Sunday, May 20, 2007

Th previous post; I hope it ends all.
If I starts it all thn I'll close it all.
Even if it's not me who starts it all; I'll end it all too.

Friday, May 18, 2007
Lifeskills Workshop.

The coach was rather friendly.
He told us manymany true stories.
Most of it I suppose would have motivated most of us.
Though all the presentations were boring.
Hahaaaas. But he gave alot of breaks.
And also manymany fun game :DDDDDDDDDDDD

After school went to the playground at CC again.
Played with water and swing. Fun lohrs.
Slacked there with Jolyn and YanShan.
Played till super bored so called people come down.
But most cnt only Sebastian can xD
Thn he rode his bike over to meet us lohrs.
Darn funny whn Jolyn rode his bike. Haaaas.
She almost fell cos' th bike no breaks! Lmaos.

Played water with Sebastian thn he call donteknow who come.
Thn played basketball; 2 vs. 2.
YanShan didn't wanna' play so she watched.
Played till very tiring and it's getting late.
So sent YanShan to MRT station thn go CC find Jolyn and etc.
Sebastian and co. went off so left with me and Jolyn.

Accompanied Jolyn walk home and called Olivia.
Wait darn long at station for my cousin.
Cos' she's coming over to my house.
Thn walked all th way to my house and use com. only.
Awhile thn she went home. Lols.
Don't know come for what also. Haaaaaaaaaaas.

Saturday, May 19, 2007;
Went out with cousins.

Woke up to prepare and all;
cos' meeting cousins to go out :D Finally.
Waited for Aunt's call to go down;
cos' she's fetching me to Jurong Point

Waited for Eileen cousin thr with Judith cousin.
Thn went yellow for helix piercing this time.
Thought it's gonna' be super pain but it's th same (:
Both cousins pierced as well :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Their parents are gonna' haunt me; I guess.
Cos' everytime they go out with me sure get extra piercing.
Lols. But not my fault also; is they drag me along.

Thn went to Jalan Bahar to find someone's house.
Go thr for nothing also; waste time.
Cos' can't find. The place's too big!
And anyhow took a bus till th end. Lmaos.
So gotta' walk to another bus-stop to get th correct bus to Jurong.

Slacked at arcade in enter.
Thn played till very tired thn went ljs eat.
And bused back to Jurong Point again.
Played at toy r'us before going cousin house.
Played cluedo and laughed alot at thr.
Waited for daddy and mummy to come fetch me.
And went to eat supper with them again (:

Sunday, May 20, 2007;

Didn't went anywhr but only rot at home.
Tried to watch finish all th drama series daddy bought.
But cannot! It's too many!
There's more thn 10 dramas I haven't start watching lohrs.

Nvm. Exams over anyways :D

Hope tmr's gonna' be a better day (:



I don't know what's wrong.
Probably right from th start everything's wrong.
I thought everything's coming back, but I'm wrong.
Don't worry; I don't mean you spoiling everything.
But it truely is tht everything's tearing apart.
A moment of folly could probably caused a life's miser.
That's some stupid crap =.=

Anyways; who doesn't have attitude?
Who doesn't go round giving opinions and suggestions?
Everybody's different; besides nobody's perfect.
& so nobody hates one another.
Whats for sow discord among the sister?
I've already tried; but probably to some people, I'm spoiling.
Okays fine. Hate me it's so alright. Cos' I wouldn't mind.
I rather you hate me thn I'm th one tht sow discord.
I don't understand why can't we accomodate with one another?
Is it just tht hard to accept each others bad points?
Is it just tht hard to understand each other?
Is it just tht hard to tolerate with one's moment of folly?
I just cnt understand all these.
But whn I asked for wht else can I do; thr's no reply.
Thr's nothing, don't you mean tht? I tried; but had you?
I tried to savage all these. But did you?
I asked you how to. Your reply was nothing.
I don't know how to anymore.
You want me to take you for yr selfishness; but how can I?
I thought you'd know me well; I wouldn't.
I didn't expect tht either. Sighs.
Now nobody's despising or angry with one another.
Everybody's having peace. But thr's no way to talk properly.
Why can't we talk like th normal way; play like in th past?
Issit really tht hard to have all these accomplish?
I thought sisters were forever; but you said it all meant nothing now.
Or perhaps probably meant nothing since long ago.
Not others but particularly me; I suppose.
& if so; I would have gladly appreciate if you tell me ages ago.
I wouldn't disclose anything further; cos' at least I know.
But one thing for sure hadn't change was tht; I want all these to remain.
I wanna' sustain our sistership or perhaps it's just friendship to some.
But to some; they wouldn't want to. I don't know how to help either.
It's not easy. It's just like it's not easy smiling all day.
Who else could put on a smile non-stop?
Wouldn't tht be tiring and of cos' it would.
Precisely; and it's th point nobody understands.
When some claim so.
Besides not saying out doesn't mean anything.
Take all these as craps or whatever.
I just have a piece of word to say:
I still wanna' sustain everything.
I still want everything to remain th same.
Th time whr hatred doesn't come into th innocent world.
I know it's hard; but if we all try, we'll succeed someday.
It's th last yr already.
Don't let everything go down th drain.

It's now yr choice of whether you wanna' maintain or let go.



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