Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy One Month to Madeline & WeiChien! (:

Sec 3s camp is today!
All of them look weird huhs,
with their bigbig bag :D
Tomorrow's the day everybody's been waiting for.
My second handphone back finally.
Everybody's getting their phone tml too (:

So many teachers ain't here today again.
Most went for the camp, some still on m.c.
So sian lohrs, no teacher but still got work.
Super excited for tml,
besides getting back phone;
we'll be getting our results tml ((:
Hope I'd passed all lahrs (:

Suppose to be treated by my darling at kfc cos of ytd.
But don't know why changed to tml, I think.
So nvm, went westmall with Eunice (:
Ate kfc, so regretting eating tht stupid meal.
And there's this sec one girl eating cheeky's meal!
Gosh; ain't she paiseh? Somemore from our school!
Such a disgrace cans, even Shuqun people also mocking at her.
Walked around after eating.
Eunice bought the stupid Fahrenhiet disc =.-
After that sort of pangseh-ed her again.
Sorry girl, then slack with Olivia and Hweekoon.
Go M1 see phones, nothing attracts me.
Called mom, she wants me to buy N80. Sian.
Such a big phone cans. ( I'll consider )
Then bused home with Olivia;
and waited bus with her.
Saw this disgusting girl at the bus stop, OMG!

Chat with baobei cousins when reached home.
hahas. So funny lohrs :D
Going out with them on this Friday!
Darlings treat kfc tml :DDDDDD

Guessed what Eunice said was right bahrs,
I'm just too naive to listen to your stupid lies.
Oh whatever; another g.d.b :D
I ain't gonna' be so stupid to listen to that bullshit of yours anymore.
I don't wanna' give a fucking* damn anymores!
God Damn Bitch!* Oh, Holly Slut!* :D
Darn tht Bastard!* Holly Jerk! :D
Continue with your bullshits;
for all that I care.
We ain't gonna' fucking* bother you anymores!
Holly Girls; you ain't that perfect.
Copy is not breaking the law;
neither adoring breaks the law.
Don't rule us, when you can't control yourself! :DD

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Woke up late for school today;
rushed like hell lahrs.
Manage to prepare everything on time.
Supposingly, dad was fetching me;
but I don't want! I want to buy sweets lahrs!
So rushed down myself, so nobody notices (:
Tough luck to have met WeiMing on the way.
Such a bad day, no wonder my attire's bad;
hair sucks for the day, & lots more.

Manymanymany teachers didn't came.
Ytd 6 teachers or more were on M.C. ;
that's what Mr Png claims so lahrs.
Today also the same lahrs :D
Most of those were our teachers for the day.
Geography & English: Free periods (:
Played heart attack, concentration, murderer&citizen and judge blahs;
with my beloved darlings (:
Eunice joined us so late lahrs,
and she's got free treat huhs? Not fair =X
YanShan and Sherilyn lost in the first round of concentration;
which cost them to treat us for recess :D
Two plates of foooooooood for free!
Second round: YanShan, Sherilyn, Nadhirah and Nabilah lost;
penalty: they treat us for kfc :DDD
Jolyn and I has got free treats for both rounds! high-fives*
Played murderer and rest with Eunice when she joined in;
she missed sososo much fun lahrs ):
Mr Yong was like so mad with us when we're playing,
Ms Nithya was the same too. lols.
Both teachers kept asking us to stop, but whatever;
it's free period anyways. Don't waste it.
Cos' it's a rarerare chance we get so close together (:

Recess: the 'losers' treated us (:
Food cleared up so damn fast cans,
as though we're hungry ghost or something.
But we have 7 people sharing two plate lehs :X
Went bookshop with Eunice; I always accompanying her lahrs xD
Bought her books, bought my pins.
Complained to Mr Kong about canteen food; lols.
He ask me go write feedback or something =.=
Then went back class; everybody playing with matches.
Lame, my idea okays! Copymeows* =X
Ask Nadhirah darling to steal matches from lab,
I did too huhs (: Fair.
The smell is so irrisistable lahrs, stinks!

