Sunday, March 30, 2008

So it's all my wishful thinking, even my perception of looking @ you was wrong also.

Woke up very early in the morning just to go to the graves. & when we were there; something saddening happened, we received a call somebody passed away ): Am still not sure who it is either. Sighs. Life's really so short. But everything still has to carry on with the loss of a life. Traffic jammed all the way till 12plus going 1 then am I able to go home. Probably have to attend the funeral later D; & 've decided to let matters off and also realise I could really take everything as nothing at all only when I recall, it'll be damn infuriating only.

Tags Replies

Jayme: Nevermind luhs. Forgive and forget. Hahas. Sure every night lame non-stop one lohrs! So many lame people in E4 one. Hais; we really no fate lehs!
Sebastian: B'cos I feel like deleting @ tht moment :D
GuiXian: Hahahahas! You boom me; I laugh @ you! Lols. Hahahahas xD
Amanda: Thank you! :D I miss you alot also! :DDDD
Chermaine: Hello! Yeahs!; really been a longlonglong time already lehs.
YuAi: Hahas; you always never online @ night. You every night online; we every night lame together okay? Hahas.
Olivia: Eys; don't playplay lehs. People th mother, father, brother, sister all very big one lehs. We sure cannot fight one lohrs. Hahas. Later people whole family come slaughter you lehs; you not scared mehs? Lols! I also don't know her how to ask her stop; oh yah my best friend hohrs tht one? Hahas. My BESTEST friend somemore lehs xD

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Everytime I get to think until the opposite only.

Supposed to be going out with Olivia today but something cropped up in between so went out with Eileen cousin instead. Went to Kallang Leisure Park to look around. Very new there and alot of shops still under renovation so not much things to shop for also. Went there and seems like we spent most on cabfare only >.< 5plus took train to Plaza Singapure to meet Austin cousin & girlfriend xD Since is their 1st month together; so bought cake for them as a present. Okay; they're damn sweet luhs. & they must and will last long one :D Around 7pm aparted with them and trained to Bugis. Intended to buy some things there but the moment we reach there, half person got bored already due to the heat there. Didn't quite enjoy in there luhs but still bought one shorts :D Like finally I bought something! Walked around a little longer and then trained to Boon Lay. Intended to go to Eileen's house awhile but Dad came to early so didn't already. Went around to some places with family and back home. So tired and I need alot of sleep but I've got to wake up very early tomorrow, I think but I hope not xDxD ( Will reply tags tomorrow if I have the time )

Happy first month to Apple & Austin! :D May them last long! :D

Friday, March 28, 2008

Not to care, not to bother but to forget and to ignore.

_|_ to the weather. Awhile the sun's scorching and next minute it rained heavily. School was abcdefg... Considered first time for the year we did english work in class, seriously. It's always going through of answers if not admin stuff already. Always the same old thing and this time finally different. Lols. Sad to say; Ms Tan failed because alot people didn't bring ten year series. Ended up everybody has to share. Laughs. Kept on talking and talking to Gui Xian and then asking JiaYi 'bro' to do. Hahas. Okay, we did some ourselves too, by copying from behind. Lols! That's the last lesson, I thought. But still have chinese, and I completely forgotten about it. Shit it all. Headed home straight after the remedial and waited for Olivia's call.

2plus went over to WestMall to meet Olivia and bought my stuff. Went kfc to eat and Annabelle came over to join us. Okay; she's really veryveryvery cute! :D @ there talking, fooling about till 4 or 5plus when their friends came over. Headed home after everything and it's pouring heavily. Initially was happy but when the sound effects came along, it suck alot! Just ended one very fun conversation with E4 people and it took us about 1hour or 2 to settle on a plan that we're having. Lols. I guess all of us gonna' have sessions together almost every night on MSN one. Laugh Out Loud! & oh; I guess everything's solved, everything's settled already :D Very tired now; and I think I'll still have to go out tomorrow D: Hahas. Kallang leisure park! :D:D:D:D:D

P.S. - 3E4`08 people please remember to bring $4 on Monday!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can't afford to drag to any longer, it's been dragging for such a long time already.

