Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's just a few more days ahead. But...

Didn't went Causeway Point yesterday. Instead went to LotOne for awhile. I've changed to a new number already (: But I'll still be using the old number as well. Ask me for me for my new number or see my MSN pm would do - this can save me so much more trouble ^^ Didn't go out with ex-classmates today as well due to some reasons ): Nevermind, there'll still be lots of chances for us :D

It's time for everything to come to an end already (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

If there's a way in, there'll be a way out too :D

Finally, finally watched finish my show already. Within one day watch finish two shows :D One is the 终极一家, another one is the channel U 10pm show. Both show also so nice lohrs. But one happy ending, another sad ending D: Staying at home whole day then complete so many things :DDDDDDDD Tomorrow going out to get thing from Causeway Point. Finally waited for this day (: I so hate that ambitious guy and the greedy empress in that 10pm show! xP

Everything's going out of control. But there's still alot of things you all will never know ^^

Monday, November 26, 2007

I feel so much better from those sufferings and torturings already.

Actually today going out with quite alot people one. But then don't know what happen all suddenly back out. Fret up lohrs. Last minute all don't want go one. Even Eunice also cannot. Lols. So end up just go out with Jolyn to WestMall watch 'Enchanted'. Can say is a very nice movie luhs. But with all the noise around me; the movie's being down rated alot. Don't understand how these people can laugh so loudly like nobody's business. Nvm, didn't bother much also; I watch my one, they watch theirs. End up the movie ended then know some is from our school, somemore same level. Bth; I cannot imagine lehs. Seriously; first time. After the movie faster go liaos; no mood to stay any longer at WestMall also. Cabbed home with Jolyn to my house here and passed her the discs that she wants; and accompanied her hail for cab. I'm starting to splurge my money on cab fares already. Have to start restraining myself already D: After that took my very last one then go buy food for maid to eat already.

I guess tomorrow's gonna' be a day @ home and finally Wednesday! :D & also Thursday :D Finally a chance to go out with primary school classmates :D I guess 2E5 won't have anymore outings or chalet from the beginning of next year already DD:

Everything's going back to normal :D It's the last one already; I swear.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I've lost all imagination yet I became to imagine.

Went out @ 1plus to Kbox at JEC yesterday. Met Eileen cousin there and sang till 6plus going 7. After trained home already. Talked to Olivia on the way, damn funny one. Hahas. Very little details only, because I'm losing interest in blogging ): I didn't go out today, I don't intend to go out today :D

Kept hearing 彩虹 since Friday all the way until now; keep playing non-stop one. Sighs; so sad. Now that I've gone to think back about the past, very hilarious. Seriously luhs, alot funny funny things. & I think my 旧病 will 复发 very soon; just a matter of time already. Seems like nicotine level getting lower each day. But I won't let myself return to the same path again :D Now and then I keep recalling the past; nursery photos, kindergarden photos, primary school photos and secondary schoool photos. All the times were fun, funny and memorable :D

Friday, November 23, 2007

So tired these few days, like since the day I came back from chalet like that. Thursday and today also early morning wake up prepare go work one. Yesterday took cab down with sister and Jolyn. Worked all the way till 7pm almost non-stop and finished everything within a day. Totally can say is out of expectation lohrs. Then went to eat dinner with Jolyn @ West Mall after work. Until 9plus then took bus home.

Today woke up late again then no choice have to get Daddy to fetch us lohrs. But still late for work luhs. But at least we finished everything faster than extimated time today. Today do all the packing and sorting out, keeping carrying all the heavy thing like that. Hand and legs damn aching lohrs. Around 5plus everything ended then took pay and went Far East with Jolyn for shopping. Finally bought things that I wanted :D Saw Ms Parvathi and family there also. Such a coincidence luhs then talk awhile also. Still so funny lehs she :DDDD Around 7plus took train back to Batok and stayed @ interchange to talk till 8plus going 9 again. Just came home from eating dinner with sister @ house downstairs. Super tired now xD

If I find it necessary to say, I will say. If there isn't a need to, obviously I won't. But if you wanna' know some things about others, I think it'll be better if you ask the person personally rather than going to do all those stupid things to find out evidence. So childish cans. Know already so what? Is there a need to go round passing message? Lmaos. ( Actually also don't know why I suddenly say all these ) Lols.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

There seemed to be more than just mere coincidence to me.

