Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Forgetting is harder than remembering. There's won't be any chance D:

Updating like so early in the morning right now cos' I'm feeling damn devastated, irritated, angry, sad, whatever emotions that could be thought of. It's just all that can already. Life's just so unfair alright. I don't why either ]: I had so many dreams just now; sweet, bitter, sour. Lols! Am going out later for rebonding, I think. Only if I prepare on time and don't miss my appointment xD Headed to Bugis alone yesterday pathetically. Laugh Out Loud! My maid and sister were there already, so I had to travel there myself. Hahas. Nevermind; at least there's people to accompany me and also my psp xDxD Spent alot yesterday on alot of useless stuff. Ate and bought some stationaries only already cause us $200! Wth. Until now I cannot imagine how we shopped. Around 10plus Dad came to fetch us home :DDD I'm so lazy to get prepare to go out right now ):


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