Monday, March 03, 2008

Given in too much and nothing to take back D;

It's so boring being in school now. I want holidays badly now! :D Saturdays and Sundays are too short to get high and be happy D; Pe in the morning today. Standing broad jump and captain's ball for today. Super fun during captain's ball cos' everybody super high in playing. & seeing people doing standing broad jump is like @#$%^&*%! How on earth can these people jump so far one?!! 2m plus lehs. Omg! I guess only pe was the most fun of the day already. The rest of the lesson's like @#$%^&*#! School ended still have to stay back to wait for Yan Shan cos' she haven't finish up her maths, unlike me xDxD Went to koufu to eat after that. Then saw Eunice and co. Walked down together and then home [:

From Gui Xian & Eunice & Sebastian (:

1. name - Emilyn

2. birthday - 27 January
3. height - don't wanna' mention; it's just short
4. school - Bukit View SS
5. best friend(s) - Alot(?) xD

1. high-fashion brand - There's too many!
2. food - Anything at the right time when I crave for.
3. colour - Any.
4. song - Alot
5. music - Alot.
6. number - 27
7. word - ?.?
8. memory - Dont know D;
9. snack - Whatever that I crave for!
10. person - everybody :D

1. are you happy with yourself? Not quite.
2. do you wish you could change something about yourself? Yah.
3. what's your nicest feature? Don't know.
4. do you wish to have a twin? Quite.
5. what's your biggest fear? Pests. Anything's that's disgusting.
6. what's your greatest achievment? Don't know.
7. do you want to be famous? Don't know.
8. do you think you are better than your friends? No comments.
9. do you think you are trendy? Don't know.
10. what's your style? No comments.

1. who & when was your first kiss? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
2. do you have a crush? Don't know.
3. if yes, what's the last letter of your crush's name? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
4. if no, who was your last crush? abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz
5. how many ex-es have you had? 1234567890
6. if you could erase one of your past relationships, which would it be? Don't know.
7. what's your sexual status? No comments.
8. do you believe in sex before or after marriage? Depends.
9. do you always get the people you want? Don't know.
10. have you been turned down? No.

1. ashley or mary-kate? None.
2. straight or curly? Both.
3. heels or flats? Both .
4. black or white? Both.
5. jimmy choos or manolo blahniks? No comments.
6. louis vuitton or chanel? Both.
7. half empty or half full? No comments.
8. paris or milan? Both.
9. skirts or pants? Both.
10. long or short hair? Both.

Anybody ( X5 )

Lmaos. Why everybody's crush also end with 'N'?


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