Went for D&T; always the three of us so late :X
Did all the sanding and buffering, sians.
One of my tube went down into the bin!
God damn fuck* Walaos* Such a suey day.
Played and all during D&T.
Mr Png keep pin point me lahrs, fuck*
It's not as if I'm the only one running around lohrs.
Scold scold scold, always I get scolding dehrs.
So not fair lahrs!
Literature was next, super uber sian.
Most darlings didn't do the worksheet :D
high-fives* But no punishment also lahrs.

Went to find Ms Siva with Hweekoon after school;
cos' she wants her phone back. Sians.
Then went to HOD room to get back my phone.
Then went the childcare area to find Olivia.
Went to watch Just Follow Law together :D

It's a damndamn nice show, damn funny cans.
The theatre so many old people, lols.
There's this old lady keep giving the sickening laughter.
So disturbing during the show lahrs.
After movie, went home by bus after walking around.
So damn boring! I have yet to do my literature task!

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's been a longlong time since I bring handphone to school already.
Finally today I'm able to bring phone to school! hahas.
Went down with Jolyn in the morning to find Ms Chua,
end up she haven't come. So went back class.
The very first time I did my literature work, lols.
Hweekoon came down, cos Olivia didn't came to school.
She's down with fever ):
Then went to find Ms Chua with Hweekoon.
Gave her the phone & went for assembly (:

Nearly all the lessons were bored to death.
Love literature lessons for the first time,
cos we crapped alot in our groups xD
I Love My Darlings sososo much lahrs!
Did class mock test for mathematics;
cos' of mathematics common test today.
Didn't study much, no point studying either.
It's worthless without practices.
So might as well do with what I know.
Paper was quite alrights,
so damn similar to common test cans. Walaos*

Mother Tongue was damn fuck*
Mdm Leow kept repeating & all.
So stupid cans, nobody's listening also lohrs.
Two idoits act as though they took my stuff when they didn't.
How lame uhhs? =.-
Common test was after mother tongue,
spend my time shifting the tables for Jolyn Ang again.
God damn shit*, chaos okays.
Being slapped, slapped others. lols.

Common test was alright,
think I'm able to pass. hahas
After test, took bags.
Being pushed & beat around like a toy, fuck* cans.
Sebastian & co; ( Sebastian, Jordan, WeiMing, Sherilyn?, ... )
Can't remember lahrs, =.-
Fights with Sebastian & Jordan;
thanks nad-darling (:
She hit that ass-y Jordan for me. hahas.

Went Westmall with Hweekoon.
Ate burger king, then went watts-in.
Bought that love ring for Austin cousin, finally (:
( Last longlong with mad... )
Went back to school to wait for her god damn mother,
cabbed home after that. Sians.

Finally, common tests has ended (:
God damn bitch! (: LovessLovess

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Made some amendments to my blog.
I'm beginning to love it more and more now.

Went to grandparents' house ytd; again.
Fetch cousin over to our house first,
then we went there together.
Dad fetched us to Clementi Macdonalds for lunch,
then he & mom left for Malacca.
After eating, we walked back. lols.
Waited for damn hell long for everybody to arrive.
Talk talk talk alot lahrs.
Giving comments to Eileen cousin on what phone to buy.
Supposingly we are choosing the same phone,
but then don't know why she prefers the 6288.
Which honestly don't suit a girl lahrs.
In the end she can't buy it on the spot,
cos' the mah-jong session started already. lols.
So we just slacked alot lahrs.
Ordered Macdonalds for dinner.
Talked till all of us fell asleep.
Went home at three plus,
have been staying up late this new year.
Really tires all the teenagers,
cos' we had school & still had to stay up late.
Whereas the adults had got one week leave for chinese new year.

Think nobody's going to grandparents' house today.
Cos' work aand school starts tomorrow again.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Finally I got back my precious phone!
Sososo finally. hahas.
Waiting for this time for like years.
Misses to all my sms partners! lols.
But all my darlings haven't got their phone back.
hais. But at least I can return to my old typing method!

Went to school myself.
So frustrated early in the morning lahrs. Damn it.
Everything's getting on my nerves these days.
I just so damn hate it lahrs.
Supposely to pon school today,
but think of getting my phone back ...
I just went lohrs (:
Damn Ms S. Low lahrs!
She say I can't get my phone back, idoit.
Lucky I never listen to her. hahas.
Ms Chua is so kind to return today! (:
Cab home straight after getting my phone back.

