Friday, September 28, 2007

I don't see a reason why you could still remember all that like I could. She said it's a memory or a significance of importance. I wouldn't know unless you tell me.

Had English Paper One and History Paper today. English was rather tough. Wrote the storyline three times always not suit the topic one. So fret up. History was much better except some. All those essays can do one :D

After that went Macdonalds to eat with Eunice, Jolyn and Yan Shan. Then went West Mall after eating. Kept fooling around and Eunice bought the disc already buying soon when I get my money :D Do the art thing then went KouFu awhile to accompany Jolyn and walked to bus-stop with Eunice. Talked to Olivia on the way and all her rubbish xD

Super boring luhs not going the whatever thing cos' of one particular family. Irritating luhs. Cause so much trouble, everytime like that one lohrs. Troublemakers. No self decision like that; dilly-dally one always. So gay cans. Now make me must replan whole things cos' of them no more place to book for the holidays already. & I have to settle all these to find a place that satisfy everybody. Cause so much trouble lahrs! Don't go better.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tomorrow's History and English Paper One already. Took one hour for History revision just now. I think at least 50% is remembered already. No idea what to study for English; seeing my composition marks teacher gave just now then know cannot make it already. Confirm one! Practice one also can fail already sure die one.

Stayed back in school awhile today to play @ Mac lab. & went home with Eunice after that.

Was that really really one uhs? Only idoit then will do; bodoh-d! None of us will; so don't be stupid already cans? Like one innocent sotong again :]I miss you! I miss her! I miss them! I miss him! I miss they all alot! Really really!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Seems like a lot of things happened recently uhs. Like too much coincidence or what liddat. Fate, I guess.

History paper is two more days away only. Haven't start revising yet. Today early morning caught by Mrs Tan with Jolyn and Yan Shan. She's always having the same problem one luhs. Aites; I've already sworn not to mention her here ever again already :D Stood out General Office for one period plus and went back for history lessons @ AVA theatre with 2E1. Damn bored there, like no mood for lessons.

All the other lessons continued on and on, and combined class with 2E1 for art again. After school stayed back for the animation thing again though we're done but just accompanying the others. & went Macdonalds after everything and home-d at 6plus. ( Alot photos to update during the weekends )

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just came back from playing xD Had school that was super frustrating aites. Kill people better ]: Nobody's mood was any better this time. Alot things happened since the start of the day. After school stayed back @ Mac. lab for the art. Then went home around 5plus.

Prepared and went out to meet Eunice already. Waited for Choon Hui and Jolyn to come. Then become more and more people come also liaos. Play till 9 plus going 10 then went home already.
B'cos nobody says; I wouldn't know.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Went Grandparents house yesterday's late afternoon with Eileen and Aunt fetched us there. So long since I've been there and there ain't much differences x] Played, studied and ate. Went home last.

Can't wake up in the morning and it rained on the way to school. Tough luck. All drenched luhs. School's like still all 'bout exams and I really can fall asleep easily. After school went Choon Hui's house nearby to eat and then went Jolyn's house do homework. After that she accompanied me and Yan Shan to station. Went Eunice house with Jolyn after that. Played awhile @ there and went to meet Jolyn's sister, then bus-ed home.

&. I really really wanna' know more actually [:

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Didn't manage to stay @ home for revision yesterday. Instead went out with cousins and kindda put aeroplane to Eunice. Kept rushing all the way; cos' they last minute informed me. Then went Jurong station to meet Eileen and train all the way to Bugis to meet Judith and Austin. Walked around with them and got kind of boring cos' Bugis hasn't got much to interest me these day. Accompanied them to find their things and then dilly-dally one. Pretty fret up. Haahs.

Walk till 4 plus then very tired already; so headed home with Eileen first. Train all the way back to Boon Lay cos' going her house. Slacked awhile and then call Olivia and talk. 7 plus went out again to find Eileen's friends awhile then cabbed twice to Chinese Garden station and went to the Lantern Festival there. Saw fireworks there also damn beautiful luhs [: Stayed there till 12 plus when they close then daddy came to fetch us and mummy. Went to accompany mummy to eat dinner then headed home. Bathed, watched and slept till this morning. & Eileen stayed over @ my house.

Most probably later going out again. I doubt any revision this week already ]: Or probably I'll start going studying now with Eileen :D

I don't see a reason why you could still remember this small thing and notice all that. She said it was b'cos you can't put down or that it was important to you. I don't know.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Had first paper yesterday morning - Mother Tongue Paper 1 and 2. Think I wrote really out of point for composition. Practically hadn't felt like writing compositions instead journal xD So kindda keep writing and writing like a journal. Paper 2 was much better. But Mr Heng spoilt my mood doing b'cos when I'm reading the most irritating passage, he come and ask me tuck in; spoils mood. Spent time drawing after the two papers since we can't sleep like wth.