_|_ Fuckshit. One very nice mood got spoilt by the browser. Currently, I can't view anybody's blog at all; I don't know what's wrong, just keeps on having error that's it. & me so retarded telling the customer service people my url. Shit! I know it's stupid, but forget it; I've said already |: Fuck! After that I feel very happy already because of somethings that I did :D Went to WestMall to eat after school with Yan Shan, Yu Ai & Gui Xian. Ate & walked around having fun. Lols. Got so pissed off when I found out something; but I'll calm down now. I won't care because I want to forget not because it isn't important but more of I guess I'm too self-center and neither do I have the rights to stop also. & all these could only blame on myself. I've learnt alot now. Around 4 or 5plus we went home already (:

I've learnt alot from you, I've heard alot about you, I've known many things now. But it'll all not matter a thing to me anymore. Cos' I seriously cannot believe you've changed so much and even if you did, I still believe you'll change back (: & I don't blame anything nor anyone.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I don't have a great mood to entertain people (: Been very pissed off almost the whole or to be precise; it's 3 parts of the day; start of the day, recess and end of school hours. One whole day full of rubbish. Went to WestMall when school ended then home around 5.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You & your actions make me feel worst in fact.

Some things happened last night. Don't know if I should say is purely just fate or what. But anyway I guess everything's resolved by now, hopefully too (: Felt so sleepy this morning, probably because I slept so late last night and all thanks to two people who were on the phone with me almost the whole time! XD Laughs. We talked for pretty long in fact about this and that. Caused me to sleep so much during school today. But one good thing is there isn't any teacher that waked me up from my sleep, very peaceful. Won second in our level for the cheer yesterday and Ms Tan treated us pizza today. She's damn good okay! She spent around 250 bucks on our pizza. Had those pizza after our independent learning and finished up 12 boxes within 20 minutes; which meant each box is about 1 minute or less and each slice is around 5seconds. Cannot imagine at the pace we are eating lohrs. Lols! I guess among the girls only me and Samantha ate 3 slices xDxD Hahas. It's like the rest all ate 2 slices only and the guys ate even more of course! :DDD Headed to WestMall after that and Jolyn says she wants to come find us ended up I don't know where she went so we just went home already.

I saw but now I chose to keep to myself already. I don't see a point behind anymore.

Tags Replies

Sebastian: No lehs, I never say that lehs. Every class is equal one lohrs not say can or cannot compare here or there one :D My class also not that good one lohrs.
Jayme: Laughs. Surprisingly we didn't fail in uniformity xD And even more surprising we got second and worst was they wore! Hahas!
WanXin: Okay, I love you the most but I know you don't love me the most also D:
Rachael: Good, Look our advice are good right? xD Hahas.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Everything don't matter anymore.

Went to school very early in the morning and ended up nobody reached yet. Took a very long time then everybody's ready and prepare. Practiced our cheer till assembly time. & then spent 2 lessons doing our cheer. Our teachers are just so good to us! :D

Had inter-class cheer competition today, class-by-class. Every class participated and almost everybody took part. Entire hall's filled with enthusiasm. Lols! Damn nervous when it comes to our turn. When having photograph session, we were all playing downstairs. E2, E3, E4 and E5 were bombing each other until Ms Chua came over to scold us. Laughs. Everybody's like super high even after their own cheer. Hahas. Overall's okay cos' we got second place for our level :DDDD Initially thought we wouldn't win at all, end up we did. Hahas. Everybody's quite surprise uhs(?) xD Everything ended when me, Yan Shan, Rachael and Samantha place a bet on what time we'll be leaving school. Laughs, everybody's the winner luhs. Hahas.

