Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Slept for more than 12 hours, I think.
I'm seriously so tired & sick. lols.
Dad fetch me to school again.
Had this survey during homework,
I swear is a total absurb lahrs.
It quite make some senses at certain questions;
but the others was like ridiculous cans.

I took my revenge finally!
I slapped back LeeRuJing! lols
Helped out with the class decoration.
I feel so proud, huhs. lols.
Scored quite well for my recent test,
not buey bah or anything.
But I seriously didn't study, copied anyways.

School ended, went to find my dearest Olivia & Hweekoon.
haaaas. Since Eunice XiaoMei was in such a bad mood,
so fine; didn't want to bother her much anyways.
Didn't celebrate with her lohrs ):
I Love My Darlings so much! (:
Everybody's in such a bad mood, can see.
Went home around 3plus for tuition.
Oh god, it's damn boring.
Science common test is tml,
& I have yet to revise all the chapters clearly!

p.s/ haven't been replying tags recently,
due to some idoit spammers xPp
& also I'm lazy. sorry.


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