Thursday, January 31, 2008

Too much coincidence in between that cannot be explained.

I think E4's really the best of all already, seriously. Although it's not as fun as 2E5'07 was; but all's so united for everything. It's not like how we used to be judge by others in the past xDDD School's really the same everyday. Except that I forgot to mention mine and Jolyn's new brothers, Jia Yi & Sze Hong. Laugh out loud. Damn comic in between. Hahas. Went West Mall after school today for lunch and to Jolyn's house awhile. Abused by her lil. brother. Lmaos. & also thanks to Yan Shan for the birthday present (:

When I am alone,
I think of you.
I think of how much,
I would love to be with you.
And I think of how much,
I would love to be,
In your warm embrace right now.
But most of all,
I think of how much I love you.

It ended longlong ago, I guess.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One glance and I know it's you. Even though the distance is really far.

Happy Birthday Daddy! :DD

Veryvery short day. School's like same every single day. No play, no fun; all study. Lols. After school went West Mall awhile. Intended to buy presents for someone, but suddenly remembered that have to buy daddy's present first. So took bus to CauseWay Point with Yan Shan. Ate and shopped there. Took train back to Batok again and went to buy burthday cake from Swensen's. Then took bus home. Hold the cake and presents given by Jolyn & Eunice sisters, and Sebastian brother. Like going someone's birthday party if not for myself one. Laugh out loud. Anyway, thanks to Jolyn & Eunice sister, and Sebastian brother for the present :D

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

All's busted up & mixed around again ):

Some things made me so distracted during a. maths test; cause me to be unable to concentrate well. Fk; guess it'll all be screwed up. Just hope not, cause I spent a really long time to be concentrating it. Sighs. Once, twice; it's alright. But always is never alright / okay. Had independent learning today, like no difference. After school went Lot One with Yan Shan; shopped and bought my stuff :D:D:D Very happy and not very happy. Laugh out loud.

Thinking of Expo now, made me recall something. Very happy yet very sad. Gone already. Gonegonegone.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Not that I'm worth at all, neither are you. We're just not the worthy ones ]:

Just got back home. So many homework piling up already. Don't know which wire went wrong today, reached like super early. Lols. Tests everyday now D: Can really fall asleep during lessons already. I hate Big Bad Flies now >:/ Made me like what during assembly. Even Ms Chua also better. Don't know what the hell's wrong with him; like always picking one me. See one time, catch one time. Fk. Lucky Ms Tan's better; don't care him XDDD Accompanied Yan Shan to station after school & went for lunch with Olivia and Hwee Koon. Slacked there till 5 and bused home.

Maybe you didn't realise how good you were in others eyes (: Forget it all, forget it all; cos' nothing great at all!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Maybe it's really wrong for giving in too much ):

Happy Birthday to myself!
( Bigbig thank you to whoever that ordered the bigbig cake for me! :D )
- Don't know it's mommy or aunt =X

Out yesterday & home today. The cycle's always like this every weekend. Lols. The cake came in the afternoon, it's damn big. ordered kfc for lunch also. There's alot of photo, I'll upload :D Homework, food, entertainment & sleep today only. Saddening right? xD

" Emilyn ah, Emilyn ah. Why you so kelian one? " Laugh out loud. Confirm alot people will be thinking right? Hahas. Anyways, thanks everybody for the birthday wishes (:

Friday, January 25, 2008

It'll be the last step, the last one; the ending. Really.

Went Bugis & backed from Bugis. Wah; super crowded there. Can die in there also nobody know one. Trained there, walked there, ate there & shopped there. Lols. Met Mondre like awhile there, outside BK. Really so awhile. Laugh out loud. Went back around 8plus. Skipped first train b'cos Olivia wants to. Hahas xD Trained to Gombak and walked all the home (: Nothing went through; throughout the whole path :DDDDDDDDDDDD

I don't know what will be the ending. But at least I guess I've really given in much. It's all now, you (: Everything lies in the near future now.
It's just not fair. B'cos it's not so simple only ):

Happy Birthday Eunice! :D

Didn't felt like going school today but still went :| Cannot afford to skip school this year and next year already. 'Ve to work really hard [: Eunice brought her big elmo to school today. Laugh Out Loud! Celebrate her birthday after school @ kfc and left already. She confirm disappointed with us one lohrs. But we planned a surprise for her. Lols. Bought cake up her house and celebrated there. Photos upload xDDDDD Went home around 5plus. Home sweet homeee~ Nobody's gonna' be home today again; friday, friday, friday ]: Why nobody stays @ home on fridays? DDDDDDD: Everything's like shit!

