Thursday, November 09, 2006

since i'm like effin' bored now,
i've decided; i shall might as well just post all e events,
that ocurred on tuesday, our bbq. lols.
backtrack, tuesday.
morning woke up, prepared.
foood & all was prepared by my maid.
lols, had breakfast. went downstair, took cab.
cab-d to eunice meimei e hse.
went up to her hse, waited for;
mei & mei-fu, gor & sao zi. lols.
dhey came up took all e stuff together.
we went over to e taxi-stand.
& it's fucking full of ppl cans.
we waited damn long at there lahrs. chit chat-d.
hees, dhen me, eunice meimei, mei&saozi cab-d to there first.
lols. reach there still so early lohrs.
eunice meimei was bored, & she play-d e sand herself.
huifen meimei went walking herself. =.=
so i accompanied eunice meimei.
play-ed & all lahrs. damn sian cans.
e boys went to mac to eat, so stoopid lahrs.
so we started e fire OURSELVES!
yeas, just e three of us; lols. ain't we smart.
haaas, we seek help from others.
huifen meimei is so enthu can. go round asking.
had fire lehrs, played lohrs.
dhen e boys came back, took turn to bbq.
waited for sherilyn. dumb ass.
finally she came, went for a walk lahrs.
e lovey dovey went DATING!
awwws, how ridiculous isn't it.
making us all filled with goosebumps.
but they're a sweet couple. lols.
one my mei, one my gor, one my sao zi another my mei-fu.
haaas. hope they'll last longlong. (:
played with water & all lahrs.
me & sherilyn was like climbing mountains?!?
lols, walk round e reef, niceee!
i was like so freaked out by a shell lahrs.
inside it's still alive cans! wtf.
it's damn scary, could even swear for it.
& i was fucking wet by a huge wave.
i didn't notice it lahrs. dumb asses.
drank that saltish water too. eeeww.
FIRST to sample it. EEEWWS.
dhen was addicted to this dog trainer.
he's great. taught us lots of things.
but he crapped shit! haaas.
he assumed that ... is my brother.
lols ridiculous lahrs. cnt say e name or i'll die.
haaas. it's so nonsence, but comic. hahas.
all went into e sea, left with me & sherilyn mei.
we ain't wet! weeets*
huifen mei so poor thing lahrs. heees.
pity her, but surely she had fun.
eunice meimei also being bullied by all.
lols. everybody was enjoying!
what a waste, rujing & afi left early.
& they missed all the fun that we had. lols.
night, we bbq-ed. had fun.
sebastian didi so good lahrs.
bbq for everybody lols.
practically all e boys were bbq-ing;
sebastian didi, jordan & jack.
except for e lazy bum, weiming.
was sitting &relaxing with us. =.=
lols. too much food that there's so many leftover.
we dump-ed almost all. ((:
10pm sharp, all e gers left!
damn smart to pang seh me there lohrs.
left me stranded with e boys, =.=
went over to mac to wait for my bro. lols.
he's fast lahrs. (:
home-ed rest, bathed, slept. TIRED!
it's a funfun day out! indeed it was! haas.

alrights, back to today. (:
been rotting at home e entire day.
chitchated with many ppl on fs (:
cloudie, toto, jeslyn. errs can't rmb lehrs.
msn was also flooded with conversations. haaas.
it's quite a busy day lahrs.
sms, phone calls, msn, friendster.
hmms, life should be liddis daily bahrs.
hope it'll be as busy as today ((:
tml will be having PSL2006 camp lehrs.
i dont think i'll be going bahrs. aikss.
held up with some problems,
that made me unable to attend it.
dont know if can dont attend this camp anot also.
hais. not yet inform e teachers also lohrs.
howhowhow?!?! ideas please. =.=

yeeeps* damn happy now. haaas.
later daddy bringing me go buy phone again!
heees. just bhot one on monday,
& now he's asking me to go again.
monday buy dehrs also not for me lahrs. ):
but today sure is for me, if have my liking.
still don't know what to buy leas. hais.
stoopid singapore! no more stock of 3250. hates!
now also dont know still can choose what lehrs.
N93 e stock also haven't come yet.
& daddy is rushing me to choose one phone. hais.
he's so impatient
another thing i'm happy about is.
gor is finally AWAKE! lols.
mei-fu&gor wake up liao. ((:
it's great okays. can think lehrs.
hope he'll cherish mei&saozi wors.
wish them last longlong xD
they're a sweet couple together (:
he thinks of her day & night leas.
he loves her as much as she does lohrs.
so sweet right? haaas. jiayou (:

P.S only if you've attended e bbq,
you understand what i'm talking about.
i certain lines. ((: lols.

oh, btw; anybody interested to watch magic show?
advertising for yanling sweet monster. hees.
& peep do visit this forum,
advertising for amelia dardar.
go there mus say is i advertise & intro you all go wan hohrs.
haaaaas. to prove that, i did advertise. haas. (:


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