Monday, January 07, 2008

Or maybe I was really wrong all these while. Perhaps; it's all just my hallucination, my wishful thinking, my silly dreams all these time.

I'm losing sleep these days after started eating those pills. If this carries on, I don't know how to concentrate during lessons already. Lols. Today not much lessons cos' have PE in between. Took height & weight today. Stupid! Must start losing weight already. Hais. Seriously, cannot accept my weight and height at all. Nothing much happened in school; only some jokers around. Hahas. Tml's Tuesday already. Tuesday's the longest day of all, I think. Five periods of Sciences in a day! I begin to dread for school on Tuesdays already luhs. Feel like skipping school every Tuesday; but sure miss alot of things one. Sighs. Kind of regret going E4 D: Gonna' fall sick soon already, confirm one. Everytime starting of the year sure sick one. Sighs. Already starting to feel so sick already plus losing appetite cos' of studies now ]: How I wish we all can remain as Sec 1s & 2s forever xD

Anyways; I wanna' apologise for my previous post. On second thought, I guess I was too harsh on saying those. Maybe you know, maybe you don't know. But I guess you sure know one; cos' we kindda' quarrel at that timing also D: So sorry.

也许遇见你是个错 错在我们身处不同的时空
两颗心交会的时後 一分钟就足够

我会选择离开 微笑告别伤害

想飞到千里外 期待一切重来
但谢谢你 让我体会了真爱
我永远记得你 心中的遗憾


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