Saturday, July 28, 2007

Didn't went anywhere today; except downstairs. Stayed @ home from morning till night. Actually; it isn't as boring as I thought it's gonna' be lahrs. Cos' of the fact of that I'm all alone for the day. Watched dvd, used computer, hear songs, do revision and homework as well (: I've decided to begin studying for the coming tests alreasy. Cos' I've got alot to catch up lohrs. Previously alot days never go school and cannot be bother to pay attention in class so skipped alot important notes.

Probably going out tml for the bbq thing; and hopefully I need not skip school tml xD Peggy invited me over; hope she brings her baby along as well :D:D:D:D:D

Sighs~; I wanted to say out everything so much. Seriously; alot alot. But I know at this point of time; nobody would believe. Probably most people might even think I'm trying to sow discord or somethings else as far as their imagination could bring them. Hence; I have no choice but to continue let things be. Letting the history repeat on its own once again. To hide one lie, a thousand lies are needed. This is really really true lohrs. Well well; it's alright. It's not the first time anymore. Since the day the plead begins; I swore I'd help on forever no matter what already. No worries; I won't say out everything I know now, future and past. What's done can no longer be undone anymore.


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