Saturday, December 29, 2007

Went for work on Thursday and Friday. Monday's my last day at there already. Doing stock-take this few days, almost all by myself. Wth. Ladyboss is also back from maternity leave already, she don't even look like she has just given birth. Everyday go work also Daddy fetch me and sister go :D Somemore still give us money eat xDDDD Everyday end work head straight for home already. Yesterday boss fetch me home cos' everybody need stay till quite late and I've got nothing to do there also already [[[:

Today went Bugis with Olivia, went Outram awhile first before going. Went there walked around and buy another school bag from Bugis xDDD After that wait for Olivia cool down awhile outside 7-eleven xD Stayed there until 4 sticks finish. Somemore she cause me to almost die also. Lmaos. Then went back Bugis Street walkwalk and buy clothes. Trained back after buying our things. Then trained to Jurong to meet Mommy for dinner cos' maid's out to pub with sister -.- and she's not cooking dinner for us. So dine out and cabbed home after that.

Your words were right, but you're not the person. Still thanks for making it come true (:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

If the meaning on 'so-called' was that; then I suppose we were the ones that were the 'so-calleds' too. At least it was a once a time before :D

I guess I'll be closing this blog sooner or later which means hurray to you know who you are xD It makes no meaning to post anymore ]: It's just dying sooner or later only D:

You came all the way just to see her only. It's not your forte, you really change alot already. Even though how much others can't see, but I just seem to know it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Met Olivia @ my house downstairs in the morning. Got the fat bearbear from her :D After went Gombak to buy things and trained to Woodlands to pass the things to Hui Hong. And trained back to CCK for lunch at LJS (: After that bused to Auntie house at Batok and went for rebonding. After rebonding headed home with Mom already :D

Must visit @ shop-xthree

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Went out to Plaza Singapura yesterday with Eunice, Sebastian, Cheng Ying, Jordan, Wei Xuan and her bf. But went on seperate ways at there xD Wanted to buy Christmas gifts for family, but it's like all not to my liking one ]: Walked around @ there till don't know what time then walked over to Orchard and met Sebastian there. Went Far East, bought a top :D & ate @ there. After that walked over to Takashimaya again. But ended up there's still nothing. So trained to CWP, walked around @ there and bought my wallet and pencil case :D Eunice finally bought her stuffs tooo! After that aparted from them and trained to Admiralty. Went to Aunt house for some celebration. Awhile @ there then went else where already. Like slacking all the way till 2 then went home.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I feel so bad just now for my arrogance. Seriously regret my actions so much. Having such good parents and yet I kept on requesting for expensive stuffs from them. Not only these, plus always throw tempers at them. Really feel so bad lohrs. Just now was an example already. I wanted to buy a Baby-G watch, the limited edition one; cos' I couldn't get my wallet and pencil box. So ended up we went finding the watch. But all the watch shop no more already ]: Ended up kind of threw temper at them D: Sighs. Somemore they not only tolerate, still contact all their friends to find the watch for me. At last found it already :D Now then I know how to cherish everything and I will learn to also [: Seriously feeling very bad for being so arrogant. Last time also like that, hais. Like the PSP console also. Requested for the old model initially but when buy already then new model come out. & wanted to change also. They didn't even turn me down at all then ordered the new model already cos' I kept throwing tempers. Sighs, how come I'm always like this. I will change already :D No more at times for being like this anymore. No more throwing tantrums already :D

I will stop being so arrogant.
I will close my tragus & helix piercings.
& lastly; I'm gonna' lose weight! :DDDDD
I will try to do all these before the start of next year (:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

介意你对爱的想法 和我有了分岔
B'cos there's still alot of thing that I really mind D:

Went out yesterday @ 12 and met Eunice and Yan Shan at Gombak's Macdonalds. Intended to do holiday assignments but ended up nothing done. Lmaos. Neverminds also cos' I've done alot also already :D After that packet food home for sister and changed then went to meet Olivia at Daniel's house downstairs there. Meet them I always confirm late one. Hahas. So sorry uhs xD

Then cabbed to VivoCity with Olivia. Walked around keep thinking whether want buy this or that. Lols. Wanted to buy wallet but no nice one. Ended up buying flats from m)phosis again. Actually have stock but we keep dragging so end up nomore our sizes already. No choice have to go CityLink and get it. Lucky we reserved it cos' when we reach there like no more also already xD Bought Zara shirt @ CityLink also cos' there have my size :DDDD After that just walking around to find my wallet but to no avail ))): So waited for Olivia's parents to come fetch us.

