Monday, April 09, 2007

Thought I'd be late for school today ):
But lucky I wasn't, instead I'm early!
Early morning saw Peggy, Khung Mun and Romeo.
They ton at my house and I didn't even know.
Lmaos. Nvm. Sadly this time baobei nvr follow ):
Prepare thn rushed out already. Lols.
Cause Khung Mun haven't sleep,
thens like so paiseh wan lahrs. Hahas.
So I rushed myself. Lmaos.

Go school rather early.
Somemore no electricity =.=
So budget right, lousy school lohrs.
Somemore our class is the worst one lohrs.
The longest class without electricity.
Ms E. Tan didn't came, so we were all playing around.
And I think I'm the only one sleeping. Lmaos.
Everybody's saying I'm so weird today lahrs!
Okays; whatever. I don't want to bother.

Science and Literature we're always doing the same thing.
And Ms. A Toh said she's stupid today. Lols!
And our clock is like so slow lohrs.
It's as though when there electricity, it moves.
Then when no electricity, it stops. Hahas.
Recess went down twice with Nabilah.
Yes; I'm in love with the black pepper chicken pie and ice-cream puff!
I so love the new canteen already! :DDDDDDD
Then just before recess end, there's fight.
And everybody's watching it. Hahas.
Nobody seem to even notice Ms S. Low liddat.

Then Ms Low's like moodswing or something lahrs.
She's always like that anyways. Cannot bother already.
She's teaching us the algebraic expressions again.
She isn't even good in teaching us,
and she claims we're weak in it. Lmaos.
Her teaching skills is lousy that's why we don't understand lohrs.
I suppose if we study ourselves, we'd understand (:
Mother Tongue everybody change seat except me! ):
Had composition test. Funny cans.
Mrs S. Peh is mad at us, I think.
Then she say if finish already just hand up and go out.
Lmaos. Then slowly, everybody hand up and walked around.
She can't go back her words anyways. Hahas.

I'm beginning to hate Ms S. Low alot already.
She's like so biase cans. Walaos! Damn her!
I was the first to asked to go to the toilet,
and she simply said no and allowed Jolyn to go.
Wtf! Damn mad lohrs. I just screamed non-stop lahrs.
No logic at all cans. Plain biasness. Go dieeeee! (:(:
Waited so long then she allow. Pig lahrs! x)

After school went to take handphone.
Then went WestMall with Olivia.
Ate at kfc then bus home already.
I'm veryvery tired already!
Anyways, thanks to Jayson gor for everything (:(:

Ahhhhs! I wanna' die already!
My brain will be lost someday ):
I'm being dragged on the floor today,
and I don't even know when lahrs.
Practically forgot everything already.
Booos~ So damn xiasuey wan lohrs.
I wanna' die already! Kill me please.
I rather die than being tortured everyday.

I tried already. I'll continue trying.
Don't worry, my brother (:
I'll succeed someday.



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