Friday, November 10, 2006

surveys&surveys from eileen cousin. lols.
wondering if one day would e surveys go one round,
& that once again back to me? i suppose it would.
just like chain mails! & bleaps.
chain mails are truly irritating lahrs.
send me only if it's truly interesting lahrs.
dont give me the creepy ones. it's scary!
or else i'm always bullying my family lols.
flooding them with chain mails,
they are the only ones who wont scold me.
geees. & hearing my sister squabbling at me daily,
for all that freaky chain mails i've sent.
teeheees* sorry for. no one else to turn to lehrs.
yet, it's CREEEEEEPY! (:
wellwell, backback. the SURVEY! uh-ohhhs.
torturous. same peeeples will be tagged. for sure. lols.


#1. Are you a chinese or english freako?
mid-way. loveees both equally.

#2. If time is going to stop; what will you possibly do for that time?
i will walk up to the guy i love,
& admit my feelings for him.

#3. Prefer a playpool or playground?

#4. Do you usually gossip about others; or being gossiped?
both bahrs. who doesn't gossip.
& who weren't be gossip, or used as a topic. lols.

#5. Do you like simple or complicated stuffs?
simple yet complicated. geees.

#6. Do you tackle numbers better; or alphabets?
both, equally. haaas.

#7. What makes you pissed off?
practically most of the things,
especially ppl interrupting my daily life; like my maid!

#8. How's your childhood?
busy lahrs, running for shots & errands daily.
it's tiring & stressful lahrs for a small kid.
but i simply love everything, the albums of mine.

#9. Do you have inspiration without perspiration?
nahhs. i'm not that perfect yet.
to get inspirations, perspiration is always required.

#10. Do you think 24 hours is too long, short or just okay?
too long for school days&holidays.
too short for trips & happy moments.
just okay for sleeping time. heees.

#11. Would you judge people by their appearance?
sometimes bahrs. or maybe most.

#12. What is attractive in your eyes?
nothing. =.=

#13. Do you like the day or night, explain why.
night bahrs, could enjoy e breeze. stare ino the skies.
loooking at the bright little stars around.

#14. Do you treasure stuff that you own, or you have insatiable desires?
yahrs. mostly bahrs. but some i take them as trash. (:
what i desire most, is what i cherish most.
cos i know they're hard to get yet i got it.
it take more than just treasure it. but alot of time to get it.

#15. If your computer just hanged up; with a long long document not being saved; how will you react?
i'll go really madmadmad.
cos i've experience it million of times.
but still i get used to it.
now that my computer won't hang so easily lehrs. (:

#16. Do you believe in miracles?
yahrs. sometimes. & it does come true.
when i really wished well for it. it's lovely.

#17. Do you often tend to forget about the past; or trying hard to do so?
What are you trying to forget?
yeas. but i dont wanna' forget e past.
yet something in the past, i wanna' forget.
it's everything about this person,
which i dont wanna' mention.
since i'm determined to forget, i won't mention anymore.

#18. In your mind, why are there colours?
cos i can still see the beautiful world,
& rmb all of it's wonderful colours.

#19. Have you ever pity those who are real pitiful; and shed tears for them; etc?
yahrs. but i dare not shed tears.
i really pity them, & try to help them. heees.
those selling tissues, donations card ...

#20. Describe yourself as in attitude:
suck out. terribly bad at times. impaitient.

#21. Do you suddenly lose the grasp of hope to survive as yet?
yahrs. just now. sometimes.
it's just gives me the urge to, yet i don't want.
cos i have wishes yet to be fulfilled & helped out.
there's too many things to be waited.

#22. Give 3 advantages when you get to live:
i know there're true sisters around.
i can see how beutiful the world is.
i get to know my lovely baby. (: lols.

#23. What is your ambition in life?
currently i wanna' be a designer.
interior designer or fashion designer. heees.
too high lehrs bahrs. but still it's e longest wan.

#24. Do you believe in horoscope etc?
yahrs. sometimes. it could be real true.
perfectly right at times. haaas.

#25. Describe music in your life:
relaxing, enjoyable. slow & beuatiful.
just like how it goes with the taste of red wine.

#26. Which country you would like to go:
there's too many. japan, korea, hongkong, goldcoast.
practically anywhr would do,
so long as i'm able to go with my love ones.

#27. What do you think blogging is about?
one that allows ppl to update their daily lives.
just like a diary & yet it's known to thousands of ppl.
you wont know who's reading at anytime.

#28. What kind of style you are trying to get hold off?
the terribly love that's hurting everyone.
the wars thats killing millions of ppl.
crapping again =x

#29. When you fail a test:
will mugg harder the next time.

#30. Pass this to 9 friends; for them to get it done :
huifen meimei
eunice meimei
jolyn sister
joanne penggyou
joeytan junior
uhrs. anybody interested bahrs. (:

finally ended the survey.
time to do blogskin for eileen cousin.
oh-oh, it's finally a busy night. still a night. ):
hais, cant attend e poolside party tml.
sobsob. i wanna' go lahrs. aikss.
oh well, nvm dhens. teehees.

qoute for the day:
爱; 如果能够让他们快乐, 我不后悔受伤的人是我.


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