Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tomorrow's the last day already ): Sticking together for so long; it's really kindda hard to be apart. A new beginning and an ending for all of us. Good and not good xD Sighs; all that laughter we used to share will be gone once and for all already and only be kept as memories ]]:

One classroom, many students yet one voice :DDDDDD We've gone through lots of things, attaining many things together as one. One great class indeed to me :D Just hope we'll all still stick as one after tomorrow :D

Thanks to my bestest sisters aka bestbestfriends who've brought in all the happiness, sadness, secrets and gossips in together. Although we've gone through lots of ups and downs, our hearts are still together right?

Just one message to all of you:

Jolyn; Thanks for everything and willing to share out :D Just remember you're not alone and there's alot people out here for you so no need to be emo, okays? Hope we'll get into same class together okays? One million loves :D

Eunice; You're not left out or alone okays? Don't always put those negative thought in your head. Grown up and forget those temperamental emotions. Put everything aside and always start afresh! Better start studying hard and we'll study together even when we're in Sec 3 okays? One million loves :D

Yan Shan; Lols. Really not much comment. But hohrs; they sometimes abit over right? Nvm, we'll always forget those and don't care one right? Hahas. BFF always :D One millions loves :D

Choon Hui; Thanks for teaching me and always letting me in Audition uhs! xD You'll surely get into a goooooooooooood class next year. All the best and don't forget me! :D One million loves :D

Nadhirah; I don't see a reason why you could stand those people. But you're really a great goooody friend uhs! Great cook, great friend! Muahahahs! Study hard also okays? One million loves :D

Olivia; Though you're dropping already. But we still close hohrs? xD Always tell me those none of my business things hohrs? Tell me other things luhs! Always say same old thing also sian liao xDDDDDDDDDDD Better buck up and come back express luhs! One million loves :D

There's still alot alot more down the list.
Hwee Koon
Wan Xin
Yu Ai
Hui Fen
& etc etc.... :D
Especially those in 2E5'07 :DDDDDD


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