After the papers went back to class for remedial but end up cancelled. So went kfc with Jolyn, Yan Shan, Eunice, Ting Hui and Choon Hui to eat. After that asked Jolyn and YanShan accompany me to station; then trained to Jurong Enter find Eileen. Went kbox immediately. Sing, sang, sung. Until 6plus; asked daddy come fetch us. Then went Queenstown awhile buy thing and went Boon Lay eat with Eileen; then daddy come fetch me and her home already.

Slept like so early always; and always confirm give people disturb my sleep one. Irritating. Think I'll be staying @ home to do my revision today already (:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Until now I haven't start revising. God! I don't know what to study and my leg is super pain now! Nobody's gonna' be home till midnight, I guess. And life's gonna' be like that till my maid's back. Sighs. I'm really bored now. I need an entertain-er :DDDDDD Or somebody to talk to even better :DDDDDDD Going back to watch 'My Lucky Star' now.

I'm so looking forward to go with Eileen to Jurong Enter tomorrow xD
Tomorrow is first paper already. & I don't know what to study also. Mother tongue paper 1 & 2. I'll die. Haven't been paying attention during mother tongue lessons since term starts. Lucky, paper's not gonna' be about textbooks :D

Got a feeling I'm like super anti-social recently. No idea why either. Seems like I'm drifting very far away from my used-to-be super close cousins already. And closer to my used-to-be distance cousin now. Can't understand why it all had to be like that. But at least now school is better than last time already (:

Studied for the whole night yesterday for today's class test (: Maid has gone back for holidays already, means no dinner for a longlong time. Just came back from West Mall; so long didn't go already like alot changes now.

Have to start trying to absorb as much things as I can from now already. I'll try. And WanXin's not helping xD WanXin's a big fat liar! :P

Used-to-be is now known as the past already. Just like you used-to-be then secret talker to me [: Really hates the palpitation feeling. Truly sucks.

I want secret's soundtrack disc! xD

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just came back from school and West Mall with Eunice, Jolyn, Yan Shan, Choon Hui and Ting Hui. Ate and bought Eunice's favourite waterbabies. Lols. I managed to pay attention for Maths today :D

Maid's going back for holiday tomorrow. Wth! Cannot live without her cleaning and etc... already. Three weeks somemore. So long cans. Came home faster give her all my clothes to be washed first and later she's gonna' cut my nails. Three weeks; my nails will grow even longer again. Wth. Have to start asking her pack my things now xDxD

Gotta' start studying now already :D

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Second longest day of the week's always today. Alot lessons yet equivalent to only one or two lessons practically. Had some kind of jump for pe today. Kind of fun but sweat alot and like carrying weights on legs. And then recess saw Wan Xin and Rowena. Since ages I've seen them uhs :D Really long liao. Always no time really talk to them liddat liao ]: Then alot of lessons continued after that and had home econamics today. Cooked spagethhi today. Very nice lehs xD Then went else where with Olivia after school liao.

Alot coincidences happened today. Too much liao. How can there be so many coincidences in a day? No logic. But still to me it all seem like coincidences. Nobody know also anyways xD
Die liao, die liao. So close yet so far. Understand, understood?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Very lazy to edit photos recently. Probably due to on coming examinations ): So near already, so fast. So will only be upload my favourite one :D
Have been paying quite alot of attention in school these days :D That's leaves me a pretty good impression to the teachers uhs xD Except the dandruff queen to sacarstic.

Anyways went out with sister and friends last night. Shopped like bomb. Lmaos. Cos' everyone went super broke. Ate and all went for massage xD Pretty enjoyable but very sick and tired ): Cos' still very sick, since like last week until now. I think I'm gonna' die during exams.

Today's like a very short day. Monday's always like that if there's no form t'cher :D Mdm Geetha's always neglecting our class till we haven't really got proper lessons. She's always doing invigilation. So unfair cans. Had the last session of art already; the two jokers go liaos. Haaaahs. The rest of the day was like study study study nothing else more. After remedial went crazy with Eunice, Jolyn, Yan Shan, Choon Hui and Ting Hui. Super madness. Went home straight after eating with them.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Just come back from shopping with Eileen (: No hopes of coincidence meeting with the person I wanna' see ]: Went FarEast and Bugis. Bought not quite alot of things. Recently there's like nothing much new to buy already. Sighs.

Everything's like coming back again. Wtf. I know very clearly the addiction cannot be stopped or quit and I can't do anything also. Only to continue doing the wrong things. Hais. It's also too late to stop everything cos' it's already an addiction ):):):

Friday, September 14, 2007

Decided to repost due to boredom that's killing me.

Deleted all the text. Felt like re-typing and re-phrasing. Listening to 你是我最深爱的女人 currently and Eunice's is irritating me with her new messenger. Grrrs! Don't really know what I wanna' post also already. Waiting Daddy to be home now and fetch me to somewhere.