Went to kfc for lunch with Yan Shan and saw alot of people there. Then went to buy a cake for Nadhirah's belated birthday and went to her house. Jolyn joined shortly. Had lots of fun with Nadhirah and siblings! :D Her Mom ordered kfc for us too! Omg, all of us damn full but still ate xD Left there around 5plus and walked back to interchange. Saw Jason when taking bus so ended up taking same bus and stopping at same stop. I think he lives near RJ's house. Okay, I saw alot alot of bastards today; spoilt my mood alot. Bomb those bastard's family! _|_ Come to think of that, makes my blood boil! Shitasses!

The three cheers, the three cheers, the three cheers for E4!
Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm sorry for taking you too lightly and for granted. Even till now I'm still regretting.

Just reached home only. From morning all the way till now, damn tiring. Went Bedok to see the doctor early in the morning and then to some place at Hougang then Bukit Merah, and then to Singapore General Hospital to visit two patients. Went West Coast awhile after visiting and Dad fetched me home. Super tired and there's still school tomorrow ]:

Perhaps it's all too late by now. Maybe it's just the price I've to pay for, for taking everything so lightly. Everytime is when it's lost then we learnt to treasure but sometimes it maybe too late.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Only when you've walked away, then I've realised your importance.

Supposed to be going to cousin's house today but ended up didn't due to some reasons. Went out with Olivia instead and her Mom called me. Lols. Went Gombak and slacked there awhile then went over to her place. Saw somebody's sister when we were at Gombak's Macdonalds. Laugh Out Loud! Baked cheesecake, blackcurrent mousse and peach jelly there. Stayed till 9plus going 10 then Dad came over to pick me and went cousin's house to get my shorts and then went home. I'm so damn tired one whole day and I still have to visit the doctor tomorrow ):

Only if you make it clearer who you really are implying everything to so as to avoid any misunderstandings unless that's your main motive behind. Cos' it's really hard to guess and understand everything. Sometimes it's not easy to find out also.

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's always too late when you've realise everything. But never lose a chance.

Early morning went over to Rachael's place with Yan Shan, Kai Sheng, Kiat Hwee, Sze Hong, Jun Jie, Pui Ngai, Nicholas, Bang Jie, Wen Xi, Xin Rui and some other people that I cannot remember already xD It's the most embarrassing time of my life when waiting the bus, shan't elaborate. Super embarrassing one. Laughs. Went to the squash court at Rachael's condo for our cheer practice. Practiced all the way till 3 and share cab with Jolyn, Yan Shan, Yu Ai and Jamie. Took train to Clementi to meet cousins, saw BangJie there also and went kbox till 8plus then went home already. Very tired these few days, I don't know what's wrong. Perhaps it's because of the sit-ups we did on Monday that made me so frustrating, so tired and someone that has got no appetite the whole time ): I've been skipping alot of meals by now already; all that's to the amount of sit-ups we have done! >.<

nglish 60 and 26
Chinese 74 and 100
Additional Mathematics 65.7 and 80
Mathematics 80 and 66.7 and 55
Chemistry 67.5 and 57
Physics 58 and 37.9
Social Studies 70 and 72
Geography 40 and 53.3

English; Band 3 for both
Chinese; Band 1 for both
Additional Mathematics; Band 2 and 1
Mathematics; Band 2 for all
Chemistry; Band 2 and 4
Physics; Band 3 for both
Social Studies; Band 2 and 1
Geography; Band 2 and 3

Tags Replies

Sebastian: Lols. You don't know mehs, I always like that one. Haiyo. Hahas!
WanXin: Sorry cannot love you the most xDxD Because I'm fair one! You also don't love me the most lohrs! D;
Olivia: Wait for you; everybody also die already lehs xD
YuAi: Oh My God! YuAi! I'm so SCARED! xDxD
Jayme: You shall wear that on Monday for us to see, okay? xDxD
Chew: ? Lynette?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

If that's what they call fate, I'll leave it as it is.
But if it isn't, I know I'll be so disappointed because it'll be gone someday.

