Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Went WestMall to study @ Coffeebean with cousin on Sunday. We really got study okays. After that Mommy came and went Sakae to eat with her :DDD After that Daddy fetched me home and they went elsewhere. Studied all the way at home [[[:

Had English Paper Two and Maths Paper One yesterday. Confirm alot wrong in maths paper one. Went Coffeebean study with Jolyn, Eunice and Yan Shan after the papers. Had Maths Paper Two and Home Econs paper today. Didn't really study for home econs only kept doing maths. But I forgot everything during the paper; wth! I don't think I'll get good grades this time round. Don't even have the mood to study lohrs. Tomorrow is Science paper already. Sure die. Haven't even started revising. Hais~
I finally realised; I'm really not up to it. Seriously.


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