Tuesday, December 26, 2006

didn't went bugis to eat ytd lahrs.
everybody's so busy doing their own prayings or rituals.
rot at home with my sister lohrs.
it's our christmas. T.T
parents came home about 10plus.
told me hilarious stories at west coast. haaas.
all of them so blurr wan.
dhen 11plus went back west coast to get some stuff.
slept around 3plus.
chatted with hweekoon till around 2plus.
funny cans. LOLS.

supposing to go causeway point for haircut & rebonding today.
&nnd buy my pens, uniforms, shoes & everything.
but i'm just too lazy lohrs. T.T
changing it to tml lahrs. dots.
learning to sleep early nowadays.
or else i'll be so dead when school reopens.
cos i cnt sleep early! lols.
somebody jio me out please! study is the best!
i haven't touched my holiday assignments. FCUK!


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