Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Finally a resting day :D

Didn't went anywhr but only home xD
Played audition till at night. Hahas.

Monday, June 04, 2007
Third day of last day/.

Went Bishan early morning.
Cos' it's th third day placement in th temple.
So went thr to pray and all and help out.
Cos' I'm th only youngster tht went xD
No choice but to help out. Muahaaaaaaaas.
Funny lehs all. So cute somemore xP

Thn went home and continued playing audition again xD

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Woke up super early by Eunice.

She called me so early cans. Whalaus! Lmaos.
Called everybody to see who can go out.
End up only Sebastian say okays.
Didn't bothered much just go prepare and all.
Thn went Batok interchange to meet Eunice.
And went Macdonalds to eat while waitiing for Sebastian and Nabilah.
Both came awhile and went off already lahrs.
Both pangseh kia; buey paiseh wan lohrs =X

Thn mrt-ed to Jurong to meet cousin.
Talk awhile and agreed to meet at bugis.
So took train down to Vivo with Eunice.
Walked around seing clothes and shoes.
Wanted to buy also no money lahrs. Asshole! xD
After tht cousin called; so trained down to bugis.
Saw many people siaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Saw Eileen & co. ; and Mondre & aunt.
Haaaaaaaaaaas. So coincidental sia.
Took Mondre's number since during songka nvr talk =X
And walked around finding Eunice's top.
Finally found and bought so continue finding mine.
Bought a teddy top and shorts again xD
Bought one red bag with cousin also. Hehs.
Darn striking but niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

And thn trained back with Eunice to Batok.
Took money from maid and went CC to eat.
Eat, took and watch; & 1hour gone :)
So asked Eunice accompany me walk to bus-stop.
Took bus and went home.

Played audition while waiting for mummy's call.
Cos' promised to accompany her eat dinner :D
I'm super uber duper fillial right~~~~~~~~~~
Wait for her call and went down while talk to cousin.
Eat and talk alot. Lmaosssssssssssssssssssssssssss~

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Rottingggggggggggggggggg~ D:

Didn't went anywhr cos' seriously no more clothes liao ):
So played audition and help Mondre edit background :D
Keep msg-ing her non-stop like very close liddat sia.
Haaaaaaaas. Now her daddy's wish come true alr lohrs.
Keep asking me talk to her but nvr now talk liao lohrs~

I'm so boreddddddddddddddddddddddddd~
Going NGH again later ):):):):):
Sighs :O Why liddat siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Nvm; god bless anyways :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
People smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

I'm loving everybody more everyday now.
B'cos I can learn to cope with everything already.
& I know I've made th right choice already :D
Thanks for everything stilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


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