
But she never confiscate lohrs. Good Teacher (:
Ms P. Chua purposely make us embarrass lohrs.
Shitass-es. Speak through the microphone & say:
"Those who got suspended last week come out."
Fuck lohrs! Damn embarrass T.T
We all got up lohrs. Sat down at the table.
Talk & talk, lols. Didn't quite bother much.
Then her talks; "study hard" & blahblahs.
Took the slip to return to class.
Then WeiMing & I go lisiao the teacher. lols.
Damn funny, but the teacher like never bother also.
Finally had normal lessons already!
I love DnT so much nowadays. hahs.

Had moodswings during chinese, I suppose.
Shocked also lahrs. Was sleeping throughout.
Stupid Sebastian di keep disturb, bang tables.
Then touch my stuff. My face changed. =X
They thought I'm angry with them for touching my stuff.
I think so lahrs. But in fact I'm not.
It's just that I saw ... (shan't mention) =X
After more sleeps, better. lols.
Super long never wake up so early already xD

VE took up so much of our time lohrs.
Ms S. Low refuses to let us off,
cos we're so noisy! She claims so.
Sorry for letting 牛奶 and 滚水 for waiting! hahs.

Went westmall with olivia,
almost forgotten to meet my sister.
Called her, she's still at 213. lols.
She walked over to meet me.
Went together lohrs.
Ate & all, then sent olivia to bus-stop.
Accompanied sister to eat,
& buy food for maid;
went home already lohrs.
I'm a guaikia now! (:

I need remedial lessons, I suppose.
My maths & science is slacking alot.
I don't understand alot of things now.
Somebody help me cans? Teach me please! (:

Thanks to Cassy, Stacie, Mandy, Dawn & Michelle;
for the me-to-you photo clip holder! (:


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