Headed to school very early today cos' recently keep reaching school at 7plus already. So I rushed myself the whole morning. End up ... I don't know what to say. Late also (insert word), early also (insert word). This is why I don't know what it all is. One whole day with very good mood; only until Chemistry it spoilt all. Fuck that teacher! Long story behind. But Geography made everything so much better. I only know I kept laughing non-stop the whole time due to the people around. Laugh Out Loud!

Went to WestMall with Yu Ai and Yan Shan after school for lunch and headed home to change shoe with Yan Shan. & slowly went to school because of the cheer practice we're having and it starts very late. Took a very long time to get everybody anticipated. But the results are definitely GREAT! :D Went home straight after that. Super tired.

I could only pray hard it really is fate; I'll ask them tomorrow :D
Going out to Rachael's place tomorrow for cheer practice and then probably out to town with cousins (:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

There's such a big change that I don't what has the world become.

I got so tired yesterday after the lifeskills training we had after school ended. I couldn't remember what happened the entire day already. I only knew we played some games during the programme and talk alot of rubbish with the coach. Hahas.

& today we had cheer practice early in the morning and everybody's so listless. When school ended, took bus to Olivia's house and then cabbed to Jurong Point to watch Step Up 2. The movie's damn nice! :DD Went Botak Jones to eat for dinner just now also and now I'm damn full.

I thought I could place trust on you eversince that day. I thought you realise everything and changed. I really thought you've changed back begin to throw those awful thoughts away already. But ended up, I got seriously disappointed. Once again; I mistrusted you. But still I know I could trust you some time again. And the chance will always be here. I've never lose hope because I know there's definitely a way out. There'll be a time where I believe I can trust you again (:

Monday, March 17, 2008

I realised I never knew what you're thinking always.

School started again D; Something that I both dread and wish for. Laughs. Woked up like damn early in the morning and ended up taking my own sweet time preparing that cause me to be later than my usual time. On the way to school, nearly bang into someone cos' I was walking damn fast and that made me paused for so long and walked much much slower instead. I think the people behind me also almost bang until me when I suddenly stopped to see who I'm almost banging onto. The scenerio's like damn funnny at the back. Lols. Reached school, don't see Jolyn and Yan Shan in class. So went down to look for Eunice and saw Olivia just nice. But Eunice haven't reached then I don't know why Yan Shan and Jolyn just walked off when I saw them at third floor. Nevermind. All the super boring lessons are today. Even pe wasn't fun at all! So saddening. Hahas. Had new seating arrangement now ): Why my class always have this kind of seating arrangement one? Wtf. Nevermind. I shall make new friends with my new neighbours now. Laugh Out Loud. Had Chinese Oral after school immediately. Very nervous initiall but after that damn relax and is of cos' one luhs! Hahas. Oral's not that tough and not that easy x] Then had cheer practice after everything. Practice and practice all the way till 6.30pm and dismissed :DDD Walked over to station with Yan Shan, Gui Xian, Bryan, Vickie and Shirley. They're damndamndamn funny people lehs! So comical. Saw Lina on the way also and so stupid she kept seeing at the display. Went over to interchange cos' I forgot can take same bus with Shirley after topping up my card. Saw Yan Leng, Alyah and somebody else that I forget on the way also :D Hahas! & took same bus home with Shirley.

Saw no sign of my family's car on the way back home so thought I'm the first to reach home. Ended up my maid telling me that everybody came back and went out again for social entertainment. I guess even my sister and brother also busy with their work already ): Sighs. Wanted to ask Mom and Dad something but I guess no chance already; can only wait till tomorrow or some other day or on the phone only(?) So shit okay. Forget it. Hahas. I've sort everything out also already. It's not a big deal either! xD

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I don't find myself anywhere near now.