It's the cold shoulder, I received; is causing the distance between. & the fact that, there's not much expressions ): It sure is a longer way that nobody will expect.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Don't know what kind of day is today :| Alot homeworks, alot lessons. Headed to West Mall after school. Ate, walk around and home with Olivia. That's all, nothing much today. Totally moodless. Lmaos.

A long long way to go, still.

I think I have to start replying tags, actively xD
Tags replies:

SEBASTIAN=D : Hahas, okays luhs. Don't put two heart, put smiley face luhs :D &&. yah,yah; 3E2 very united okays? Lols.
RENEE :D : Yahs. I know, I know [:
jayme : Lols. Samesame. I think everybody also want die already [x
YIUCY(: : Okays. Linked [:
Oli-viaaokx' : You super nothing to do hohrs? Hahas. Lamelamelame! :D
eunice : Hahas. Confirm happy one, you; right? :D
chewyi : Relinked [:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Everything's got no meaning anymore. Everything's pointless & everything's got no point now ]:

I hate school now. I don't know why, maybe it's because ... maybe, maybe. I don't know what too. Just feel so irritated recently, I don't know why too. Maybe's my birthday's reaching that's why I recall something. Nevermind; long gone, long long ago. Everyday in school is studystudystudy & everyday at home is homeworkhomeworkhomework. Sighs. Went Swensens to eat lunch yesterday and headed home after lunch. & today went Jurong Point to buy Eunice and Yan Shan's present. After that gave them their presents and went to meet Olivia. Accompanied her awhile and went home. Everything sucks.

Appearance don't mean much at all. B'cos everything can lie under it. Words can't describe everything so does words mean much too. Sighs, sighs, sighs. Carrying on is a regret, moving on is a wish D: Everything's like a lie, pretendence.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Just not meant to be :/

Like shit, like fk; so shag. Don't know what went wrong with my cells. Lmaos. Guess I'm dying soon, great xD Pe was utter shit. Did everything and ended up like fk. Confirm not feeling great. Maybe it's really true that I hadn't had enough food. Lols. Big joke; how can not enough food when I just had buffet last night and eating like nobody's business everyday. Laugh Out Loud! After recess was super boring, don't understand a single thing for both Sciences. Had assembly in the hall, funny things happened. & then was class beautifying day. I guess 3E4's the most united one already. Having everybody to stay back and co-operate together without the need of any teacher. & some particular teacher were still scolding us for some nonsense thing; when they realise they were still act like they were correct. Bullshit. Everybody's stayed till the uncle came to kick us out and claimed our class best. Lmfaos. Best then good :DDD Cos' we've spent so much effort making everything together nicely done. Went home straight around 5plus. Just finished all my homework, finally can rest [[[:

It's just not suppose to be like this. I don't like this storyline anymore D:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Couldn't cling one cos' you went too far ]:

Happy Birthday YanShan! :D

Five more days to Eunice's and seven more to mine [: Something kept distracting my thoughts, I don't what it is. But it just kept me so far from my studies. Causing me to be unable to do my homework properly. It's shit! D: Did Maths just now. Not that tough after knowing the methods. Lmaos. Later going to Furama Hotel for family dinner and also celebrating my birthday in advanced :DDDD If you wanna' play like this, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't consider in the sake of BLOOD.

After all these, I don't know when you be back. Maybe, you're just fulfilling the 16 months you've mention last time. I don't know where you'd start from also :|

Saturday, January 19, 2008

All that was history already. Couldn't cling on cos' nobody admits.

