Wednesday, November 08, 2006

i've got another TWO surveys from eileen cousin.
the leen & lyn cousins. lols. ((:

full name? EMILYN PHANG JIA YI =.=

name backwards? iy aij gnahp nylime ; lols

meaning of name? absolutely no idea.

nickname? emi ... lols

screen name? EMILYN

date of birth? 27JANUARY1993

place of birth? singapore, mount elizaberth hospital.

nationality? singaporean

current location? batok.

star sign? aquarius

religion? =.= dots.

height? 155cm, as read from report book.

weight? 31kg, as read from report book.

shoe size? 4-7; lols.

hair color? black

eye colour? black

who do you look like? myself.

innie or outtie? don't know.

lefty or righty? lefty

gay, straight, bisexual or others? straight

best friend? don't wish to mention anymore.

best friend you trust most? amelia, rowena quite alot.

favourite pals? too many lehrs.

best friend of opposite sex? quite alot bahrs. ((:

best buddies? too many lehrs. xD

boyfriend or girlfriend? none.

crush? none

parents? huhs.

worst enemy? i forgot e name =x lols.

favourite guy online? no preference.

favourite girl online? practically all.

craziest friend? linhui. lols. sheila.

advice friend? amelia & rowena & nicholas.

loudest friend? SHEILA!

person you can cry with? ALONE.

any sister? yeas.

any brother? yeas.

any diseases? nopes.

pager? nahs.

personal phone line? yups.

phone? yahrs.

lava lamp? wants one.

pool or hot tub? pool

a car? dont have a license.

your personality? =.=

driving? e arcade ones.

room? duhs.

what's missing? alot of things around.

school? bukit view ss

bed? obviously!

relationship with parents? alrights.

believe in yourself? depends.

believe in love at first sight? yahrs.

good listener? i don't know.

get along well with your parents? depends.

save email conversations? msn yes. email no.

pray? uhrs, depends it's for who. =x

believe in reincarnation? depends.

make fun of people? sometimes.

like to talk on the phone? depends who's on the line.

want to get married? it's still far.

like to drive? yeas. i suppose.

motion sickness? sometimes.

eat the stem of a brocolli? yeas.

eat chicken with a fork? sometimes.

dream in colour? purple? lols.

type on your fingers with your home role? diaos.

sleep with stuff animals? nahhs.

next to you? air.

on the walls of you room? lights.

on your mousepad? mouse.

dream car? fairlady. mazda RX-8. subaru WRX.

dream date? dots.

dream honeymoon spot? japan, korea, italy.

dream husband/wife? just one that i love.

bedtime? anytime.

under you bed? air.

single most important question? huhs.

bad time of the day? teased, irritated, jealousy.

your worst fear? too many to list.

the weather? terribly humid.

time? 11.28am


best trick you did on someone? i dont rmb.

theme song? changes with mood.

hardest thing in growing up? dots.

most fun experiance? quite alot. (:

scariest experience? too many

silliest thing you've ever said? too many!

scariest thing when you're with your friends? BEING LI SIAO!!!

most desperate and funny thing done to get the attention of the opposite sex? =.=''

worst feeling in the world? "the world is beautiful, but i can't see it."

best feeling in the world? to be with the person you love.

the 6 lucky people whom i've chose to do this survey are:
eunice sister
huifen sister
yanling sweet monster
rowena bestie
anybody lahrs.


Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions below before you write and tag 5 people to do this survey.

#1 amelia dardar
#2 rowena bestie
#3 eunice sister
#4 jolyn sister
#5 sherilyn sister
#6 nadhirah
#7 eileen cousin
#8 judith cousin
#9 huifen sister
#10 baobei enen
#11 wanxin sister
#12 joey junior
#13 cloudie friend
#14 joy
#15 amanda madness
#16 angel freak!
#17 shanice
#18 yanling sweet monster
#19 peiqun
#20 jeanette haopengyou

how did you meet 14?
my bus-mate.

what would you do if you never meet 1?
i'd be dead. she understands me BEST!

what would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
they ain't les!

would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
they ain't les!

describe 3.

do you think 8 is attractive?
yups. she's my baobei cousin leas. ((:

say something about 7.
quiet & mad

do you know any of 12's family members?

what's 8's favourite?
too many.

what would you do if 11 confesses that he/ she likes you?
lols. she's my baobeii jiejie leas. i wont mind. haaas

what language does 15 speak?

who is 9 going out with?
uhrs. *** *** ****

how old is 16 now?

when was the last time u talk to 13?
e day before ytd.

who's 2's favourite band/ singer?
i don't know.

would you date 7?
lols. want also cnt. haaas. she's my cousin lahrs.

is 15 single?

what's 10's last name?

would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
lols. serious sister relationship bahrs.

what school does 3 go to?
peps & bvss

where does 6 live?
around batok new cc thr.

what's your favourite thing about 5?
crazy lahrs

hav u seen 1 naked?
no lahrs. =.=

5 people whom you wants to do this.
huifen sister
yanling sweet monster xD
anybody lohrs

finally done with both surveys lehrs.
spent quite a long time bahrs.
lols. gotta' rush out now lehrs.
meeting eileen cousin. heees.
out to study at e library lahrs.
gotta' mug next year. ((:


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