Friday, August 24, 2007

Seriously many things have been happening over these days. Don't know what fucking hell is wrong with me. Always wondering why had I cause all these stupidity problems. Really don't know what to do also already. Why don't you people tell me what to do. Wouldn't it be much better? In this way; everything I do will be in the way you order. Tell me what to do to please you can nots? Already put down all that pride to sort out liao and end up like nobody's business. Seeming like I'm the fucking moron liddat. Is this what you want to see all these while or what? Just tell me exactly what you want. I'm tired of all the guessing already. Tried to talk to hard yet end up like shit. I know I've already tried my best but probably to you it's just someone else's business. I dontknow. Or do you really really wanna' force me till the end of life? Would that be your greatest pleasure? Let me know then. You should know I mean what I say. It's not my first time saying such things any longer. It just a matter if you want or not. This is all I could say and up to you for the rest. I know I can't force anything now. It's just that at least I ease to let my self feel that I've really done my part all these while. Cos' it really really tires me out already.

Heading home everyday after school. Hadn't got much mood to walk around anymore. A footstep near death would do alot of help for now. Cos' I really know this time round I'm really tired. I want to really give up all these already but I know it really takes great pain and so I'm trying. Maybe you people really don't wanna' mend the broken pieces any longer. I wouldn't know anything for since you all kept to yourselves not once, not twice but always. I'm always wrong when guessing, I don't wanna guess anymore. Tell me cans. I admit lose to you all cans. Really dead tired already. Really really really.

得饶人处, 且饶人. Forgive and forget. I've done it all but I don't know whether you want nor you're willing to. As I've said; the decision now lies in your hands thats all.

For you know who you are; that's why I chose not to specifically name out b'cos it's kindda disrespect. I'll be glad if you know who you are can already (:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Alot alot things happened. Just too lazy to mention everything lahrs. Quarrels or whatever and all. Super joker sia; Ms Toh and Ms Parvathi. Muahahahas. Made me and Yan Shan laughed like crazy ones.

After school ate in school then went WestMall awhile and went home already. Blablabla. Don't care don't care don't care. Lmaos. Jokers leis xD

Monday, August 20, 2007

How I wish I could hate everybody xD

Nothing much today only alot alot of stupid things happened like an idoitic moron liddat. Lmaos. And also a very disgusting teacher. Haaaas. Ate in school after school. Then went WestMall with YanShan and trained back with her after that (:

People with the equal status in others eyes would be much friendlier and also of more things to talk compared to people of different status in others eyes. It's what I cannot help it and also don't like :D:D:D I'd prefer fair and equal thats all. No right or have rights in either. Then there won't be anybody meddling into anybody's life (: Muahahahs!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Call me crazy aites xDDDDDDDDD Muahahhas! Lmaos.

Everything's perfectly alright now after a day out with beloved :D Went alot place and especially baobeis that made me so much happier :))) I've came up with a decision now; it'll surely be the best of all and also I've decided already after a long time of thinking :D

There's school again tomorrow. Worst is Mrs Tan's coming. Shit assholes. I'll try to study more from now on. I'll follow what I've heard (:

Last but not least; Happy Birthday to KarYan Sister! I'm missing her shit loads xD

Thursday, August 16, 2007

So long since the last post. Not gonna' mention much, just briefly would do. Stayed @ home the entire day for Saturday, I think. Sunday also the same. Study, study, study. Monday, maths common test; quite okay lahrs. Tuesday; nothing much. We've all came up with a plan for after school everyday (:(:(: Wednesday, history common test; much easier :DDDDD I really hate maths more or probably more to the teacher xD Today; went home straight after school :DDDD That's all! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Baobei's been coming over recently; always playplayplay hahas. Sister's friend also keep coming over to talk non-stop. Later going out with them and family already. And also get my casing :D

Friday, August 10, 2007

Had sports day and national day celebration on Wednesday. Met Jolyn and Yan Shan early morning. Took 30 mins to hail for cab; end up had to share cab with Faheema and co. Luckily they were kind people :D Very very boring at stadium there. Nothing much to do also. Only the teacher's race and beloved's race interests me xD After everything; cabbed back to WestMall with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Slacked around with the sec 1s also. Went home around 3 to prepare to go out. Met Eileen @ Batok station and trained to Causeway Point to watch Secret. Very meaningful and nice movie lahrs :D After that trained to AMK Hub to shop around. Saw things that I wanted to buy finally. Going back there next month for the new stock :D 10 plus trained home with her (:

Went out with parents the entire Thursday. Spent time looking for my psp and games. Finally found the one that I want. But need to wait till Saturday or maybe later cos' of the shop problem ): At night 11plus then go home.