Almost whole day rot @ home doing abit of homework, but couldn't concentrate. Cos' was watching ' All this love ' @ the same time when doing. The show confirm nice one lohrs, watch finish within one day somemore. Hahas. Ended up didn't do any homework at all. Lols. After that prepared and went to Queensways with Mummy. Bought my things there and back to West Mall to eat & buy more stuff xD Saw Ting Hui, Shawn & co. as well today. Buy finish everything then went home already.

Four-hundred plusplus. It's all tattoo-ed all over already. Once broken, forever gone unless one comes back [:

Friday, January 18, 2008

Everything's mixed up already. Too hard to separate.

School's as usual. Now I think new class really alot better already :D Talk more and more, somemore so united also. Lols. I find lessons getting super boring now already. Seriously, all's not interesting at all. School ended early. But still dragged the time cos' Jolyn have committee meeting, ended up have to wait for her also. After that went over to meet Eunice and walked around West Mall. 3plus went Sakae to eat, also kind of celebrate Yan Shan birthday (: Ate finish and headed home straight.

Just cannot understand what's the point of doing so much when you don't wanna' clarify.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Alot of things can happen in a day, until none of us really get the meaning.

So many things can really happen within a day. But afterall maybe I'll be the only one keep guessing for since I know every little thing. But yet I cannot make any confirmation about anything because there's too many coincidences that could happen in one such day. Lols.

Morning somehow reached school rather late. Lols. Alot alot things happened in between. Luck or fate. Lols. Lessons were super boring, can really go crazy already luhs! After school went 204 awhile and headed home to prepare to meet Olivia & Hwee Koon. Ended up dragging till 4plus gg 5 then we meet at my house here. Trained there, ate and Hwee Koon left. Walked around and around; but everything that I want to buy is gone already D: Shag. But nevermind, will have chance next time :DDDDDD

Reached home, rest like less than 5 minutes then went out again with family. Went Mont Blanc @ Takashimaya, bought some things then went home. Intended to go Queensway buy my wallet, but closed D: Not a very lucky day xD

Maybe words have to be more specific for us to understand better [:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Make it clear who it is gonna' be, please.

Yes, fk mood whole day. Somemore, fk to my new phone also. I don't know if it's a phone or a rubbish to me. Lag like shit. Will change phone soon (: People, don't buy music xpress 5310; it sure suck. Hahas. School's the same everyday. Maths, recess, science practicals and etc.. etc.. Almost everyday seeing the same teachers one. Maths & maths & maths non-stop everyday. Went Jurong Point after school with Olivia; ate there and walked around then left to Batok already. Accompanied her wait bus, and home-d :D

Fk, phone that spoils mood. Fk, maths that make me go crazy. Everything's like shit when you're like this. Yes, it really is. Always sliding past like transparent one D:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All's just a story that's mixed up together.

Meant to be or supposed to be. School, school, school everyday. Fk, getting very bored of it already. All the lessons are starting to be very boring already, except mathematics :D Lessons and lessons. Sighs. Finally, today got no homework already (: Went Queensway after school today with Jolyn, Eunice and Yan Shan :D Walked around and trained back to West Mall. Met Olivia there and went to Sakae to eat again. Lols. Everyday's eating and eating for me. Hahas.

Fk, fk, fk. Don't irritate me till an extend that I can't tolerate. Watch yr actions, watch yr words. Toleration is for once, for twice; not forever. Watch yr step, & not go overboard. Better. Irritated now. Fk. If I hate tht person, don't do funny things with me & tht person. Seriously, NOT FUNNY. If you think it's funny, by all means; go find else one to irritate. Not me. You can joke with me with anything; but not put me or compare me with someone I detest alot. Becaise that irritates me a million more times than anything. So, fk; Go find someone you can keep joking with, irritate with; see if that particular person flares up someday.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Everything's starts with a 'because', and the reason behind every complicated thing is love.

