Sunday, November 05, 2006

you ppl are making me so jealous alrights.
letting me see your photos at Dragonfly.
wonder when's e time i could go there lahrs.
i want to go there too. bring me there alrights.
haaas. few years down the road, i'll wait!
Dragonfly, wait for me. lols. LAME!

alrights, stayed at home e entire day.
was in a foul mood. still i put on e best smile,
i could ever have lahrs.
ate lots of food. as much as i could.
i couldn't care less, all in my mind was;
I'M SAD! you won't know why.
received the sms, made me felt worst.
e worst day of my entire life.
perhaps, i won't be going to e bbq anymore.
or maybe i'm but a while bahrs.
my mood ain't that top this days.
trying so hard to get e best of it.
forgive me if i ain't at e fullest on tuesday.
you ought to be happy by now,
that i won't interfere your life forever.

(it's what i wanted to post just now)
i've just received an sms.
an sms that's very important;
very very very important to me.
i'll rmb it for life. i don't know.
you won't know how important it was too me.
you won't know how much it meant to me.
you won't know how much it hurt me.
you won't know how i felt deeply about it.
i shan't mention anyways.
was sad upon reading it, yeas.
but at e current,
i don't wish to explain anything to anyone at all.
i don't know whats wrong either lehrs.
i totally have no mood at all lehrs.
need time to calm down bahrs.
as she requested from me too.
i just feel like letting all e misunderstanding go on.
just don't want to say e truth.
; no point explaining if right from the start was not being trusted.
wanxin; it's you who don't want to explain.
it's not that i don't trust you alrights.
i give time okays. takecares.
(that's all)


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