So many people snatching cab with me lahrs, idoit.
Having tuition later, sian.
After tuition going to grandparents' house again;
then go to whoever's house to bai nian, ang baos! (:
I think I'm using up all new year money soon already.
Keep splurging on useless things everyday. - our wonderful love (:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

For like don't know how long since I've blogged.
Was so tied up during CNY.
Didn't had the time to even do my work lahrs.
No time to even on the computer as well.
Just went out in the day & back in the night.
Had reunion dinner with all relatives on Saturday.
Had reunion dinner with mother side relatives on Sunday.
Had reunion dinner with family on Friday.
So practically had three days of reunion dinner,
like any other CNY we've celebrated.
Collect lots of red packets, nearing $300.
Played poker at high stakes.
Lost around $300 of my father's money.
I won back $40 of my own money.
But total up, still lost lahrs.
Can't recoup my dad's lost money.
Had lion dance at cousin's house on Tuesday.
Soso darn loud, her friends came over as well.
Played poker for like almost everyday, even till today.
Went grandparents' house ytd also, today suppose to.
But just too tired from all that CNY celebrations.

Mrs Shirley Peh is back, finally.
But no more slacking for MT already.
Think I'll be busy for the next few days as well.
Mathematics common test coming, yet to revise.
Not yet done with watching all my drama dvds;
movie dvds & mobtv dramas. Too many shows.
I want to go to the movies sometime!
It's been a longlong time since I've gone ):

replying of tags;
(sorry, cnt be bothered to reply.)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm like so lazy to blog these days & I don't know why.
Perhaps it's due to my new handphone & etc bahrs.
Just didn't had the right mood to do anything.
Searching all around Singapore just for two idoitic phones.
Thursday was like hell, & I'm like so high!
Had science common test, it's rather alrights.
I climbed up the ledge like & idoit,
cause I was like super crazy that time. lols.
Guessed nobody saw anyways, thank god.
Cos it's bound to be damn damn paiseh.
Another new case in our case,
cannot be bothered to mention.
Ain't any big or serious things lahrs.
Just some baotoh-ing cases =.=
Went home with Kaiting since everybody wanted to stay.
Talked alot to Kaiting! I so love you lahrs! (:

Friday, I'm still super high!
English; I was like keep telling Ms E. Tan not to go thru the paper.
Just give us answers is enough,
& tells us stories lahrs.
Didn't expect her stories to be soso 'interesting' lols.
Lessons on friday was like soso little.
Had fire drill during literature.
Seems so real, guess most people thot it's real.
Gathered at carpark, sian till can die.
My area was like hot & stinky!
Pebbles fight all around I think.
Olivia, Hweekoon, JunKang, Sukrii. Sherilyn ... etc;
keep aiming. God. All ganging up to throw pabbles at me lohrs.
JunKang came all the way into our class just to hit me with the pebbles.
Anyways, he still missed it. hahas. =X
My darling sisters were also playiing pebbles in the carpark.
So seriously, it proves to everybody how boring it was.
Did deco-ing after recess.
Ms S. Low ask me do the oral presentation, siao.
Thank god we need to watch the video clips,
so I escaped from presenting & all (:

Went home after school to wait for dad to fetch me back to school =.=
See if I'm able to collect my phone back.
Oh wtf, Ms P. Chua says I can't.
WeiMing's there too, he asked his parents over also. lols.
Chaos lahrs. But Ms Chua allowed me to bring in future!
My parents gave the permission. lols.

Then went to Nanyang. Sian.
Saw alot of unknown people.
Took a long time to find JiaXin,
don't know where the hell she's hiding lols.
Went in staff room with JiaXin, George & Jeremy.
Couldn't find any teachers. Mrs Tang says we're late.
Asked us to go back earlier. DOTS.
Left Nanyang after that, since it's so boring!
All five of us left together (:
Idoit George; Shut your mouth up lahrs! xP
Went Coronation, fun sia.
Lisiao the auntie again, funny (:
Bhot chocolates (: Shared with dearests.
Dad came over to fetch when everything ended.
Went to town to fetch sister,
waited damn hell long; till I fell asleep for hours.

