Monday, December 04, 2006

i'm so fucking bored!
i suppose i ain't going out anymore for this week.
not chevrons, not anywhr else.
i just don't have e mood. shag.
had lots of fun ytd, i suppose.
thou i didn't like ytd that much.
cos of some things that cropped up.
i love bryan baobeii so much lahrs, always so cute wan.
haaahs. had lots of fun with him ytd.
went expo, bhot new com&blahs.
&& LCD tv for e car. weeeets*
new plasma tv for e living room,
new tv & speakers for my room! lold.
bhot it all these within e month lahrs.
gonna' buy new dvd player for my room;
cos e old wan is damaged by ME! xDD
but all not bhot by me lahrs. i not that rich.
i'm totally broke when i go out with my cousins & friends.
haaas. & now still need prepare christmas gift lehrs.
oh for goodness sake, whr on earth can i find e money!
quarrelled with my fucking brother last night!
just cos of a small complain i made.
& i don't give a damn to him alr lahrs.
saturday, everybody went to dragonfly.
fucking shit; we're underage.
so kids didn't go! oh-oh.
soso sunday uncle treated me carlsberg!
haaahs. he's sososo kind lahrs!
but cnt drink too much;
cos empty stomach for e entire day. LOLS.
today drank red wine, with 100plus. lols.
kind of weird nahrs, too strong alr.
half cup & i'm barely clear. haaas.
but it's fantastic! ((:


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