Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Shouldn't have let you go from the start. Only causing myself to be so miserable yet there's no turning back now ): It's all out of control. XOXO

Just came home and ate dinner immediately. Went out early in the morning with daddy. Supposingly going to visit grandaunt, but due to somethings that cropped up last minute and didn't went. She's in intensive-care unit now ): Really she gets well soon. Ate lunch and went home rest awhile.

After that go out meet Olivia, cos' we're going interview together at some unknown places. Interview finish then went WestMall, watched 'Gameplan'. It's really a nice movie! I'll rate it 10/10 xD Touching yet funny. Haaaas. After the movie bused home (:

I'm missing alot people now, seriously. 2E5 and also alot of my sisters. Those that I used to hang out with, chat with. All of them! Everybody! Especially Jeslyn, Vivian, KarYan and Yukirie. I miss alot of you. Sighs.


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