Precious Colin came last night. Didn't play with her cos' I was sorta sick ]: Supposingly not going school today due to my sick :D But I insisted on going school and nobody can stop me. Haaahs. Not much lessons today actually, pretty free. After school eat finish then sorta went home already. Not much details xD Just too lazy.

&Finally tomorrow's Saturday already! (:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Had this stupid sore throat stuck to me for like one day already. Surely it's gonna' continue. Hell~ Had a feeling my computer's gonna' break down some time already cos' I think it has been almost a year I haven't off my computer. Lmaos. Wth~

Had Chinese Oral after school. Pretty easy lehs. Thought it's gonna' be so hard, end up like pretty easy. Just hope will get high marks :DDD Went home after talking and talking and debating and ate strawberry dipper chocolate :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Exams gonna' start like next week already. And it's like we haven't even get our time-table! Wondering what are the t'chers doing uhs? Or should I say the principal... Definitely not enough time to study already. But already started studying lehrs; so it's alright :D


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I remembered something again. The don't-know-what minister came today. & it's like a 360 degrees change in Bukit View. So exaggerating cans. It's all just a show like that lahrs. Might as well show the real side better. Come on this is not drama lehs. Lmaos. & our class is the most affected one I think. Firstly, it's next to our class only. Then Mrs Tan, Ms Gopal and etc HOD members kept strolling outside out class. Wth. Totally cannot do anything liddat. Secondly, we had art on the same day which means Mdm Maziyan's like so busy. Cos' she's the what filming thingy wan luhs. Lmaos. Sucha bad day D:<
Sick early in the morning. In fact since last night. Fever ): But still went to school cos' I don't wanna' be like last time always little bit things then don't go school already (: Bro fetched me to school in the morning cos' I'm too tired to walk to the bus-stop xD Totally moodless in the morning. Cos' am totally so weak lahrs. Alot people also can see through me liao :DDDD Wanted to go home half way but end up didn't still. After school went to eat & went straight home already.
I don't know why all these make me more scared once again.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I will still remember you along the path. Although pathetically I still remember you, you take it like potato shits to me ):

School's like really nothing nowadays. No studying and no work like that xD But really sometimes it's a bore ): Had home econamics today. Almost cannot cook lohrs. Stood outside class awhile as punishment. Thought of many things during that time. Don't know why everything happened so long ago already still will go think of it. It's just memories already (: Then need to go buy apron since I don't even own one since sec one xD Lmaos. Cooked chicken stew and went home straight with Olivia. Bought blackforest cake to eat also :DDDDDD

&still I cannot get over the fact of her presence ): Am still trying anyways. Just like how she felt towards me last time. Now I understand.

Monday, September 10, 2007

School's better than I thought :D Especially Mondays. It's always the best! (: No maths and VE is mostly @ hall. Also got art xDD Have super funny teachers.

Had Art first in the day. Mr Lee & Wong always so funny. Stupid crap from them also. Like Eunice Lee liddat. Haaahs. Alot rubbish and kept making fun of Mr Lee & Eunice Lee. Lmaos. & then all the boring lessons came after art. Boringgggggggggg...

After school went staff room. Wth! So hate being accused by some irresponsible teachers lohrs. Being the first one to hand up the project end up being called up for not handing up. Wth! So damn hate it lahrs!!! >: Waste so much of my time also!! Then went Sakae to eat with YanShan, Eunice, Jolyn, Choon Hui and Ting Hui. Ate so much lohrs but not that full xD Went home straight after eating (:

Finally we're done with art animation liaos. Lalalas~ P.s I find teachers pretty high recently xD P.p.s I wanna' go kbox and bugis! xD

Sunday, September 09, 2007

But then hors; you know I really believe everything you say nots? I never suspect it's a lie at all. Really.

I'm bored, I'm bored. Just done with my art assignment. Thanks to my dear Eunice Lee for reminding me :D ( Thanks uhs! ) Finally done already; I think I'm left with half-maths and three-quarter-science now xD Very lazy to do already (:

I wanna' go out lehs. Really want go out. Haahs. School really starting tml again already. And then few more weeks school end again ): So fast gonna' be promoted to Sec three already; hope so luhs =X I wanna' go into the same class with my sisters, brothers & girlfriends lehs! Sighs; doubt so also ):
Superb boring! School's starting tomorrow already. Only half-done with homework. Today like nobody can go out like that. Sians. No time pass cousins their present liao cos' don't want go grandparents house. There super boring one; don't go better. No choice only can wait some special occasion then give them lohrs :P

I wanna' go out today luhs! Last day of holiday liao then must study hard liao xD I'm gonna' study till I go crazy already. Cos' ...... :D:D:D Went Bugis the night before with Mom & Dad; but shopped with Mom. Bought quite alot of stuff xD Spent so much liao. Haahs. Yesterday went to do rebonding; @ night bring cousins & aunt out to do their gaming stuff. Went to shop around also xD Buy & buy things non-stop again.

