Monday, September 17, 2007

Very lazy to edit photos recently. Probably due to on coming examinations ): So near already, so fast. So will only be upload my favourite one :D
Have been paying quite alot of attention in school these days :D That's leaves me a pretty good impression to the teachers uhs xD Except the dandruff queen to sacarstic.

Anyways went out with sister and friends last night. Shopped like bomb. Lmaos. Cos' everyone went super broke. Ate and all went for massage xD Pretty enjoyable but very sick and tired ): Cos' still very sick, since like last week until now. I think I'm gonna' die during exams.

Today's like a very short day. Monday's always like that if there's no form t'cher :D Mdm Geetha's always neglecting our class till we haven't really got proper lessons. She's always doing invigilation. So unfair cans. Had the last session of art already; the two jokers go liaos. Haaaahs. The rest of the day was like study study study nothing else more. After remedial went crazy with Eunice, Jolyn, Yan Shan, Choon Hui and Ting Hui. Super madness. Went home straight after eating with them.


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