How come everything's not nice one? Sighs. It's not just what I think everything will turn out. Laugh Out Loud! Super funny this whole day. Confirm much funnier than Mr Bean already. Lmaos. Had pe today, that cost my leg to hurt alot more. But I still love pe. Hahas. Lessons and lessons in between, everything's getting less interesting when it all comes to work and no play. I've completed alot of work, even though it's all nicely done; but it's equivalent to nothing in this class. Seriously, it's so not up to it at all. Fk. Imagine just the Maths holidays assignment only, my class can have only 3 people not finishing up everything. This is really so crazy. I can really go so crazy already. Everything's so smooth until recess time. Shit, Mr Zulkefly. Got caught for attire after recess. Waste time only. Went back class after that. Realised Mrs Tan also there. Don't know all doing what also one. Everything also meddle in abit. Lols. Every lesson went so slowly, somemore Ms Tan didn't come. Even more lessons free for the day, bored till wanna' die already.

After school intended to go Queensway, but everybody's too tired to go. Ended up going library awhile find Olivia with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Talked awhile, decided to go to Sakae to eat. Lmaos. Olivia left first, cos' she says she's so tired. Hahas. While we three ate at Sakae, till 5 plus. Ate so much! Wow! I've been eating so much recently already. I think becoming a 100kg pig is not exageratting for me already. Hahas. Ate finish and headed home straight already.

Because, because and still because.
Because you never speak, so nobody knew what it was. All everyone could do was guessing and guessing only. But none would be right unless you choose to speak the truth. Trust has to be built up if you wanna' speak.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

You'll never be back. He'll never be back. She'll never be back. All's never gonna' be back forever.

Wow. Completed Maths Holiday Assignment within one day. But left alot alot of questions blank. Cos' I don't know how to do. Lmaos. Stayed @ home rotting the entire day and completing all homeworks :D Ordered kfc too (: I think I should go on a diet already or else I'll keep eating and eating till I become one fat pig that weighs over 100kg. Hahas. Okays, too exagerating also. Lols! I'm thinking, and I'm thinking; what shall I buy. There's so many things I wanna' buy for myself cos' I just got my pay. There's too many things I wanna' buy that'll cost a big big bomb! & I don't wanna' go to school tomorrow D:

Fk. Stop giving those kind of hopes that's never gonna' happen unless you speak. Can't you just speak & clarify it all? Don't give those kind of hopes anymore, please. Until someday when you really choose to speak (:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Morning still sleeping then give people disturb. Irritating one. Hardly got chance can sleep so long, end up disturb till I wake up. Go prepare and all, then met Jia Xin @ Cck. Took train to Yishun and met Amanda there :DD Caught " One Missed Call " together. Quite a nice show, but stupid ending. Walked around North Point and went back around 6plus. Met Olivia at LotOne. Wait for her very long again. See thing, buy thing; non-stop one. Ate a little bit and took 188 home already. Have to do finish all homework by tomorrow already D:

I need to buy ALOT of new things again. Please designers; come out with nicer designs xD

Friday, January 11, 2008

Why give hopes when there's no definite answer. It's still meaningless also one.

Tired until like what like that, like sleep already forever cannot wake up that type. Can't even concentrate well during lessons also. Don't say lessons; plainly just morning assembly only also can fall asleep already. Don't know what happen also, so lethargic one. Morning reached school like so early, like nobody come at all one. Somemore classroom like snow city like that. Bth. Even Mr Chia also bth. Lmaos. Cannot quite focus on lessons today D: Last lesson Maths even worse. Happily doing own things with Jolyn end up Mr Chia teach what we also don't know. Like idoit like that. But still manage to understand a little afterall :D

After school went 204 awhile with Olivia & HweeKoon. Then went WestMall library to study with them. & bused to Gombak to eat with Olivia at there. Eat finish then like idoit like that accompany her walk for nothing. Lols. & took bus home already. Reached home rest awhile then intended to call Olivia, end up rest awhile become sleep awhile. Hahas.