I've cooped myself in this house and out from the world for don't know how many days by now. Feel so shut down now D; My phone has been so silent for the past few days; reason being, I've turn to silent mode. So pardon me if I take a few hours to reply a message or return a call. I don't know what got into me; just feel so much like shutting myself off from everything. I don't know what's happening right; everything's just is a mess, is a whirl. I kept feeling so irritated as though the world owes me living. Damn fuck. Or maybe I'm really too stressed out by the problems happening recently. Perhaps; I am ): & I'll find a way through myself :D

Nobody's home right now. All's gone out to other places. Got into a small quarrel with Dad over the phone last night and that ended up me without dinner. & today I hadn't got any mood; so I forced myself to sleep ignoring everybody that wake up and ended up now I'm alone at home. Probably is me who has been changing all these while.

I realised I did alot of changes within this whole week. I've refrained myself from going out that often already. I've start working hard and waste less time now. I've changed my blog song and call tone! Laughs. Alot of changes this whole week. Perhaps it's cos' I've learnt some important lessons now (: It's a price I have to pay for.

Tags Replies

Eunice: If like that then next time; I forever don't wanna' tag you already luhs. Lols. Tml discuss where to go lohrs.
Sebastian: Yah luhs yah luhs. Nobody wanna' know want luhs. Lols!
Olivia: I wait for your call end up midnight already lehs. Ask me go WestMall also never call me sia! Hahas.
Amanda: You're prettier! :D I miss you alot lehs, ask yr Dad let you back please!! xD
Tsiwey: Why sweeet? Not at all luhs xD
Wanxin: Yah of cos' I love you. Since when I don't? xD

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Perhaps none of us were wrong; it's just we were not meant to be.

I've really got nothing better to do right now. I got alot of things to mention, but I don't know where to start from. I guess I've managed to complete half of all the assignments already (: & I guess I've kind of dislocated both my hands during this holiday and it's hurting alot now. In fact; not exactly that much xD Just as long as I don't strain both my hands then it's okay :D But the joint at my elbow's damn obvious cos' of the bone. Just damn gross.

I'm really running out of things to say; b'cos rotting at home only shows how bored am I. Laugh Out Loud! I'll let some pictures do the talking :D There's still some which are yet to be editted or that I'm too lazy to upload more.

I have alot of things to say but time didn't allow me. Everytime I went to think back; I found alot of memories. Alot of memories that made me don't wanna' forget the times that we've all spent together. Or perhaps none of us was wrong all these while; it's just we were not meant to be D: Alot of scenes went through; we went through alot together. But this time? I guess it's too hard for all of us. Even I don't even know if I could go through these myself. Everytime you give that look, I really cannot bear to let go all the times we've been together. Everytime I was told; to say the truth, but I really don't want to. Cos' I don't wanna' guess the ending. Or maybe I was to afraid to see the ending now. Cos' I've learnt that; sometimes things just happened suddenly and cannot be predicted by us. Everything's destined. I thank you for everything that you've given seriously. I trust time would solve everything between us (:

Friday, March 14, 2008

My fear for that history would repeat itself once more.

Guess I'll be stuck @ home for a few more days in order to complete all my assignments ): Without food, without water and with just air together with me now. I've really got nothing better to do right now. I'm rotting and I'm working and I'm playing. Laughs. I'll take my time now to reply all my tags and then back to doing assignments :D & will update later if I get really bored again. && if I have additional time, I could edit photos and then upload. &&& the photos will do all the talking :DDDDDDDDD Laugh Out Loud!

Tags Replies

Sebastian: Yah somemore, my foot uhs! Lols. Monday give you the personal shot. Hahas. Shhshh =X
Karyan: Of cos I don't miss you luhs! Just kidding luhs! Of cos' miss you luhs! Truckloads, shitloads lehs!
Eunice: Look! End up is super duper fun right? :D Okay; we'll go to the movies and k-box some other time again (:
Olivia: Later call you kay.
Renee: Takecare (:
Wanxin: I Love WanXin also luhs! :DDDDD
Evelyn: Laughs. You help me think better one? xD
Guixian: If spoil, God punish you automatically one xDxDxD
Tsiwey: Helllllllooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

Thursday, March 13, 2008

There isn't a need to have a reason behind.