Went to check-in to the chalet @ Downtown East with Eunice & Daddy and some others that came themselves. Checked-in, put things only then left with Daddy to elsewhere already.

Tuesday early morning Eunice and Sheila like crazy liddat; 4.30am call my phone for stupid things. Crazy one. Met Yan Shan and Jolyn around 9 liddat and trained to Jurong and cabbed from there to the chalet. Reached there so early; all like still sleeping somemore. There like have Sheila, Eunice, Kitty, JiaYi, Sebastian, Mark, Pui Ngai, Cheng Ying, Jack, Wei Ming and Jordan only. Stayed in the room like for so long keep doing nothing lohrs besides talking. Lols. Alot thing happened also luhs. Evening time actually wanted to start BBQ end up raining. So postpone later at night then start, start not quite long also start to rain one luhs. We all like whole time stay in the room only xD Watch tv, play cards, sleep and talk only. Hahas. BBQ all the way till midnight and went arcade with Eunice and Jolyn. BBQ that time keep have many prawns don't want eat, alot other food also left over then me and Jolyn play lucky draw. Funny lohrs. Then those lucky ones get to eat lohrs. Somemore I go peel the prawn's shell off lehs. First time I will peel for people one lehs. Those eat one must be honoured lohrs xD

Second night only the three of us and the rest all boys liao. After watch finish tv show then went arcade with Eunice and Jolyn play like siao. Went back that time, the boys start BBQ again. Lmaos. Reshawn at there don't know how come keep cook the food lohrs. Jitao funny one him. Like keep cooking thn dont want eat. All boys like love to cook yet don't want eat one. Damn funny lohrs. Non-stop liddat one, the cycle xD End up raining again so all returned to room and play cards, watch tv and etc... Actually quite alot funny things happened in between also. All stayed awake until 5plus going 6. Then went Macdonalds to eat with Jolyn and Eunice. Eat finish go back everybody sleep so soundly already. Lols. Only Mark never sleep, hahas. All the boys like fast asleep liao so funny one. Then took up our sleeping space also. End up Jolyn and Eunice have to sleep on the floor. So poor thing sia. Wait awhile then ask Reshawn move up to Sebastian bed and share then pulled Jolyn and Eunice up the bed. Like pig liddat sia. Mark and Pui Ngai early morning rush home liao. Damn funny luhs them. Third day morning all sleeping one left me. Whole time see everybody sleeping and snoring only lohrs. In the room like in the jungle or zoo liddat, so damn noisy. Whole room filled with snoring sounds only. All sleeping pattern so funny one, cute lehs. Sleep also many many pattern. Hahas. Damn sian one see them sleep, but just cannot get myself sleep lohrs; irritating one. Don't know how come all of them can sleep like nobody's business somemore. Outside our room is like so them noisy they all still sleep so soundly. Buey tahan they all lehs. Wait till so long finally all start to wake up liao then funny things happened again. Lmaos. Reshawn keep entertain us liddat then Jack keep li siao siao one. Everytime disturb people only but joker lehs him. Sebastian and Jack these two days at there like keep perform stun liddat lohrs. Both damn funny one. Checked-out @ 10plus and took cab to station and trained all the way back to Batok. Went home put bags down and charge phone awhile then went CSC find Eunice and Jolyn. Actually intended to go Lan end up changed mind and went for bowling :DDDDDDD After that took cabbed home already cos' whole person really very tired liao.

Within two days at there only gastric got so much worsen already. Pain like can faint liddat. Become more jialat already ): Got more mosquito bites also. Thrown alot things away also. Everybody also lazy to bring home, might as well all dump better. Lmaos. Everytime have BBQ all these confirm liddat one. Hahas. Until now still damn tired reached home around 3plus going 4 them slept all the way till 8plus to eat dinner, still so damn tired. Need more sleep. Lols.

Irritating Sebastian and Jolyn keep rushing me to update. Crazy one. Lols. Sad never take any photos. If have confirm post up liao. Hahas xDDD

Afterall this chalet can consider quite fun also :D At least alot of laughters. Hahas. Damn many things happened during two days only, funny lohrs.

Tomorrow early morning must wake up again. Going work with Jolyn and sister @ Raffles ^^

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time will run out soon and everything will run dry too.

Didn't went anywhere today and managed to do some holiday assignments xD Later going out with sister to get some stuffs together -.- & tomorrow's the starting of the chalet. I somehow begin to dread going already because of some very sacarstic reasons I have :D

I begin to feel everything's like starting to change. Because it didn't happened just once but more than once and I cannot help thinking it's not just pure coincidence that simple. Surely there's a reason behind everything. How I wish I can know it fast.