Intended to go Kbox with cousin at night also one. But cannot find a place near VivoCity plus cousin's parents will worry. So ended up cancelled ]]]: Neverminds; next week will be going, I think :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

I guess freedom is what you desire most.

Probably it's me who hadn't face up everything until now because I guess she's the one, the one you chose (: Afterall it's still her :D But I'll still say be careful to you in everything even though you'll still say no car will bang you one [: Just be careful that's all.

Yesterday's public holiday but brother and daddy still got work D: So went out with Mummy almost the whole day. Went WestMall to get all my things :DD Bought clothes, school bag and school shoes! After that cabbed home myself cos' Mummy need to go to her shop awhile to bring her friend there. After that around 8plus meet her at WestMall awhile then went to Gombak and bought ppc there xD Then home sweet home!

Watched finish 樱野3加1 already. Now gonna' watch finish 公主小妹 again. After this then no more new shows to watch already. Sighs, alot disc also haven't come out cos' the show not full yet also. Then watching @ youtube also very sian. Hais. How come Taiwan sow productions so slow xD

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Back from Genting last night [[: Went there on Sunday morning by coach. Whole coach just us only xD Around afternoon reach there already. Checked-in and went around with Mondre. First night shared room with Mondre :DDD Second day went to outdoor theme park with Mondre and Giselle. Played spaceshot, flying coaster and some others that I forgot liao x) I begin to find no thrill in all the rides already ]; After that went to Van Helsing haunted house. It's super scary in there one cos' it's people scaring people. Damn funny inside cos' Giselle and Mondre kept screaming. Lmaos. Cos' I don't believe such things so it's not that scary unless the person pop out suddenly. Hahas. After that we just walk around and around only.

Second night went for movies at there. Watched ' I am a legend ' @ 1plus going 2. Watched till 3plus liddat then went back to our room already. Shared room with Giselle and Mondre on second night. Damn tired till we can't wake up the next morning. End up still have to rush them xD Pack everything then went to walk around and eat already. 12plus went back cos' have to prepare to check out already. 1plus board the coach and sat all the way till 6plus for dinner. But still got some stop-overs in between luhs xD After dinner then back to Singapore already. The bus driver sucks on the first day but I think after receiving tips he became better when drive back to Singapore. Damn sucky lohrs. Somemore after knowing my uncle is his superior, he treat us even better. Hate this kind of people the most already, bootlicker only one. After fetched everybody home one by one then home sweet home :D

Actually intended to go out with ex-classmates today but ended up cancelled again -.- Nvm, next time I plan then won't cancel already xDDDDDDDD Hahas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stayed @ home watching 樱野3加1 on Saturday. Actually have work; but cancelled due to bad weather :D Just watching and doing holiday assignments the whole day only (:

Leaving later on already; to Genting with family, relatives & etc.. (:

& yah; Amanda's back already! Finally :D Just nice we'll all be going out together on Wednesday (((((:

Friday, December 14, 2007


I want to try to believe it all wasn't like this. It ain't her and everything. But facts are lying in front now, there's no way from escaping either. There's too many problems lying ahead now and I only stop all these now already D: I guess probably it's all fated. Maybe if that day, I hadn't been to harsh, maybe it all won't become like this. Maybe if I ain't that sensative, then it'll all be settle long ago.

Until now I still want to know what's it all about on 23 March. Just exactly what it all meant? A bet in between them; or purely just coincidently to be part of the storyline only. Maybe if I hadn't went back to look; I wouldn't have found out all these coincidences already. Yet even though how much I know, I still won't know the ending also. All these are just fate, I believe.

Trained to Jurong Point yesterday to meet Eileen cousin. Ate at there then bused to Pioneer Mall to study at the Macdonalds there. It's like I've done alot of work but on comparing, it's like nothing's done at all. Around evening time; Eileen's brothers came to find us, followed by her Mom. Her brothers are like super duper cute lohrs! After Dad came to fetch me home already. Fck that bastard!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4 more days ahead only; & I guess it's all over and better :D

I wouldn't want to hold on and mix it with everything. I wouldn't want to cause any stir-ups anymore either. There'd be a better 'us' ahead. I wouldn't bother all that changes around, all the rumours around too (: - No other intentions, just pure 'word' meanings.

