Monday, June 25, 2007

School reopened! Tasktasktask~ The worst nightmare; everything just seems so weird lehs. New classroom, new furniture, new weather and new US. So not used to every single changes we've had; and even new teachers ): I miss our old teachers lehs! Cos' I miss the past also; sighs.

Wake up superb early; cos' the weather effing hot + warm + humid, GOSH! Met YanShan at station and walked to school together (: First day of school; so weird. New haircut for everybody! xD But I don't see any changes in them lehs, only me changing; effing short + ugly! And all the stupid housekeeping stuff and teachings from teachers again. Everything restarts again; and oh! New sitting arrangement :D I'm sososo on luck cans xD Sitting with Amanda, but I wanna sit @ her seat ): It's so yucky being in the center of the center D:

Nabilah bought presents for six-loves :D Thank you manymany xD Even treated us with her pay; hehs. New English teacher; Ms Whateverwhatever-Ti, I'd prefer Ms Esther Tan in any ways still. She's better after a year and a half of teaching :D
And had some kind of project for English on first day; what fcuk right? But nvm; everybody seems so enthusiastic: Tallest Standing Structure.

After school, intended to wait for Nabilah but she's taking such a long time. So went of for WestMall already. Ate at Sakae; cost us a bomb okay. But funny lahrs; eat and laugh, eat and laugh with Jolyn and YanShan. After billing, went home straight.

I miss the past ): More money puh-leaseee x) Taking height and weight tomorrow! Gosh; I'm super nervous okays! All of us are so nervous lehs~ I'd be hardworking enough to update daily already :D Tag people! I update; you people tag aites :DDD


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