Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I've been like blabbering non-stop nowadays.
Bear with my nonsense girls :D
Yes; you can see, I'm so sad uhs (:
I love sisters! :DD Thanks for tht chocolate.
So touched lahrs; strawberry chocolate somemore (:
Finished up all during recess (:
I've been like so close with Eunice since don't know whn.
I'm so in love with her already cans! :DDD
All her bullshits; her craziness. Haaaaas (:

We've got back all our results.
Oh god; kind of terrible. All passed.
Except Mother Tongue I think, should be.
Nvm; I got almost full marks for Mother Tongue once.
Should help alot already (:
School was like hell lahrs. Some idoits tempt me.
Make my life so torturous, don't know who's tht either.

Into Details:
So many things happened. Eunice got beaten by me! (:
Spanking games since Sec three camp starts till now.
Many fun games occurring in class now;
whenever there's no teacher, we play! :DD
Scissors, paper, stone with Eunice; I won!
Taught her the beating game, she still don't understands.
Something made me so embarrass today!
I almost fell from my chair during Mother Tongue!
God; lucky I didn't. Or else it'll be so damn awkward already.
Hair's in a total mess. I hate today's mother tongue group! =X
Made me in such a mess, haaaaas :D
I claimed one mark more for Maths Common Test.
It's 37 now, still low. Almost able to get A; god!
And I passed my Science Common Test!

School ended; Ms Chua still ain't here ):
The whoever says she'll be back tomorrow; hope so.
I want my new phone badly already okays! :DD
Went to Macdonalds with Eunice, YanShan and TingHui.
Thn went library to do our project.
Did nothing actually; just some rubbish and junks.
Thn went home at three; since thr's nothing we can do.

Oieeeee; thts so cute lahrs!
Oieeeee; tht action so cute lehs!
Oieeeee; who are you?
Oieeeee; Mr/Miss Whatever, hellos.
Oieeeee; shhhshhh! ( silence )

Oieeeee; stop it! ( stupid )

Bloody hell god damn bitch!
Continue with all your thinkings without us;
we ain't going to appreciate any of you bullshits.
Every little bit you do makes us puke like hell.
Make all tht bloody planning like we give a damn or anything.
We wouldn't even bother or care.
Cos' it's just a waste of our time. Bloody hell!
How I wished you'd get bang by lorries! :D


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