Thursday, March 22, 2007

I think I'm showing alot of attitudes today.
And I've been like ignoring alot of people.
Hahas. All I can say is my mood's not good.
And I don't know why too lahrs.
But there's alotalot of things I can laugh at.
From morning till night, I can laugh like hell.
Yet I can show the bloody* attitude anytime.

Had English in the morning.
Finally we get our storybooks already.
Now there's finally something that can keep me occupied (:
Then had pe. Did 2.4 run. Rather bad to me.
It's so much slower compared to before. Hais.
I need to train already. It's been so long since I've trained.
Like since primary five I've stopped? Hahas.
Then had IPW. And I bloody* hate it.
I don't have chair lahrs! Make me so paiseh!
Must go a faraway place and take.
Thens like whole class waiting! Fuck*
Wait till I sit then Ms A. Toh start lesson.
Fuck* cans. Directly sooting* at me already.
Nvm. It's TingHui's and Rujing's and Sebastian's fault!
All of them steal my chair lahrs. Idoits.
Don't want do anything already.
Cause of that bloody* chair thing, spoil my mood already.

Recess: Went to change then go eat.
Music: Played out instruments. Quite lousy.
We need more improvement and better intruments.
Cause' ours is like so soft can :DDDDDD
Maths: I hate it so much. I don't understand anything.
I think I need more tuition already. Or I'm drowning (:
Mother Tongue; Mrs S. Peh didn't come. So free period.
And then something bloody* bad happens lohrs.
WeiMing sprayed deodorant on me! Fuck*
It's so damn bloody* stinky lohrs.
But my reaction is fucking* big. Hahas.
I just straight away turn and beat and slap him.
Think everybody around's like so shock. Hahas.
Well serves him right anyways.
Cause' the smell make me stink like hell*!

School ended went Macdonalds with YanShan darling.
Then accompanied her to station; and talked to Nad darling.
Cause' she's waiting for Faiz Amy xP
And she accompanied me to wait for Olivia.
Then went WestMall walk around. Go library talk alot.
Yahr all her stupid crap =X Lmaos.
Then Eileen called on my way home.
Wahs. So long since we've talked for hours already.
Hahas. She resolves mine, I resolves hers :D
( Our secret :D ) Love her manymany lahrs.

Prank called Olivia. Lmaos.
Then called Eunice and talk.
Made her jealous. Cause' I've got Fahrenheit's poster :DDDD

Tomorrow's going to be a better day.
Cause' she told me something :D Lmaos.
( She - Cousin )
So many vulgarities; apologies :)

I saw tht. I don't know how should I react.
I have no comments either.
What's more I'm like nobody also.
For what I can comment lahrs.
Yes; I can only see lohrs. Everyday :D
I don't know how to react and what comments to give.


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