Cabbed Lavender yesterday to make Mom's passport and then to Tanjong Pagar for haircut @ TranzStudio in Icon Village. Got Timothy to do my hair; not so bad luhs xD After that ate @ Tori-Q then cabbed to cousins' house at Admiralty to do their psp and walked over to grandparents' place. Drank lots of souppppppppppppppppppp :D Play psps and xbox there till Dad came to fetch me home.

Met Eunice @ Interchange today. Yes; I'm always late one xD Went Macdonalds to eat and do holiday assignments. Did so much but end up like didn't touch at all ): There's just too much to do already. Going out tomorrow again :D

Sunday, December 09, 2007

If only time could be fast forward for me to see the ending. Fate allowed us to meet but destiny didn't put us together.

Met Eunice in the morning @ Buzz and trained to Pasir Ris. Went Escape, actually somemore people coming as well, but end up all don't have; so just went ourselves. Played some rides only then rained already so stayed at the carnival playing those games there. Won quite alot of big softoys also xDDD Rain stop already then quickly took train back to Batok and went home already. Spent so much today, sighs. I really can't keep money with me one ):

& Congratulations to Shana Lim for attaining awards in swimming, for Singapore in the Sea Games @ Thailand :D Didn't expect her to participate either; just congrats only ((:
Everything just appeared so simple in everybody's eyes. It all looked so plain and simple but deep down, it ain't.

Went cousins house on Friday as well. Cabbed there in the afternoon and watch 任我遨游 till @ night. Went nearby koufu for dinner together and back to continue watching and playing :D Stayed there till aunt came to fetch me and Judith cousin home.

Saturday went to work around evening time @ Khatib. Super tiring, cold and boring there one. Not alot things to do also cos' those people there keep helping me scared I cannot cope. Haahas! All those little kids darn cute lohrs :DDDDDDD Quite fun there actually but without those li siao siao people there better xD Work till 10plus going 11, Dad came to fetch me home ((:

Gonna' stay @ home the whole day watching 魔女幼熙 already, I guess. Cos' it's been raining the whole day already means confirm cannot go out also one x)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I seemed to understand you lesser each day. & day by day; we get further away. Now you seemed like a changed person; a person that I don't know, a stranger that's so far away, so unfamiliar with. You're not the same person I used to know any longer ):

I guess I didn't have a proper post quite sometime ago already. Like ages ago xD & now everything's changed again. So fast, so hasty, so unfamiliar. Like since last thursday, haahaas.

Recapping everything back bit by bit but everything's just memories (:
I can't remember where I went and what I did last friday and saturday. But confirm got something to do with stocking up house supplies that cost alot. Sunday went to grandparents house and had FUN! :D Cooked soup there. Confirm nice one. Hahas. Cos' everybody there also drink till want second round liddat xD Monday went another grandparents house again. Don't have to do cooking there one. Cos' grandma's cooking is fabulous :DDDDD After that at night went to take my psp and have dinner. Tuesday and wednesday went for work @ Raffles with sister and Jolyn. The people there are like super nice and jovial. Lmaos. & today went to school to get my book with Eileen cousin and out with other cousins for movie @ Jurong Point after that. Guess I'll have to return to school someday again cos' I forgot to get the book covers -.-Watch ' The Golden Compass ' today, really a nice movie. Shopped around @ Jurong Point and went to cousins house awhile after that. Aunt fetch my home around 10plus, I think.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Same post = different week = no misunderstanding :D

I've realised that it all just looked so important but actually it all ain't. I think it'll all come to an end already ^^ I guess I'll only wait till the end of this week; which meant this weekend would be the last time I'll be waiting already. It's just a few more days ahead only and yet ...

I don't wanna' care whatever you will be thinking anymore already. Whatever you want to say, you want to think; I'll leave it all up to you already ;D - Don't ask me what I'm refering or who I'm refering :DD

Going out later again, already :D
Deleted my previous post due to some reasons. Because I didn't think too much that it's gonna' cause so much unnecessary misunderstandings that's why I choice to put up that post. But since because of it, so much misunderstandings come up then I might as well delete it then. I guess everything that cause all these is just purely coincidences. In this case, if last week couldn't make it the very last week to also then I'll make it this week then xDxD

Have been going out with parents recently that's why no time to online, blog, use phone and etc... xD