Went out with Olivia today. Watched Rush Hour 3 just now. Very funny movie. After movie went home already cos' I'm super sleepy ): I'm missing Ong WanXin and Evelyn Lie sisters! :DDDDD

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Haven't been updating pretty long. Rather busy studying these days cos' of exams again. Not over yet till now. Wth! It's taking a long long time lohrs. Nvm. More time to study instead.

Study everything for Science common test on Saturday and went out with Mummy on Sunday to Lot 1. Bought alot alot of things but no clothes ): She's complaining that I've got too much; kiss my ass! So little. Nvm. I bought educational stuff instead. Lols! Monday had Science Common Test. Actually, I think it's easier compared to Ms Toh's. Really alot easier. Questions are not that tricky but I still don't have confidence in scoring well either ): Sighs. Wish god would help xD Cabbed to Gombak with Jolyn, Eunice, Yan Shan, Nabilah and Nadhirah to buy Nabilah's cake after the paper =.= Then accompanied Eunice, Jolyn and Nadhirah to interchange after that. And Jolyn and Nadhirah accompanied me wait bus. Lols! Accompanying each other. Hahas. At night went out to have dinner.

Supposing to watch Alone today after school but wrong wrong timing ): Played table-tennis during pe. Pretty fun. Nothing much happened except for home econs.; kept arguing non-stop with Ms Phoo for bluffing us. Lols. After school went Jolyn house till 5plus then went home. Super irritated by daddy now! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs~

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Having been studying recently cause of recent upcoming examinations. Henceforth; no time to update :D Couldn't remember exactly what happened on Thursday's school hours. Only that the quarrellings haven't end yet. I won't wanna' bother much either. B'cos I kept on initiating but you didn't. How tiring was that?! Well; for since you don't even bother I also have nothing to say. Only to see the days in school whether you're willing to communicate or not.

Intended to stay back for the Science Remedial which is about the upcoming Science Common Test. But we've already planned to go Sakae for lunch so skipped that. Went Sakae with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Before that we ate at Old Chang Kee first. Lmaos. Fooled around in Sakae like idoits. Haaaas. Center of attention. Ate halfway; Rowena and husband came xD Sitting the table next to us somemore. So unlucky xD And that childish girl keep laming with us also. Hahas. All ate finish at same time and went separate ways. Jolyn sister came to meet her and they both accompanied me wait bus. And home sweet home (: Studied in the night for Chinese Test.

Friday went in school with Jolyn. Lend her my notes for Chinese Test. And then and then alot things happened lahrs. Don't wanna' mention. Also kept having comments from a particular dirty mouth. Disgusting. Didn't quite bother for since her mouth's that dirty already. Stayed back after school to ask Ms Toh about Science Common Test. And then alot people kept disturbing her. Haaaas. Playing with her things also. Lols. Waited for her to print the notes out then went home with Yan Shan. But she forgot her Science textbook to ask Jolyn walk back to us. Then went in school get her books. So unlucky that the classroom door was locked. So went down general office ask Mdm Toh help us get keys as well as Serene's classroom key also. Cos' their book scattered on the floor. Luckily she help and then went home with Yan Shan after that. Went dinner with daddy and mummy at night. After that came home study again.

Intended to go out today. But cancelled it. Scared not enough time to study ahhas. Playing audition awhile with Jolyn later and then off to studying again :D

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wth! Morning bad. Whole day even worse! Forget it; don't wanna' mention anything. Just probably cos' of something I didn't do. Wtf! Nvm; the old story repeats non-stop. Used to it already also.

Last night Colin came over. Went to pick her up from downstairs. Half way come up, she cried. Lmaos. Scared till me; reach home faster call her mother. After awhile she happily playing already. Like crazy one. Lols. But super cute lahrs. Ask her sleep she don't want; so went to sleep first. Lols. While she wait for her mother come. Hahaaas. Sighs; I wished I could play more with her. So that can forget everything. She's the cutest :D ( En-en )