Monday, October 29, 2007


Yesterday went out in the morning to get my laptop, Double-Trinity! :D I'm lovin' Double-Trinity!! And then went to Grandparents' house awhile. Then Judith cousin came my house to accompany me take things and go Adeline cousin's birthday chalet. Stayed there till around 12mn. Played basketball, UNO stacko; took photos and eat non-stop xD Sucha fun-filled day! Maybe will upload photos tomorrow.

Started 18 禁不禁 DVD today. Quite a nice show (: Think will watch finish very soon again ]]]]: It's such a bore staying @ home whole day! OhMyGod! I don't think it'll be that easy to forget 2E5. Cos' I still can't ):

When I recall back; I remembered the BBQs we've had over these two years. First one was last year, not many people came. But it was still FUN! Second one was June this year, teachers came as well. Not that fun because alot of thing cropped up last minute ): & the very last BBQ cum chalet we'd be having very soon in November :D Am so looking forward to it! xD


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