Tuesday, October 02, 2007

So many problems today; one, two, three, four. Sighs. Bad.

It seems like exam period not like exam period to us. More like free time. Everyday also no lessons liddat. Alot teachers also liddat say. Haaahs. Not watch movie then is do own thing one lohrs. Everyday like that really can die of boredom luhs. Don't know what school is this. Watched Secret today for the third time already. Still so nice :D Only PE and Maths lessons today, others is like nothing.

After school had Science remedial; ended very early cos' Ms Toh need to rush. & then went to West Mall awhile; and go Macdonalds eat. After that Serence and Jolyn accompanied me wait bus [; She's back.
该忘了你对不对? 但其实我不想忘记你.
When I yearn for it, it doesn't come.
When I don't care @ all, it all comes back.
I know you know. That was one that makes me think. You sure know. One second is more than enough in fact. I know what to do.


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