I seriously hate losers that cannot accept the reality already.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

First time hit the spot ]]; Everything was delayed in the end. & it will start to change.

Actually going out today, but end up didn't. Lmaos. Slept so late last night and being disturbed so early this morning. So damn tired luhs :o Intended to do some holiday assignments, end up also don't have. Everytime also like that. Holidays become so aimless for me already D:

I wonder if I everyday also stay at home will become anti-social anot? Will become autistic anot? Or even become a crazy one that think, think, think and still thinking one? Lmaos. Nothing to do really can start hallucinating about alot things. Now, I understand finally (:
Now I think should I appeal to another class. Saying seriously, like nobody's happy. Actually; I also don't know luhs. F* to this entire universe cans.
Continuously went out for don't know how many days. Starting was like supposingly staying at home and gradually keep going out from morning till night already xD

Thursday went to meet Eunice and etc @ West Mall. Went to buy all the neccesities for the upcoming chalet. And then went to Eunice house to sort out everything with her. Cabbed home with those raw food to get my maid settle everything xD Rest awhile only then went downstairs find Jolyn. She rebond her hair finish then cabbed to my house here and went to eat together. Stayed there talking for very long hours like that. Then bused to interchange to accompany her and accompany me wait bus, vice-versa. Lmaos. Went home after that and sister bought food home.

Today supposingly meet around 10plus. But Jolyn waked me up like 8plus only just to rush me to prepare in order to meet earlier. Lols. Prepared and all then went West Mall's Macdonalds to find her. Eunice and Yan Shan came shortly after us. After that went outside school's bus-stop wait for Choon Hui and Ting Hui. Went in school together. Actually we already know the results already xD Cos' can check from web also. Lmaos. But still went to school to see plus clear locker. Haaaahs. Then cabbed to Jolyn's house to accompany Eunice try-ons'. After everything went down to eat and accompany Serene for rebonding. Then went elsewhere to slack. At first intended to find Nabilah but when cabbed there already still need to wait then lost patience already. Ended up training to LotOne buy things eat and backed to Jolyn's house. Rushed all the way alrights. Cabbed home with Eunice and Yan Shan after taking our books, alighted them at West Mall and cabbed home to prepare already. Went to meet Eileen cousin around 6plus and trained to VivoCity to watch 'Anna & Anna'. Starting quite nice but eventually catch nothing from the movie. Lols. After that trained to JEC awhile and to BoonLay and Daddy came to fetch us to eat and sent her home :D Finally home sweet home @ 12plus.
Finally got back al results + combination at last! :D

Report Card
English Language B4
Chinese B3
Mathematics B4
Science B4
Geography B3
History A2
Literature C5
D & T B3
Home Econamics A2
Art B3
Music B

Total: 658/1000
Class Position: 23/40
Level PositionL 108/196
Attendence: 168/173

Emilyn displays rsourcefulness in seeking solutions. She is an independent worker who comes up with fresh and innovative ideas. Emilyn has a keen perception of her self and abilities and an unflagging determination to excel in her acadamic persuits. She excels in analyzing and adjusting work procedures for maximum efficiency. Emilyn displays a willingness to face conflicts.

Got into 3E4 :D

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's 15 minutes after me again. & It's not the first time also already :D

Went out with my sisters yesterday, Jolyn, Eunice and Ting Hui. Went to CSC's lan to play awhile. Then went TingHui's house to get Eunice' things, sent her home and went to West Mall to walk around. Bought relighting candles with Jolyn and played @ 30-storey there. Play awhile her friend came then ask Eunice come also xD Awhile she go back already. After that Jolyn and friend sent me to the taxi-stand to wait for Mummy and they went elsewhere xD Took cab down to Bugis with Mummy (: Bought all my things, not really all actually. Still got somemore ): But we're in a rush also. Daddy and sister came to join us then went to eat together. After that shopped around with sister @ Bugis awhile then went to find Daddy's car and home sweet home :D

Just ordered food and have to wait so long ): I think I'll starve to death even before the food comes ): Going to watch 终极一家 now (:

Monday, November 12, 2007

One more month to the exact same day. But I'll never yearn for it to come ):

Past few days stayed @ home watching 终极一家 DVDs. Can say watch quite fast already; one day ten episodes finish. Went grandparents' house yesterday. Nothing much to elaborate. Sweet, bitter, sour feelings are all stuck up. Don't know what's happening also ): Life's pretty suck up to me nowadays.

