Monday, January 14, 2008

Everything's starts with a 'because', and the reason behind every complicated thing is love.

How come everything's not nice one? Sighs. It's not just what I think everything will turn out. Laugh Out Loud! Super funny this whole day. Confirm much funnier than Mr Bean already. Lmaos. Had pe today, that cost my leg to hurt alot more. But I still love pe. Hahas. Lessons and lessons in between, everything's getting less interesting when it all comes to work and no play. I've completed alot of work, even though it's all nicely done; but it's equivalent to nothing in this class. Seriously, it's so not up to it at all. Fk. Imagine just the Maths holidays assignment only, my class can have only 3 people not finishing up everything. This is really so crazy. I can really go so crazy already. Everything's so smooth until recess time. Shit, Mr Zulkefly. Got caught for attire after recess. Waste time only. Went back class after that. Realised Mrs Tan also there. Don't know all doing what also one. Everything also meddle in abit. Lols. Every lesson went so slowly, somemore Ms Tan didn't come. Even more lessons free for the day, bored till wanna' die already.

After school intended to go Queensway, but everybody's too tired to go. Ended up going library awhile find Olivia with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Talked awhile, decided to go to Sakae to eat. Lmaos. Olivia left first, cos' she says she's so tired. Hahas. While we three ate at Sakae, till 5 plus. Ate so much! Wow! I've been eating so much recently already. I think becoming a 100kg pig is not exageratting for me already. Hahas. Ate finish and headed home straight already.

Because, because and still because.
Because you never speak, so nobody knew what it was. All everyone could do was guessing and guessing only. But none would be right unless you choose to speak the truth. Trust has to be built up if you wanna' speak.


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