Friday, December 29, 2006

so tired that i cnt be bothered to blog ytd.
went for those rituals or prayings or whatsoever lahrs.
i don't really bother.
since i can't go in with my shorts. T.T
went shopping around lohrs.
had a hard time to coax bryan cousin. LOLS.
know him well, he seriously is tough.
but cute lahrs. haaaas.
went for dinner after everything lohrs.
go general hospital again. T.T
saw dots thr. lols.
no face see her. so 'scared'. hahas.
see till her i also don't dare raise my head.
darn funny lohrs.
i don't disclose ppl's name. xDD
dhen next shift came. =.=
so go home rest. sian.
chat on phone with eileen cousin till 2plus.

woke up so early in the morning sia.
just to check austin cousin's sms. T.T
waste of time lohrs.
slept till 11am got dragged up again.
by hweekoon & olivia. damn tired.
dhen prepared & all, went batok mrt station.
meet hweekoon.
accompanied her take 188 till my house thr.
cnt go back sleep liao. =.=
so watched my 天外飞仙 dvd. damn nice!
maybe i'm going general hospital to 'work' again.
it's like so called changing shirt lohrs. serious.
like we're thr to wait till another person come,
dhen we leave. 'change shift' - no offences.


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