Wednesday, June 27, 2007

School started late today. Had a long time explaining to my brother why the timing change. Whalaus; explain very long then he understand. Supposingly should be taking daddy's car to school, but it's too early already so don't want. Reach school did the structure thing; very tall now but not very stable. Almost late for assembly somemore; made us rush like hell.

All the boring lessons and made all of us starved xP Reccess super duper uber late lohrs; almost like lunch time cans. But the Ms whatever-ti teacher allowing us to bring food to class already :D She's seeming to be a very good teacher; I haven't seen her start to scold anybody yet. She's a yes-man :DD

School ended accompanied Jolyn and Eunice until their St. John start then YanShan and I left for WestMall. On the way HweeKoon called so waited for her at WestMall and went to buy thing. Then go library sit down awhile and went to find people; HweeKoon went home early. After that walk back to school with YanShan; but then end up sitting at void deck and talk. Talk till St. John ended and Jolyn and Eunice came to meet us. After that go buy Eunice thing and opened up then she went home ): Went to eat till Jolyn sister came then aparted.

Today seems like a special day somehow; yet I don't way I see in this way either. Weird ):


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