Friday, December 21, 2007

I guess freedom is what you desire most.

Probably it's me who hadn't face up everything until now because I guess she's the one, the one you chose (: Afterall it's still her :D But I'll still say be careful to you in everything even though you'll still say no car will bang you one [: Just be careful that's all.

Yesterday's public holiday but brother and daddy still got work D: So went out with Mummy almost the whole day. Went WestMall to get all my things :DD Bought clothes, school bag and school shoes! After that cabbed home myself cos' Mummy need to go to her shop awhile to bring her friend there. After that around 8plus meet her at WestMall awhile then went to Gombak and bought ppc there xD Then home sweet home!

Watched finish 樱野3加1 already. Now gonna' watch finish 公主小妹 again. After this then no more new shows to watch already. Sighs, alot disc also haven't come out cos' the show not full yet also. Then watching @ youtube also very sian. Hais. How come Taiwan sow productions so slow xD


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