Early morning went over to Rachael's place with Yan Shan, Kai Sheng, Kiat Hwee, Sze Hong, Jun Jie, Pui Ngai, Nicholas, Bang Jie, Wen Xi, Xin Rui and some other people that I cannot remember already xD It's the most embarrassing time of my life when waiting the bus, shan't elaborate. Super embarrassing one. Laughs. Went to the squash court at Rachael's condo for our cheer practice. Practiced all the way till 3 and share cab with Jolyn, Yan Shan, Yu Ai and Jamie. Took train to Clementi to meet cousins, saw BangJie there also and went kbox till 8plus then went home already. Very tired these few days, I don't know what's wrong. Perhaps it's because of the sit-ups we did on Monday that made me so frustrating, so tired and someone that has got no appetite the whole time ): I've been skipping alot of meals by now already; all that's to the amount of sit-ups we have done! >.<
English 60 and 26
Chinese 74 and 100
Additional Mathematics 65.7 and 80
Mathematics 80 and 66.7 and 55
Chemistry 67.5 and 57
Physics 58 and 37.9
Social Studies 70 and 72
Geography 40 and 53.3
English; Band 3 for both
Chinese; Band 1 for both
Additional Mathematics; Band 2 and 1
Mathematics; Band 2 for all
Chemistry; Band 2 and 4
Physics; Band 3 for both
Social Studies; Band 2 and 1
Geography; Band 2 and 3
Tags Replies
Sebastian: Lols. You don't know mehs, I always like that one. Haiyo. Hahas!
WanXin: Sorry cannot love you the most xDxD Because I'm fair one! You also don't love me the most lohrs! D;
Olivia: Wait for you; everybody also die already lehs xD
YuAi: Oh My God! YuAi! I'm so SCARED! xDxD
Jayme: You shall wear that on Monday for us to see, okay? xDxD
Chew: ? Lynette?
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