& I understand finally! (:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Everyday's workload is increasing and decreasing then increasing and decreasing again. Super tired one. Somemore everyday sure have either elementary or additional mathematics. Make us super confused now. Jolyn keep be my 反对党 one. Lmaos. Classroom super cold before recess today. Alot people say llike Snow City like that. Lols. All come in then freeze like siao. Mr Chia also cold till bth liao. Hahas. Somemore the window can do drawings already. But after recess like super warm already. Fk that person go adjust the air-con temperature luhs. No manners one. Never ask for everybody's agreement then anyhow anyhow. Irritating one lohrs. Cannot stand Mr Nazar also already sia. He come in then everybody start falling asleep already. He teach like all no link one; think we everything also know. Lmaos.

After school went WestMall with Jolyn and Yan Shan. Seems like a long time since we've been there already. Ate and headed home straight after that. Wait for Olivia @ bus-stop till I want die already. Keep say coming end up so many bus go liao haven't come. Then accompany her wait bus and went home :D Finally completed all mathematics work already (:

Just realised I've got lots of tags yet to reply.

Tags replies:

eunice: You asking me to say to you uhs? xD
♥.Gohhuifen: Hahas. You saysay only, I also mahs.
&WANXIN: & I was there. Lols!
SEBASTIAN=D: Good student sure do homework one okays! xD
chermainee: Relinked :D

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I see you, you see me; we are just strangers.
Everything started changing again and again. Always during this time, nothing good happens.

Morning Daddy fetched me to school. Made him wait around 30minutes @ carpark xD School's always so boring now. Study, study, study non-stop only. After school, headed home straight.

Thinking back; everything's perfect and wonderful. Everybody's just so naive last time; but now, it's a different thing already. All also walk different paths already, sigh. No words to describe. Maybe noone even reminsce at all. Everybody's leading life happily now D: All thats gone cannot come back anymore no matter how much we try to. It's just impossible, not even a slightest hope appear. We'd be gone just like this forever :|

I think there's a need for a clarification about my previous two posts. I said that + apologise for that, I also don't know why. I guess it's because now I think there isn't a need to keep on being like this anymore, to bother anymore. Perhaps take it as I haven't said anything before. Neither do I feel like I've said it before either, not for any specific reasons. Yes; still irritated + you(2) keep on continuously irritated me. But I don't think I'd ever bother anymore. Too numb to care about all these already. Like a dead person don't know what's going on.


Monday, January 07, 2008

Or maybe I was really wrong all these while. Perhaps; it's all just my hallucination, my wishful thinking, my silly dreams all these time.

I'm losing sleep these days after started eating those pills. If this carries on, I don't know how to concentrate during lessons already. Lols. Today not much lessons cos' have PE in between. Took height & weight today. Stupid! Must start losing weight already. Hais. Seriously, cannot accept my weight and height at all. Nothing much happened in school; only some jokers around. Hahas. Tml's Tuesday already. Tuesday's the longest day of all, I think. Five periods of Sciences in a day! I begin to dread for school on Tuesdays already luhs. Feel like skipping school every Tuesday; but sure miss alot of things one. Sighs. Kind of regret going E4 D: Gonna' fall sick soon already, confirm one. Everytime starting of the year sure sick one. Sighs. Already starting to feel so sick already plus losing appetite cos' of studies now ]: How I wish we all can remain as Sec 1s & 2s forever xD

Anyways; I wanna' apologise for my previous post. On second thought, I guess I was too harsh on saying those. Maybe you know, maybe you don't know. But I guess you sure know one; cos' we kindda' quarrel at that timing also D: So sorry.

