Friday, December 14, 2007


I want to try to believe it all wasn't like this. It ain't her and everything. But facts are lying in front now, there's no way from escaping either. There's too many problems lying ahead now and I only stop all these now already D: I guess probably it's all fated. Maybe if that day, I hadn't been to harsh, maybe it all won't become like this. Maybe if I ain't that sensative, then it'll all be settle long ago.

Until now I still want to know what's it all about on 23 March. Just exactly what it all meant? A bet in between them; or purely just coincidently to be part of the storyline only. Maybe if I hadn't went back to look; I wouldn't have found out all these coincidences already. Yet even though how much I know, I still won't know the ending also. All these are just fate, I believe.

Trained to Jurong Point yesterday to meet Eileen cousin. Ate at there then bused to Pioneer Mall to study at the Macdonalds there. It's like I've done alot of work but on comparing, it's like nothing's done at all. Around evening time; Eileen's brothers came to find us, followed by her Mom. Her brothers are like super duper cute lohrs! After Dad came to fetch me home already. Fck that bastard!!


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