Saturday, August 04, 2007

Having been studying recently cause of recent upcoming examinations. Henceforth; no time to update :D Couldn't remember exactly what happened on Thursday's school hours. Only that the quarrellings haven't end yet. I won't wanna' bother much either. B'cos I kept on initiating but you didn't. How tiring was that?! Well; for since you don't even bother I also have nothing to say. Only to see the days in school whether you're willing to communicate or not.

Intended to stay back for the Science Remedial which is about the upcoming Science Common Test. But we've already planned to go Sakae for lunch so skipped that. Went Sakae with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Before that we ate at Old Chang Kee first. Lmaos. Fooled around in Sakae like idoits. Haaaas. Center of attention. Ate halfway; Rowena and husband came xD Sitting the table next to us somemore. So unlucky xD And that childish girl keep laming with us also. Hahas. All ate finish at same time and went separate ways. Jolyn sister came to meet her and they both accompanied me wait bus. And home sweet home (: Studied in the night for Chinese Test.

Friday went in school with Jolyn. Lend her my notes for Chinese Test. And then and then alot things happened lahrs. Don't wanna' mention. Also kept having comments from a particular dirty mouth. Disgusting. Didn't quite bother for since her mouth's that dirty already. Stayed back after school to ask Ms Toh about Science Common Test. And then alot people kept disturbing her. Haaaas. Playing with her things also. Lols. Waited for her to print the notes out then went home with Yan Shan. But she forgot her Science textbook to ask Jolyn walk back to us. Then went in school get her books. So unlucky that the classroom door was locked. So went down general office ask Mdm Toh help us get keys as well as Serene's classroom key also. Cos' their book scattered on the floor. Luckily she help and then went home with Yan Shan after that. Went dinner with daddy and mummy at night. After that came home study again.

Intended to go out today. But cancelled it. Scared not enough time to study ahhas. Playing audition awhile with Jolyn later and then off to studying again :D


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