Sunday, January 06, 2008

I guess it's just my wishful thinking + silly dreams only D:

I'm starting to restrict myself from going out so often during weekends already. Although keep cooping @ home is a bore but gotta' make it a habit already for since school has started already. Have to become a good student now xD Last night sister and maid went dragonfly again. Fk, every saturday night also go one. So unfair. How I wish I can tag along xP But at least get to talk on phone with Eileen cousin :D Everybody's going on separate ways already. There'll be school tomorrow again ]: Really dread going to school now. Initially, was dreading for holidays but once used to it already; school starts again. So hard to change into holiday mood end up like awhile only then have to adjust back to school days again. Like this, I'd rather either no school or no holidays even better xDD

Fk, when I'm talking nicely don't take it for granted. I don't care who you are at all, be it blood-related or not; I ain't bothered at all. Let me tell you, I'm already being very nice for tolerating so many things, so much of your nonsense already. Don't think you're the only one who have your own problems then can flare up on others okay. If you have more, I confirm double of yours one. & it's not like you don't know also. So don't come showing your attitude around when you didn't help out in anything. It's not like you've help out in anything or what okays. In fact; it just seems like you didn't even care a thing at all. Fk it all! Stop irritating me once and for all or I'll really go super down, down, down. I'm not only refering to one person in fact, but ... Aiyah, I also don't know how to say. Forget it! Just confirm not refering to one person nor alot people also. I don't need to say much also; you should know who you are unless you're that thick-skinned.

Because I've heard that for almost a year already even until now; so I believe there'd be at least a glimpse of hope. Somehow I've got the feeling it was you initially already. & as I've thought; I can quite confirm that I'm correct. Cannot be so coincidence also one mahrs, but maybe it is lohrs. So can't 100% confirm also. I know it's you but I don't think you know it's you I'm refering to. Maybe if you know what ' 16 months cannot talk ' means you're the one already, Seriously, it's only we know only [: So confirm no other people already. But it's your choice of admitting or not only. Or maybe I'm really wrong ):


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