I got damn irritated the entire day yesterday. I don't know. I get angry at every little thing that happen. Went to rebond and trim my fringe yesterday. It ended up like @#$%^&*! Forget it. It can't be undone either. After my rebonding, I travelled all the way to Causeway Point just to sit Dad's car and fetch my sister home when I'm already at Batok doing my rebonding. Got damn fret up the whole time.

& today went out with Eileen and Justin cousin to study. Ended up we did more talking than working. Laugh Out Loud! Been so long since we've all talk already. Cos' I'm the one who always didn't turn up at West Coast gathering every Sunday xD Will be having dinner outside with family to celebrate brother's birthday today (:

I never like people to assume everything. I don't like the way people think they're always right especially the grown-ups.
& I'm damn scared if all that glances meant so much. I'll be really damn scared if that's gonna' come true.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Forgetting is harder than remembering. There's won't be any chance D:

Updating like so early in the morning right now cos' I'm feeling damn devastated, irritated, angry, sad, whatever emotions that could be thought of. It's just all that can already. Life's just so unfair alright. I don't why either ]: I had so many dreams just now; sweet, bitter, sour. Lols! Am going out later for rebonding, I think. Only if I prepare on time and don't miss my appointment xD Headed to Bugis alone yesterday pathetically. Laugh Out Loud! My maid and sister were there already, so I had to travel there myself. Hahas. Nevermind; at least there's people to accompany me and also my psp xDxD Spent alot yesterday on alot of useless stuff. Ate and bought some stationaries only already cause us $200! Wth. Until now I cannot imagine how we shopped. Around 10plus Dad came to fetch us home :DDD I'm so lazy to get prepare to go out right now ):

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's better to have loved and lost than to never be loved at all.

Had remedials these two days. Yesterday was Maths and Social Studies and today was English. It's a total shit having the need to return to school during the holidays. But one thing good is; I don't have to rot at home :D Social Studies remedial was rather interesting cos' Mr Nazar has alot of comments. Lols! And before Social Studies remedial, Yuai, Jolyn & I went to help Ms Parvathi shift some of her things to the new staff room and also hearing her whine alot about her job. Lmaos. After remedial yesterday, met Olivia at West Mall awhile cos' she wants to buy some things. Then I had to rush home and prepare. Prepared till 1plus then asked Eunice and Jolyn to meet at station there. And trained over to Jurong Enter. Went kbox and around 3plus going 4 Yan Shan came. And she wasted her money coming in cos' she didn't sing at all ._. Sang till highhigh with Eunice :DDD After our singing session together, we went to take neoprints. Laugh Out Loud! Took finish with one machine then sent Yan Shan down cos' she wants to go home. & we went back taking, using another machine. Took train home after everything. So long since I've enjoyed :D

& today after remedial; we went kfc for lunch. Sat there talking and talking for damndamndamn long. After that went walking around and sent Yan Shan and Yu Ai to mrt station and bus interchange. & met Olivia at West Mall while Jolyn went elsewhere. Walked around again and took bus back home. And everytime she'll say about the same person at the same place one. This one is confirm one! xD Accompany her wait bus and home sweet home :DDDD Going out later to meet sister and maid at Bugis to shopshop (:

Sunday, March 09, 2008

It hadn't been easy all these while. It really isn't easy.

Cannot imagine myself rotting at home yesterday already. But luckily, my dinner saved me. Lols. For the sake of having dinner, my sister and I went over to West Mall to meet Mummy for dinner at Sakae. Ordered alot of food when we just finish the pizza we ordered home. Lmaos! But ended up we still manage to finish most xD Walked around at West Mall to buy things. Bought alot of guidebooks and ten year series for myself. Omg! I can die with that amount. Coincidently saw Sebastian and co. there too. Laughs! Played arcade with my sister and mommy awhile before going home. Bought alot alot of junks at West Mall. Lols. Keep seeing alot people this week, and I don't know why I didn't even notice until they tell me. Lols! Sean said he saw me at Jurong Point the other day and I don't quite have any impression. Worst was Jun Wei saw me like yesterday, I think; and I didn't even notice at all. Not a single impression! Omg. I think I have spilt personality or else I wouldn't be able for not noticing the people around one mahs D;

Already cannot stand myself rotting one whole day at home yesterday already and today I'm still rotting non-stop. Lols. Went out early in the morning to many places for eating breakfast only and ended up only until 12 then we reached home. Somemore still need to ask my uncle to fetch me and my sister home cos' my parents still wanna' continue going some other places. I wanna' die already! D; Have to continue rotting till tomorrow ._.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kept waiting and waiting; but never once knew what was going on.

Am going to rot at home for the whole of today. Omg! Just one Saturday is enough to kill me already. Watched ' Playboy Cops ' just now on the Internet to kill time away. It's damn cool and super saddening, I tell you. It's a very nice movie but it's pretty gross when it comes to killing D: I don't know what I can do for one whole day at home now. I'm to lazy to do anything yet I'm to energetic to sleep ]: What on Earth is going on? Or is it the Earth's rotating at the wrong direction now? Lols.

All those stories/rumours kept moving and changing.
I chose not to believe but I have to believe what my eyes sees.
It's not that there's anything influencing my mind.
But there's just too many witnesses for this, and I don't know why so.
It's my eyes that sees and so I had to believe.
Maybe I still don't understand you that much.
& Only when you want people to change, is only when you've changed yourself.
So everything changes together when you've changed.
This is the speed that we're moving in.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Every step taken is harder than it seems like. It gets tougher and deeper.

It all got so mixed up right at this moment now. I cannot imagine life going on this way anymore. Stories everyday? I don't know. I've been hearing alot of stories from Eunice everyday. Lols. Everyday different thing, different characters. Hahas. Last day of school and there's so many tests and holiday assignments. I don't understand what are holidays to us now. Went home straight after our remedial to prepare. & met Eunice at 4. Went over to Jurong Point again. Watched ' The waterhorse ' there, quite a nice movie. Although it's pretty boring at the start, but it gets more interesting after that. & Coincidently, Gui Xian and friends went there for movies too. But didn't spot till them. Lols! Went to Jurong Enter after the movie for a few rounds of arcade there. And went back to meet my sister for lunch while Eunice went with some other people xD

Thursday, March 06, 2008

If you are not long, I will wait here for you forever.

Did not have the energy to update yesterday cos' it was raining which made me feel so sleepy the whole day. Went to WestMall for ice-cream and then back home already. Reached home, I came out again. Went down to the bus-stop and got super wet in the rain. Accompanied Olivia there till 6plus and went home already. By that time, I'm really very sleepy and tired already :D

& today, everything went so wrong. Woke up late, had to rush and rush like an idoit, had oral presentation and quite abit of disputes D; Cabbed to Jurong Point when Maths remedial ended. Watched ' The Leap Years ' there. Quite a nice show :D After the movie ended, walked around there looking for my mango pudding with Yan Shan. Omg! I'm craving for mango pudding so much these days! xD Headed home after failing to find my pudding D;

You're changed so much, my dear friend.
I no longer know who you are now, you're just not the same anymore ):
& It's a sad thing to say, this will not be a good start.
Also none of us wanted this to occur; Or is it that you who wanted history to repeat.
Maybe or probably, I don't know ):

& It's 12 more days to one of my dear friend's birthday.
I don't know when she'll be back. But I do miss her D;

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Have given in all that I could and will never have any regrets.