也许遇见你是个错 错在我们身处不同的时空
两颗心交会的时後 一分钟就足够

我会选择离开 微笑告别伤害

想飞到千里外 期待一切重来
但谢谢你 让我体会了真爱
我永远记得你 心中的遗憾

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I guess it's just my wishful thinking + silly dreams only D:

I'm starting to restrict myself from going out so often during weekends already. Although keep cooping @ home is a bore but gotta' make it a habit already for since school has started already. Have to become a good student now xD Last night sister and maid went dragonfly again. Fk, every saturday night also go one. So unfair. How I wish I can tag along xP But at least get to talk on phone with Eileen cousin :D Everybody's going on separate ways already. There'll be school tomorrow again ]: Really dread going to school now. Initially, was dreading for holidays but once used to it already; school starts again. So hard to change into holiday mood end up like awhile only then have to adjust back to school days again. Like this, I'd rather either no school or no holidays even better xDD

Fk, when I'm talking nicely don't take it for granted. I don't care who you are at all, be it blood-related or not; I ain't bothered at all. Let me tell you, I'm already being very nice for tolerating so many things, so much of your nonsense already. Don't think you're the only one who have your own problems then can flare up on others okay. If you have more, I confirm double of yours one. & it's not like you don't know also. So don't come showing your attitude around when you didn't help out in anything. It's not like you've help out in anything or what okays. In fact; it just seems like you didn't even care a thing at all. Fk it all! Stop irritating me once and for all or I'll really go super down, down, down. I'm not only refering to one person in fact, but ... Aiyah, I also don't know how to say. Forget it! Just confirm not refering to one person nor alot people also. I don't need to say much also; you should know who you are unless you're that thick-skinned.

Because I've heard that for almost a year already even until now; so I believe there'd be at least a glimpse of hope. Somehow I've got the feeling it was you initially already. & as I've thought; I can quite confirm that I'm correct. Cannot be so coincidence also one mahrs, but maybe it is lohrs. So can't 100% confirm also. I know it's you but I don't think you know it's you I'm refering to. Maybe if you know what ' 16 months cannot talk ' means you're the one already, Seriously, it's only we know only [: So confirm no other people already. But it's your choice of admitting or not only. Or maybe I'm really wrong ):

Friday, January 04, 2008

School started since Wednesday; seriously not used to the time of waking up these days. All Sec 3s classroom now at temporary structure there with staff room somemore. Super isolated from the whole school like that. Lmaos. New classroom super cold also, window also so foggy one. Hahas. Didn't do much work except admin stuff on the first day. Then second day started lessons already. Seriously saying, really cannot get use to the new people around. Everyone's like super silent, super quiet one not like 2e5 in the past. Really very different lehs. Only if don't need change class then better already. Can still be together with Eunice, Choon Hui, Sheila, Nabilah, Nadhirah they all lohrs. Now only can wait recess time or after school hours lohrs ]: I guess I'll really go crazy some day in 3e4 xDDD

Bidding goodbyes are really the hardest ];

Junk + rubbish only. I don't think I have the ability for anything anymore. Talked to Evelyn and Wan Xin sisters for today. I hope nothing will change again :D

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

So sorry to those that I'm supposed to meet them today. I confirm within January sure meet your at least once! :D

Went to West Mall to meet Eileen cousin and Dad fetch us to Pioneer Mall from there on Sunday. Studied @ the Macdonalds there till 4plus going 5 and went up her house. Her parents fetch us to Grandparents' house after that. Stayed there plying psp till 9plus until all went home then Dad came to fetch me home. Intended to go IMM but carpark full already, so went LotOne instead. Just walking around at there awhile then went home already.

Yesterday cabbed to work in the morning with sister. Super tired yesterday. After work, attended company dinner @ Copthrone King Hotel. Had buffet there and colleague fetched us to VivoCity. Met Eileen cousin at there and went up to hear the concert already. 11plus Eileen's family came also :D Atmospere super high at there one. After everything then Aunt fetched me to Uncle Jason's house. Reached there they tell me got alot wine and beer ask me help to drink finish all. Lmaos. But ended up didn't drink at all cos' still very full from company's dinner. After that went home with parents already.

I still remember the previous year, during the countdown moment; there was a last message from you to end the year. But in the subsequence year, there won't be anymore ]:

我爱的人 不是我的爱人
他心里每一寸 都属于另一个人
他真幸福 幸福得真残忍
让我又爱又恨 他的爱 怎么那么深