Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Woke up late for school today;
rushed like hell lahrs.
Manage to prepare everything on time.
Supposingly, dad was fetching me;
but I don't want! I want to buy sweets lahrs!
So rushed down myself, so nobody notices (:
Tough luck to have met WeiMing on the way.
Such a bad day, no wonder my attire's bad;
hair sucks for the day, & lots more.

Manymanymany teachers didn't came.
Ytd 6 teachers or more were on M.C. ;
that's what Mr Png claims so lahrs.
Today also the same lahrs :D
Most of those were our teachers for the day.
Geography & English: Free periods (:
Played heart attack, concentration, murderer&citizen and judge blahs;
with my beloved darlings (:
Eunice joined us so late lahrs,
and she's got free treat huhs? Not fair =X
YanShan and Sherilyn lost in the first round of concentration;
which cost them to treat us for recess :D
Two plates of foooooooood for free!
Second round: YanShan, Sherilyn, Nadhirah and Nabilah lost;
penalty: they treat us for kfc :DDD
Jolyn and I has got free treats for both rounds! high-fives*
Played murderer and rest with Eunice when she joined in;
she missed sososo much fun lahrs ):
Mr Yong was like so mad with us when we're playing,
Ms Nithya was the same too. lols.
Both teachers kept asking us to stop, but whatever;
it's free period anyways. Don't waste it.
Cos' it's a rarerare chance we get so close together (:

Recess: the 'losers' treated us (:
Food cleared up so damn fast cans,
as though we're hungry ghost or something.
But we have 7 people sharing two plate lehs :X
Went bookshop with Eunice; I always accompanying her lahrs xD
Bought her books, bought my pins.
Complained to Mr Kong about canteen food; lols.
He ask me go write feedback or something =.=
Then went back class; everybody playing with matches.
Lame, my idea okays! Copymeows* =X
Ask Nadhirah darling to steal matches from lab,
I did too huhs (: Fair.
The smell is so irrisistable lahrs, stinks!

Went for D&T; always the three of us so late :X
Did all the sanding and buffering, sians.
One of my tube went down into the bin!
God damn fuck* Walaos* Such a suey day.
Played and all during D&T.
Mr Png keep pin point me lahrs, fuck*
It's not as if I'm the only one running around lohrs.
Scold scold scold, always I get scolding dehrs.
So not fair lahrs!
Literature was next, super uber sian.
Most darlings didn't do the worksheet :D
high-fives* But no punishment also lahrs.

Went to find Ms Siva with Hweekoon after school;
cos' she wants her phone back. Sians.
Then went to HOD room to get back my phone.
Then went the childcare area to find Olivia.
Went to watch Just Follow Law together :D

It's a damndamn nice show, damn funny cans.
The theatre so many old people, lols.
There's this old lady keep giving the sickening laughter.
So disturbing during the show lahrs.
After movie, went home by bus after walking around.
So damn boring! I have yet to do my literature task!


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