Few more days to holidays already :DDDDD Had life-skills programme this afternoon, and is super boring about the DISC profiling. Took 2 hours of our time just for that boring programme and doing nothing the whole time. After that went to WestMall awhile and then back home already :D

Monday, March 03, 2008

Given in too much and nothing to take back D;

It's so boring being in school now. I want holidays badly now! :D Saturdays and Sundays are too short to get high and be happy D; Pe in the morning today. Standing broad jump and captain's ball for today. Super fun during captain's ball cos' everybody super high in playing. & seeing people doing standing broad jump is like @#$%^&*%! How on earth can these people jump so far one?!! 2m plus lehs. Omg! I guess only pe was the most fun of the day already. The rest of the lesson's like @#$%^&*#! School ended still have to stay back to wait for Yan Shan cos' she haven't finish up her maths, unlike me xDxD Went to koufu to eat after that. Then saw Eunice and co. Walked down together and then home [:

From Gui Xian & Eunice & Sebastian (:

1. name - Emilyn

2. birthday - 27 January
3. height - don't wanna' mention; it's just short
4. school - Bukit View SS
5. best friend(s) - Alot(?) xD

1. high-fashion brand - There's too many!
2. food - Anything at the right time when I crave for.
3. colour - Any.
4. song - Alot
5. music - Alot.
6. number - 27
7. word - ?.?
8. memory - Dont know D;
9. snack - Whatever that I crave for!
10. person - everybody :D

1. are you happy with yourself? Not quite.
2. do you wish you could change something about yourself? Yah.
3. what's your nicest feature? Don't know.
4. do you wish to have a twin? Quite.
5. what's your biggest fear? Pests. Anything's that's disgusting.
6. what's your greatest achievment? Don't know.
7. do you want to be famous? Don't know.
8. do you think you are better than your friends? No comments.
9. do you think you are trendy? Don't know.
10. what's your style? No comments.

1. who & when was your first kiss? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
2. do you have a crush? Don't know.
3. if yes, what's the last letter of your crush's name? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
4. if no, who was your last crush? abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz
5. how many ex-es have you had? 1234567890
6. if you could erase one of your past relationships, which would it be? Don't know.
7. what's your sexual status? No comments.
8. do you believe in sex before or after marriage? Depends.
9. do you always get the people you want? Don't know.
10. have you been turned down? No.

1. ashley or mary-kate? None.
2. straight or curly? Both.
3. heels or flats? Both .
4. black or white? Both.
5. jimmy choos or manolo blahniks? No comments.
6. louis vuitton or chanel? Both.
7. half empty or half full? No comments.
8. paris or milan? Both.
9. skirts or pants? Both.
10. long or short hair? Both.

Anybody ( X5 )

Lmaos. Why everybody's crush also end with 'N'?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

All will change for the better(?) Or maybe not.

One whole day @ home again. I guess I've completed all my work already, if I'm not wrong xD Getting so bored with the life now already D; Maybe it's cos' everybody's a changed thing now ]; Ordered kfc home again and it's almost every Sunday we are ordering kfc now :O RotRottRottt!

Honestly saying, I just don't like the way everything is now! B'cos there's no head, there's no tail; there's no starting, there's no ending. Everything around guessing and guessing D;

Saturday, March 01, 2008

B'cos I just want end and stop this game. Don't wanna' continue playing anymore.

Went out to Cck first then to CauseWay Point. Watched CJ7 and ate at Pizza Hut. The movie's like out so long and now then we went to watch. Lmaos! After the movie went elsewhere and then back home already. I can't remember what happened in between also. Severe memory loss currently and at the moment I want to forget many things also :D & I finally found my phone this afternoon before heading out! Like finally! xD Have also uploaded the photos during the day out to Cineleisure with cousins on don't know which day. Just some day that we played so high and ate alot of sweets and also going around disturbing people, I think. Lols!

Hope everything goes well for Olivia on Monday cos' she has to return to hospital D;