Saturday, December 02, 2006


lols. it's so late lehrs. midnight.
a new day again. & oh i think it's nicholas' birthday.
it should be, he didn't deny anyways. lols.
i'm terribly bored.
having my daily life to be like this.
friendstering day&night; without fail.
it's boring with the kind of life i'm leading.
some pranks in moments of days.
some sorrow, some happiness that makes the days.
some hard work, some entertainment filling up my days.
it's all the days i've been living in, that has passed.
manymany things happened recently, minor quarrels.
& alot more. just too many to list out.
weird & freakish things do happen.
friendster is kind of lag recently,
& i don't know why many ppl keep adding me.
which is sososo absurb! bored.


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