Came home for steamboat - early reunion dinner. lols.
So little people, Enen came over too!
She damn cute lahrs, she over-ate (:
Played with her like so damn crazy, she kept screaming!
Then went Bukit Panjang area.
Saw alot of people, bhot clothes for Enen.
Then sent her home (: Then we went home.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Slept for more than 12 hours, I think.
I'm seriously so tired & sick. lols.
Dad fetch me to school again.
Had this survey during homework,
I swear is a total absurb lahrs.
It quite make some senses at certain questions;
but the others was like ridiculous cans.

I took my revenge finally!
I slapped back LeeRuJing! lols
Helped out with the class decoration.
I feel so proud, huhs. lols.
Scored quite well for my recent test,
not buey bah or anything.
But I seriously didn't study, copied anyways.

School ended, went to find my dearest Olivia & Hweekoon.
haaaas. Since Eunice XiaoMei was in such a bad mood,
so fine; didn't want to bother her much anyways.
Didn't celebrate with her lohrs ):
I Love My Darlings so much! (:
Everybody's in such a bad mood, can see.
Went home around 3plus for tuition.
Oh god, it's damn boring.
Science common test is tml,
& I have yet to revise all the chapters clearly!

p.s/ haven't been replying tags recently,
due to some idoit spammers xPp
& also I'm lazy. sorry.
Chinese Version
而是 我就站在你面前

不是 我就站在你面前
而是 明明知道彼此相爱

不是 明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起
而是 明明无法抵挡这股思念

不是 明明无法抵挡这股思念
而是 用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人

English Version
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don't know that I love you

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you
Yet you can't see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet cannot be together

The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when painly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when painly cannot resist the yearning
yet pretending you have never been in my heart
but using one's indifferent heart
To dig an uncrossable river
For the one who loves you

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday, 12 February 2007;
Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habit.
Watch your habits, they become your destiny.
- Mrs Tan Lay Hong ( Principal )

It does make some senses.
A quote from her on monday during English period.
Ms E. Tan didn't come, so Mr Thvva took over.
& he was like so weird cans.
Punish us for opening our mouth & blahs.
Anyways, he was 'scolded' by Mrs Tan as well;
cause of his attire! lols.
Asked him to button up, hahas.
Think he hates her too (:

School ended to went with Eunice mei to Mac at first.
Saw Jolyn & co. going kfc so went along lohrs.
Lisiao-d my Nadhirah darling at kfc,
& hid Nabilah's bag. She's so gulliable lahrs.
Anyways, I love you all! FunFunFun!

Tuesday, 13 February 2007;
Dad fetch-ed me over to school.
Went locker saw Eunice & co.
Eunice is so kind okays! She'd be so happy upon reading!
Thanks ahs. She helped me carry my bag up! haaas.
Fun talks with Ms C. Tan & Ms E. Tan.
Both so interesting huhs, can talk alot with them lohrs.
Reccess treat darlings (: I'm in top mood.
Design & Technology's always the same old,
& Mr Png has nothing else for us to do already.
What fuck! So we don't need to attend school or what?!
I don't want to do the base acrylic anymore,
it's fucking hard lahrs! Give up on that already.

Tommorow's Valentines' Day!
Promised to celebrate with my dear Eunice (:
Hope she doesn't forget uhs.
Him&Her, Her&Him. This season's sweet occasion (:
( Austin & Madeline )

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Met up with Eileen cousin at her house.
Dad fetch us over to Jurong Point.
Mrt-ed to Outram Park, two idoits at People's Park.
In search for that idoitic building.
End up, there's nothing.
We gave up, so mrt-ed over to Bugis.
Saw lots of things, but it seems like nothing seems our liking.
Walked round & round, end up we're so tired.
So went Swensen for snacks.
Sat there for around 2hours before we left.
Seriously so tired from all that walkings lahrs.
Met up with sister at fountain,
then continued our shopping.
Saw more things than before,
due to my sister introducing & bringing us around.
She's been there like monthly.
Bought two sets of clothings only,
& like i spent more than a hundred already.
Buying my bottoms & shoes on coming Thursday again.
So damn it lohrs, not enough money! AHHHS!
Cousin bought three sets with the same amount. lols.
But I bought extra bag & jacket, hahas.