Neverminds. Tomorrow I'll be seeing my sisters already :D

Friday, November 09, 2007

Just mentioned I'm a good girl and these two days I've been going out non-stop. Lmaos ^^ Yesterday early morning went out with family to shop and then went to Uncle Gilbert's fair awhile. Then went grandparents' house to play and talk. Didn't went there for quite some time already. Played PSPs with cousins, picnics and talk about our childhood times there. Really fun actually. Pretty long didn't have much fun talks together already (: Around midnight went to eat dinner and went home already.

Today actually going out to study with sisters. But so sorry! I overslept! Lols. End up Eileen cousin called me out in the late afternoon. Went VivoCity to buy things, actually intended to watch movie there but the queue's simply too long. So went CityLink Mall instead to buy cousin's things and then trained to FarEast there to buy things again. After that trained to Jurong East awhile and home sweet home :D

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm a good girl now (: Because I've been staying at home everyday since the day I went out with family. Haven't been anyhow splurging money also already. Really changed already xD Also these few days keep doing holiday assignment. Haaaahs. Didn't quite expect myself to be so well-behaved too xDDDD But being @ home everyday really can kill me lehs. Not do those holiday assignments, then is watch DVDs, if not then eat, worst is sleep. Everybody like so busy like this, make one phone call to anybody in this house also same one. Haven't say till main point then tell me busy. Even my maid also like this. Sighs. Morning go off to work in my presence , bid goodbyes also don't have. Change liao, change liao ): The world has changed already. Even that stupid dog also rather sleep than come out play. So shitty mans. Really can die in this boring house already luhs!

Looked back at the past, really alot things can happen within a year lehs. Looked back even further and saw how much we've all changed since the last time we met up. It's really alot. But I believe it's all for the better :D Looking at alot of things really reminds me of alot f things. It's all like a drama playback in my mind.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Went Malaysia with relatives yesterday. Supposingly going there to visit relatives but end up didn't and turned out to become some excursion. Lmaos. Went there to take the boat to a rainforest, I think. And also to a floating market. All I can say is the sun is super hot.

After that went to a shopping centre to but things and eat lunch there also. When eating that time super irritated luhs cans. I don't understand what's wrong with eating more than the others okays. It's like the adults kept nagging at us when my parents haven't even mouth a word okays. So irritated luhs! After that went to walk around with cousins only. Bought sandals for myself and necklace for sister there (: Then went home after shopping already. Went to grandparents' house awhile before heading home.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Counting to the exact same day every now and then. But very impossible for the exact same thing to happen once more.

Couldn't sleep quite well last night because of somethings that happened some time after I went offline at MSN. Was is just mere coincidence or on purpose? It's not the first time also already. Sighs. What f* is all these fooling around? ):

Still hadn't got the chance to upload yesterday and the day before yesterday's photos yet. Wait till I get everything properly done up in the laptop then I can do things at ease :D Later going out with Daddy again! I have to stock up my Yakults xD I guess I really need a job badly or else I'll just laze around all day doing nothing x) Actually wanted to go Mummy's office to help out but she said she's rather give me money to stay at home than going to her office, which even better ^^ I'm dreading for tomorrow's plan ): How I wish I can skip tomorrow xD

I'm still missing my sisters and 2E5 ]];

Friday, November 02, 2007

Exactly one more month to the exact same day again if anybody could still remember.

Have been going out non-stop these few days xD Yesterday went out with parents in the morning to visit Grandaunt at NUH. She's in the ICU now, it's really scary in there ): After that went to West Mall to meet Eileen cousin. Went for another helix piercing, so long since the last one already. Then went JEC to eat lunch and bused to her house after that. Played with Bryan like crazy liddat. Haaaahs. & then went to pick Justin up from school (: Around 10plus took bus to JEC to find Mummy and cabbed home around 12plus.

Early morning wake up today to meet Eunice and took train together to YewTee to find Yan Shan. Supposingly to be studying there, end up keep playing and playing. 3plus left the place and went JEC with Eunice to eat shark fins' soup there :DDD & went West Mall awhile to talktalk, after that bused home already :DDDDDDD Took alot alot photos (: Going to upload someday when I use my computer instead of laptop; cos' there's photoshop in it to produce nicer photos! (((((: