Friday, March 30, 2007

Finally a new sitting arrangement :D
Yes; I'm sitting with Kousalya (:

Reached school; tough luck already.
Met Sebastian and WeiMing at zebra crossing.
So went in together; and met Nadhirah.
Then we two keep suan-ing them, hahas.
Darn funny lahrs. Can laugh till siao.
Go back class; Nadd got tortured xD
And I escaped all the way down to staff room.
Hahas. Then WanXin and Rowena accompanied me back.
Then they left. Lmaos. Funny lahrs.
Nothing happened; thank god!

Bukit View really sucks lahrs.
PA system so lousy cans. Lmaos.
Assembly is such a failure today. Hahas.
Silent reading then had oral presentation for English.
Sheila act caucasian lahrs! xD
Poor Jolyn; be strong girl! (:
Then did the same thing for Literature also.
Last few is funny till buey tahan :DDDDD

Recess; accompanied Eunice to eat.
Nabilah joined in and crapped alot.
Yeas; seems like ages since we've talked so much.
If only nothing has changed all these while.

Maths, nothing much happened also.
Except for a stupid bee flying around.
Everybody's just excited about changing seat.
But have to wait till end of school ):):

Geography is funniest wan lahrs.
Ms C. Tan talked alot of nonsense with us.
Make us laugh till really is stomache pain lohrs.
Then funniest one is Jaron bluffed Waikit;
he has got a spider on his back.
Then I act as though really have and shovelled off.
Lmaos. He so agitated till he pushed the tables off,
and ran to WeiMing and asked him. Lmaos.
Everybody so shock lahrs. But laughed alot.
Too muched happenings already.

Then school ended, waited for Ms S. Low;
till everybody want go crazy already lohrs.
Then Ms Idana gava chocolates to some people.
And these idoitic people put chocolate on my face.
Walaos, damn disgusting lohrs ):

Apologies to manymanymany people.
Sorry that I've dragged all of you in ):
So sorry to 连累 until your.
Cause' everybody the aquas co. disturb me;
I'll always dragged somebody in. Paisehs.
Special apologies to:
Nadhirah, Sherilyn, Chen Zi, Pui Ngai, Sabrina and etc.
These are the main people I always asked for help xD

Finally Ms S. Low came!
New sitting arrangement. Muahahas.
All the way laughing at those unlucky wans. Hahas.
Then accompanied YanShan and Nad do their tests.

Then ran over to 213 with Nadd, Sebastian, WeiMing and WeiJie.
Took things from them and left already.
Walked under shelter to bus-stop.
Saw Cassey, so walked with her lohrs.
Waiting for traffic then Sebastian, WeiMing and WeiJie come again ):
So ran under rain again =.=''''
WeiJie damn funny lahrs when he run. Haaaas.
Like first time in history rain till liddat lohrs.
Then walked to WestMall with Cassey.
She so good lahrs, accompanied me all the way.
Thanks girl (:(:(:

Slacked at WestMall with Olivia, KaiLun and HweeKoon.
Then left at 3plus.
And bused home with Olivia (:

Actually very angry with Eunice today.
But she has apologised (:
And so forgived her already :DDDDDDDDDDDDD


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