I wanna' buy that monkey, bangle, top & etc...etc... But no more going out until exams are over. That's my own rule! xD Lmaos. P.s. Study hard, study hard uhs :DDDDD

Friday, September 07, 2007

Posted, re-posted and re-re-posted alot alot of times. In the end I didn't post any cos' I didn't want all the hurtful feelings to come back ):

Now I finally understand, understood the reason behind all this big explainations (: A broken mirror will always be broken no matter how much we mend it. Just like how she cause a misunderstanding that made me lost trust in her. Just like how we fought over ting things that cause all these. & no matter how much we mend this broken mirror, it's still broken ): Everything's just not the same anymore. I won't think more 'bout all these already. Cos' I've given up already. The more I think; it won't help either.

Gonna' watch finish 'Huan Huan Ai' already. Last episode :D
& the story always ends like this; the bad boy always falls for the good girl :D
Finally new blogskin already (: So sick and tired of the old one. Always make me think of last time things. Irritating lohrs. Now new and fresh again :D

Also finally the renovating workers are gone! :DDLater going out buy food for brother and cake for maid then come back faster watch finish 'Huan Huan Ai'. Few more episodes left! :DDDDD

School's reopening soon ):/(: I don't know how to react also -.- Not yet done with all the assignments; quarter-done only.

Sighs, sighs, sighs ):

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I've seen the deepest sorrow in you already. I don't know why we're still like that. I don't know why did you bother to let me know your deepest sorrows if you had already known the ending? ):

Had remedial in the morning. Met Eunice and Yan Shan before that. Remedial is super boring cans. Not alot people attend also =.= Went home straight after that. Cos' of those stupid workers. Until now still now done. Irritating lohrs.

Now watching 'Huan Huan Ai' (: Damn nice :DDDDDDDDDDDD I wanna' change my blogskinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

All photos from phone uploaded already. All from ytd's bbq and also last time one. One shot editted all. Some taken @ cousin's house and some is recent one :D Still got some photos from friends, teachers & etc... haven't receive yet. Need to wait till all online then will upload again. Alot of Eunice retard-ness. Lmaos.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just back from the bbq @ East Coast; alot photos taken. Maybe uploading all tml or someday after editting plus all the photos taken over the past few months. Hehs.

Super crazy @ bbq. Like disturbing here and there. & retard with retard Eunice. Give people bad impression. Lmaos. Ms Parvathi, Ms Angela Toh and Ms Candice Tan came. Darn funny lahrs they three. Do nothing @ first then keep kindda disturb them liddat. Lols. End up everybody help out lohrs xD But Jolyn, Eunice and me went cycling away. Lols. Actually didn't quite bother 'bout those bbq-ing. Kindda leave all the work to the rest and only me & Eunice eating. Hahas. 7plus going 8 all t'chers left. Then everybody become like more crazy. Played non-stop also. Haaaaaas. Everything ended @ 9pm then went Mac. with Eunice and Jolyn. Daddy fetch them home as well :D

I'll upload Eunice's retard-ness tml xD

Monday, September 03, 2007

Edit a little bit; I don't want cause misunderstandings uhs. Bottom portion totally gone cos' I've decided to tell the person personally :D It's enough already!

So long didn't update. No time to update also. So many things happened. Even though everything's solved, nobody know what they're thinking deep down also. Everything that happened seems to be stuck there giving us the feeling that it's all gonna' repeat again cos' of their action. Not trying to demand or blaming anything here. Anyways just be it.

Don't quite remember everything. Only that everyday's the same routine. After school with Yan Shan, eat and home. Went Bugis on Thursday, bought new bag again. Going back same day to by another one xD Had T'chers' Day Celebration on Friday. Didn't buy any gifts, cos' everything already spoil mood liao. Didn't even bother to go back primary school also. Whatever's happening now just suck like hell cans. Saturday and Sunday went for holiday with distant relatives. Quite boring actually. We just spent the time @ the resort playing only. Kept playing DS and PSP only. Lmaos. That's the only thing we can do. Then the others sing k and played mahjong all those. Like newyear liddat one. Lols. There not much things to shop also; like Singapore liddat. Makes no difference also. Went home on Sunday night.

Don't know have what plans for the week also. Awhile like fully planned; next minute like nothing. Like what like that. Awhile got mood, awhile no mood then everything cancel liddat. Sian wan lohrs. Got these type thing happen always spoil mood liao. Doubt any fun for the week also. Everything spoil mood spoil mood one. Aiya don't wanna' mention liao. Spoil mood more jialat.