Then went PartyWorld after that.
Sang & all. FunFunFun!
Going there again during CNY.
Four hours inside, seriously is not enough.
Dad & Mom came over to fetch us,
they waited for us for like half an hour.
lols. Then went home.
Cousin came to stayover. FUN!

We're still playing & not done with our homework.
Going over to WestCoast later, most probably.
Thinking of going there, it's so sian lahrs.
Can die going there, no computer; no nothing.
So lack of technologies =.=
Anyways, I have to go still lahrs.

Thanks Jeslyn sweetiepie, Kelvin kor, Amelia dardar & etc.
Thanksthanks so much, I Love You all!
& special thanks to ONGWANXIN uhs.
( look your name is big up already huhs )
ONGWANXIN - an idoit who always makes me so high,
the most chio zeh that always pang seh me!
&& the mostmost boxim zeh I have! xPp

Friday, February 09, 2007

Pon school today.
I bathed and all, then I realise;
it's such a bad day. lols.
So I didn't go to school lahrs =.=
Slept throughout till afternoon.
Since I was partcially sick (:

Olivia called, so asked them come over.
Went down to pick them, & buy food.
Picnic over at my house till the teacher came.
They went when she came.
Overall, the tuition was alright.
Everything's okay. So-so lahrs.
Practically, I don't really understand;
cause I was so tired lahrs. lols.
Nvm, continue the next lesson another time.
Ended early as I don't have any books.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

God damn mad! Fuckers.
Lols. Considerably dying.
Class was so chaotic. Absurb.
Had Mother Tongue & Maths test.
Think I'll be scoring quite well for both.
Being slapped umpteen times again!
Fuck cans, it's fucking pain alrights.
I'll make sure I'll slap all of you hard! =Pp
Had the fucking idoitic slapping thing. Darn it.

Went Macdonalds after school with Eunice mei & Yanshan.
Had sososo many serious talk.
Totally fed up cans. We were like exploding lohrs.
Bet Eunice was like mad like hell upon knowing so much facts.
Lols. Anyways, it's the past already.
I won't be bothering much, but knowing the truth it's alright.
Just let it be this way thens.
Since we are all hating it, but yet we can't do anything.
Cabbed back school after that.
Had the ACE-learning thing. Half sian already.
Did alot of rubbish lahrs.
All the questions were practically guesses.
The teacher's like god damn mad. lols.
Cause of our behaviour, hahas.
Cabbed home with Olivia when everything ended.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Damn fuck lohrs.
Wanted to buy my new phone ytd,
& fucking dealer say no stock.
What fuck sia. Shit him lahrs.
Everytime also liddat wan.
Last year also liddat, make me no phone.
Then now also same. Why so suey.
From Serangoon search all the way to Great World.
Still don't have lohrs. Fuck cans!
In the end go Crystal Jade buy a stupid cake!
Went Chinatown for a walk while waiting for my dad to fetch my sister.
Bought quite alot of food lahrs.
Then went home already, so tired.
Plus I'm so damn mad lohrs.

Today went Olivia's house, ate & all.
Then went Westmall with hweekoon. hahs.
Went M1 to check the price & see the phone,
end up making me hate the phone so much!
Cause of the size. Fuck rights?
Now I'm not having an appropriate phone!
Walk & slack around till 4.30. Sian cans.
But damn funny lohrs. (Cannot say.)

Got class tee voting today.
Most votes to class jersey.
& everybody disagrees on the colour.
Lols. Alrights, changing colour.
So stop making your stupid comments, & harping on.
No point also, cause changing colour also.
I kept changing my no. lols. Funny sia.
Then keep asking Sherilyn what's my number also.
It's as though I've got stm or smthg.
From 11 change to 9 & 9 to 15.
Think I'm changing to 27 bahrs.
Since everybody decides on birthday. lols.
I follow suit. hahas. (joking)

Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm so high today. lols.
So many people never come for class. good.
New time-table works today =.=
So many subjects before recess.
Recess is the best lahrs.
The only class sia. Damn cool lohrs.
Everybody played like siao.
Couldn't rmb anything for class.

