Saturday, November 24, 2007

I've lost all imagination yet I became to imagine.

Went out @ 1plus to Kbox at JEC yesterday. Met Eileen cousin there and sang till 6plus going 7. After trained home already. Talked to Olivia on the way, damn funny one. Hahas. Very little details only, because I'm losing interest in blogging ): I didn't go out today, I don't intend to go out today :D

Kept hearing 彩虹 since Friday all the way until now; keep playing non-stop one. Sighs; so sad. Now that I've gone to think back about the past, very hilarious. Seriously luhs, alot funny funny things. & I think my 旧病 will 复发 very soon; just a matter of time already. Seems like nicotine level getting lower each day. But I won't let myself return to the same path again :D Now and then I keep recalling the past; nursery photos, kindergarden photos, primary school photos and secondary schoool photos. All the times were fun, funny and memorable :D


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