Thursday, March 01, 2007

Too much coincidence, cause harms?
I hope it doesn't bring bad lucks uhs.
Best is it brings good luck! :DDD

Finally everybody's got their phones back,
and finally I get my another phone back from Jolyn.
It wouldn't be so tiring for me to keep switching cards already (:
Congratulations to all who got back their phones!
World peace! Nobody grumbles any longer;
perhaps until the next confiscation day :X

Most teachers came back to school already.
Sians. It's been a long time since we had Geography.
Kindda' miss Ms C. Tan; Lmaos.
Took back Maths and English Common Test;
passed for both tests. Greats.
English wasn't that great, Maths was better.
Had 28 out of 50 for English and;
38 out of 50 for Maths. An improvement (:

Stayed back after school to get my another phone back.
Waited for Ms Chua to return my phone like hell cans.
She takes so damn long time to talk some crap with Mrs Tan.
A waste of my precious time cans! wtf*!
She's doing some kind of weight lifting using handphones :D
Went to station with YanShan after everything,
then bused home. Sad lahrs!
Dear didn't come WestMall today, liar sia ):
Nvm, she's coming next week. She claims so (:


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