Went bk with Eunice mei & YanShan.
So darn funny cans. We're so broke!
Crap alot sia. Funny! (:
Thanks girls, I'm so happy! hahas.
Anyways, we said out what we felt & everything.
Felt so much better lohrs,
cause always seem like nobody can understand liddat.
Then accompanied them to library,
& they did their homework.
I do finish mine in class already! Guai-Kia! (:
Crap so much in the library, darn funny.
Anyways, I seriously agree with their thinkings.
Walked home with Eunice mei, I'm good!
Mei; don't care them. Since we're tired of them,
let them be this way then. Forget it.

Then bused home, called Olivia. Talked.
Crap alot. Called Eileen cousin, thanks!

Today's the last episode of 'The Peak'
So excited to see the ending. Haaaas.
Will my prediction come true? Hope it would.
Lalalas! I'm seriously so high for the day! tatas!

P.S/ sorry everybody! I've just realised I've locked my tagboard. (:

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Didn't blog on friday.
Particularly, because I'm so angry, so irritated, so fed up.
Specifically by some ppl whom I treasure quite alot.
One in school, another at home.
Alrights, I think everything's better.
( Oh god, please lahrs! )

Friday 02February2007;
I can't remember much for the day,
due to my short-term memory =.=
Only remembered that, that asshole ran away;
after she complained her shits! (It'sWhatI'mSoMadAbout)
Anyways, it's the past already; forget it.
I've closed an eye, took it as nothing anymores.
School ended & waited for olivia & hweekoon.
Snatched cab with an accent-ed english teacher; Ms Elizabeth Tan.
lols. It's so funny lahrs - her reaction. (:
Cabbed over to olivia's house, had picnic at her house.
Cause we bought so many food - tidbits. hahas.
Had a hard time gorging everything; too much.
Left with hweekoon around three plus.
Walked over to LotOne. Bought bubbletea!
Loves it so much lahrs. Esp: the Pearls!
Talked alot alot in the mrt on the way home;
then bused home in 945. Long trip sia.

Mad at mom about the N93.
She's complaining now, so forget it.
I give up, she wins.
I'm not buyiing anymore; besides it's bulky.
Getting ultra slim samsung phone now, I think.
Hope she agrees this time.
Have been having a hard time to search for a phone already.
So don't complain anymore, please!
Had dinner at NS Home Team, batok area one.
Ate at the codfish restaurant, I think.
The food sucks lahrs. So awfully.
Plus my mood was so terrible that time.
Then went home for sleep already.

Saturday, 03February2007;
Had spring cleaning. Cleared alot of rubbish.
I realise I've been keeping alot alot of junks! lols.
It's so much more neater compared to before.
Ordered KFC, shared amount with sister.
Then went over to Judith cousin house.
Taught her on vernier calipers readings,
played badminton after that. So tired.
Then they went Jurong there for dinner.
I tagged along lohrs, but didn't had anything.
Just a can of coke, cause I'm full.
Shopped around at there for their food & etc.
Saw alot of cute, gross & etc things.
Had fun. Then they fetched me home.
My eyes are gonna' close anytime soon from now!

Ignore These;
IReallyMissThoseTimes. IDoWishForYourReturn.
NowIKnowIWasSoWrong. RightFromTheStart.
&I'veLearnToLetGoBitByBitNow. Don'tWorry.
&ThatIDidAdmittedOnceThatIReallyLovedYouAlot. (:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

super hot in class today lahrs!
because they turned the fan to speed three!
and the windows are all closed lohrs. hot!
nothing spectacular.
had counselling today, fun lahrs.
talked alot, alot. hahas. (:
mother tongue was the same lohrs.
everybody had a lot of fun lahrs.

dhen after school went to find olivia and hweekoon.
went westmall to eat together lohrs.
so much fun lahrs.
we keep laming around! lols.
dhen hweekoon left lehrs.
so olivia bused to my house. hahas.
talk & talk alot alot. lmaos.
went under 315 dhen make up lame stories!
story of ______ & _______! lmaos.
slacked till around 6.
accompanied her wait bus, dhen went home.
sososo much fun! hahas.
ILoveOlivia! (: your story nice ahrs!
( you admitted lehrs! )